Graduate School vs. Fitness

Is anyone else out there having an incredibly difficult time balancing Graduate school work and health?
I feel so tired and stressed most of the time that I don't have time to cook, and I really don't want to 'waste' time by exercising.

I know that this is probably the exact opposite of helpful. I mean, late nights, no exercise and fast food will just leave me feeling even more run down and horrible. But I can't seem to stop myself from returning to that lifestyle. I suppose it's a comfort thing.

Does anyone have any advice as to how I can fight through my stress and exhaustion? I want to stay healthy and survive grad school...


  • matchfit
    matchfit Posts: 1
    I'm right with ya!
    I put on 60lbs! Now, I'm on a mission this summer to get back on track! I've lost 36lbs!
    I would make it a priority to go walking and stretch. Small steps, and cut the sugar & wheat!
    Keep it Moving
  • forthespace
    I know exactly how you feel.. I am studying law at the moment, and now being away at university and having to cook and shop etc for myself is taking a toll on my ability to work out! And it is so easy to become lazy when you are cooking for yourself... Luckily I am on holiday at the moment (6 week break) so I have made an effort to lose what I gained.

    My advice is to wake up earlier (sounds tough, I know) and to get your workout done BEFORE class. That way, if you have tests or any unexpected work pops up, you won't have to sacrifice your workout later in the day. I find that getting it done early gets it out the way and enables me to study and focus for the rest of the day, guilt free.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I was working and going to school, on my night's that i didn't have class I would come home and exercise as soon as i walked in the door. Then eat and do hw
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Schedule your workouts. Put them down on a calendar, in a planner, google calendar, whatever. That way when you're swamped you won't forget and can also plan around your workouts.
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    Yep me too. I tell myself that it is only an hour. I can at least walk for an hour. It is a juggle...especially the cooking. I try to cook on Sunday, make salad, eat tuna, bake fish, steamed veggies. Basically something I can cook while I have my books open. I am up late so I haven't figured that one out...yet. I work full time so...I am very thankful for the weekend since I work M-F. Good luck to you

  • Charlotte012
    Charlotte012 Posts: 139 Member
    I don't know where you're at in your graduate studies but I've experienced almost the opposite. When writing my master thesis, my two only focus were writing and working out. I was then on a very strict schedule and doing barely nothing else. Working out helped me to change my mind from academic work and to gain extra energy to have my ideas more clear. It's important to not exercise too much tough because then, you're just exhausted. But you have to take breaks when doing academic work, so why not working out? Your brain will thank you.
    The food can be a challenge. I would bought a lot of processed - prepared food (not the best I know, but better than fast food) like Lean Cuisine, Kellogs' granola bars, but also fruits and vegetables than don't need preparation, like apples and baby carrots so I manage to stay in my calorie goal. And when your brain works hard, you tend to experience hunger even if you don't burn any calorie... so be careful of that and drink a lot of water.
    So that was my master thesis a year ago. In the fall, I am starting the Ph.D and I want to strart training for a triathlon. For me, both are linked because they are great achievements I pursue for myself. If I can do one, I can do both. I'm actually looking forward to be on that graduate work - working out schedule. I'm really excited about all this!
    I hope it helps. Add me if you need more support :)
  • glowingz
    glowingz Posts: 63 Member
    Yep, two years in grad school and one year to go. I put on 30+ pounds since I started, mostly because I convinced myself I never had time to cook or exercise. This summer I'm trying to make eating healthy and making my own meals a habit that I can do quickly when time is short. Planning my meals ahead helps me save time, and also cooking meals in advance to heat up later.

    Anyway, this coming year will be different. The gym at my school is free, so I have no excuses for spending a half hour there 3-4 times a week. My thought is that if I exercise during the week, I'll actually have more energy to meet my deadlines. Plus workout DVD's can be done quickly in the morning before classes. We'll see how it goes. :-)
  • godsowngoddess
    Thanks everyone, these are some good tips.

    I've started waking up (way too) early and running in the morning.
    Now I just have to work on making sure I eat healthy foods.