Starting over... Again.

Hey! My name is Jessi and I'm from Georgia. I'm currently starting over on my fitness journey for about the third time. My current goal is "technically" 145 pounds, which is only three pounds lower than my lowest weight. I'm currently 190 and 5'4". The reason I say technically is because I'm not going to pay too close attention to the number on the scale. My accurate goal is to be lean. When I was 147 pounds, I didn't achieve that the healthy way. I was bulimic, and not healthy at all. When I gained about 30 pounds of my weight back, I started going to the gym and taking some tips from my dad with me. He used to be a bodybuilder, and is still pretty big. I started to get toned- and very happy. But, I was also working the graveyard shift at ihop in my town. Having to stay awake for three days straight isn't good for my gym motivation. So I fell off the wagon. And then I gained 20 pounds of my weight back. And I'm currently at my highest weight. So here I am, for the third time, and much more motivation than I ever had to reach my goals. I'm excited to make new friends along this journey and I'm excited to learn new things and actually stick to a routine.


  • verodzrosas
    verodzrosas Posts: 84 Member
    I'm starting over again and again for like the fifth time, but I wont let that stop me because I will keep makin the effort. This time I have a new plan and I want to travel to italy with my husband in feb 2017, he is running a marathon and my plan is to at least run a 5 o 10k. I just bought some new gear to start running ( a garmin vivosmartHR) i hope that helps me keep track and I'm very excited because Ive been using my paddle board for the past week and I feel great. I have a pretty bad commute three times a week and that doesnt help because I get very tired because of all the driving. My plan is to take it day by day and not fuss. And at least do 30 min workout everyday and make it fun. Also I had been vegetarian for the past 4yrs and Idk why or how it really happened but Im back to eating meat amd I have seen the changes, one being that Im gaining weight super quick, so I need to start cuttong back on that too!! Anyway, good luck on your journey. Lets do this!
  • mygeminilight
    mygeminilight Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello. My name is Alysha and I'm 26 years old. I am starting over again. At my biggest I was 205 pounds, and my goal was 140 pounds. I used MyFitnessPal for weight loss, and I was down to 150 pounds (that's my weight in my profile pic). I was exercising almost every day for 45-60 minutes and eating under my calorie limit (1200). I even switched from regular eggs and milk to egg beaters and soy milk to avoid the fat and cholesterol (mine was bad). I achieved 150 pounds around my birthday two years ago (June 2014) and was happy with where I was, even though I didn't hit my goal. I fell off the wagon on my 24th birthday (hard), and I never got back up. Whenever I found some motivation to start again, I would be too exhausted to exercise from school or work. I figured, "I'll be fine if I skip a few days of exercise." But, once you stop, it's really difficult to start again. Now it's 2 years and some months later, and I'm almost back to where I started. I currently weigh 200 pounds (my height is 5'4"), and I am so depressed. I worked so hard the first time, and I was hoping for some motivation from the community. I want to lose the weight and be healthy, but then I think, "Why? What's the point? Just enjoy life." I have an issue with willpower, and a serious sweet-tooth (like I'd skip breakfast, so I could eat some chocolate at lunch). I know that I would be happier and healthier if I lost weight, but I need some help. Luckily, I've graduated college and only work a part-time job, so now would be the best time to start over. Plus, I work at a YMCA now and I get a free membership to boot, so the motivation should come easily, right? Any advice?
  • jennifermherrera06
    jennifermherrera06 Posts: 16 Member
    I am in the same boat as the rest..Just glad we are all able to find that reason to restart.
  • Ladybugkerry69
    Ladybugkerry69 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Kerry and I'm from TN. I am 47 and I am feeling really miserable weight wise and energy level. I am 80 lbs overweight. I am restarting for the umpteenth time but this time I want it to work. Hopefully I can get some encouragement. One thing that helps is seeing I am not the ONLY one that is restarting. Good luck everyone
  • aliciapastorlecha
    aliciapastorlecha Posts: 169 Member
    Hello, my name is Alicia and I don't consider losing weight a diet, I think of it as a lifestyle.
    I got used to log my meals in my fitness pal and have been doing it for a couple of years now. I still need to shed 10 pounds but I am not in a hurry. The key to success is to find a way to eat at a calorie deficit that you an sustain, without depriving yourself from foods you really like. There are no bad foods, we just need to eat them in moderation and making sure they fit in our calories and macros.
    If you have any questions, send me a friend request and I will be very happy to help you out.
  • 2ndchancetoshine
    2ndchancetoshine Posts: 16 Member
    I'm starting over once again as well. for the 5 time or so. At my heaviest I was 382 Now I gaining weight back and I don't like it. I need to get myself on track and lose the weight In order to be healthy please feel free to add me as friend I could use all the help I can get.
  • Pow377
    Pow377 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey I'm starting over again too. Last year I was 189lb, got down to 145lb. Stresses of buying a property caused me to up my alcohol intake which inturn messed up my eating. Back up to 178 now so time to get this done again! Good luck on your journey :-)
  • pilatesispowerful
    pilatesispowerful Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! You sound a lot like me! Im 25 from TX and recovering from bulimia too... and similarly gained 20lb in the process and am at my highest weight. I went back to school for engineering, relapsed with binging/ purging due to stress, stopped purging, and gained a TON of weight because i continue to binge. I used to teach pilates and be really fit now I'm just horribly unhealthy haha. And boy oh boy can I relate to sleep deprivation sabatoging weight loss!!!! Sugar is the only thing on my mind at times like those... And working at ihop... geeze that must have been impossible... anyways message me or add mee if youd like to support eachother!! We've got this <3
  • hrae1982
    hrae1982 Posts: 2 Member
    This is also my 2nd go around on MFP. I am barely 5'0 and at my heaviest I've ever been (last week I was 138 and I'm currently 134.5 as of this morning). I am also recovering from bulimia (I've been between 95 and 110 lbs most of my adult life) which I started when I was 17 until I was 26 and then off and on the last 7 years. I haven't done that in about 6 months which is why I know I've put and kept the weight on.

    I'm going for the healthy route since I just adopted my son 2 months ago (after almost 6 years of guardianship... he's biologically my nephew, but you'd never know). I refuse to do any more damage to my body because I need to be around for him for a LONG time. I just re-joined the gym Monday and I've been killing it. I tone up VERY quickly, so I'm ready for all of my clothes in my closet to fit again :) Good luck to everyone!!!! <3
  • charis2979
    charis2979 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm starting over again as well. I did ww about 12 years ago and dropped 40lbs, I was still 17lbs from goal when I fell off the wagon. I tried MFP a few years ago, but never really stuck to it. I'm older (and fatter) and am determined to make it and keep it this time. I've finally found an exercise I enjoy (Les Mills Body Pump) and am watching my portions here on MFP. Next step is to start improving my diet and eating better things. Feel free to add me as a friend to anyone here!
  • jewels120958
    jewels120958 Posts: 6 Member
    edited August 2016
    I too am starting over again, and who knows what # start over this is.....but this time it's a MUST!!! Multiple health issues, including some heart related issues that sent me to the ER, are telling me, "THIS IS IT, KIDDO, if you want to be around to see your son get married and your grandchildren, then you need to take this seriously!!!!" So here I am. I have gone from 230 down to 219 in about 2 months. So at least I've got a start. But I do think that keeping track of things will help me immensely. As far as exercise is concerned, and not to sound like I'm making excuses, but, between the heat and humidity, the heart related issues and a diagnosis of Ankylosing Sponylosis, which has left me with constant, chronic, severe pain, (mostly in my spine, but it also radiates to other parts of my body......arms, legs, etc.) have made it extremely difficult to do much of any type of exercising, even walking, which is my favorite exercise. So, it would seem that eating healthy is going to be my best bet at losing weight and regaining my health!!! Glad to be part of this community again. Looking forward to the support.....and being a support if I can. :)