5 things you dislike this week!!!



  • RockinHorseRanch
    1. The UPS guy tossing my package over the fence and possibly damaging it, ( a printer) even after I left the security gate ajar for his convenience.
    2.Some stupid frog keeps pooping on the porch right next to the front door.
    3.Hate the verdict in the Casey trial.
    4.Need rain, some plants and tree's dying.
    5.The lettuce I bought for a salad is brown and slimy in the middle, not eatable.
  • Sk1nnyMoo
    Sk1nnyMoo Posts: 18
    1. Finding out the guy I thought I was dating is gay. He invited me over to meet his roommate...who is also his boyfriend. FML.
    2. My sister isn't pregnant yet and I want a neice!
    3. I still can't fit into my fav lil black dress.
    4. After 5 days of work I still have to go in this Sat and Sun as well as next Sat.
    5. I registered for a mudathlon ($83) and realized I don't have the day off work yet....call in sick?
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    1. When I fight with my boyfriend
    2. When I'm not the weight what I needed to weigh in my weigh in day
    3. Hot summer days that make you angry
    4. My shower and its water not going down the drain
    5. Me not weighing what I wanted to weigh (again, it's driving me insane. What can I do to get past this 195-193-195 crap???)

    Someone please tell me!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    1. Not cutting up the watermelon yet- it would be so tasty right now
    2. Hills and running up them- I like the down part :)
    3. When I leave the house for the pool its sunny, when I get to the pool its cloudy
    4. Its not Friday
    5. My clothes are too big but I am too cheap to buy new ones
  • ste73
    ste73 Posts: 90
    1) The voices in my head
    2)) My fridge freezer contents are still pre MFP, so it's loaded with no no's
    3) Not winning the euro millions on Tuesday night
    4) The British weather, yes it's raining yet again!
    5) im leaving this intentionally blank just in case someone really P***** me off
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    1. Lack of time to workout this week.
    2. My car won't start. I'm stranded.
    3. I don't have a good scale in the house I'm overnight petsitting in!
    4. Donuts that stare me in the face.
    5. Music on the radio. They overplay EVERYTHING.


    That is all.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    my soon-to-be-ex
    paying bills
    my soon-to-be-ex
    stupid people
    did I mention my soon-to-be-ex??
  • yankeefamily05
    1.) TOM is making an appearance!
    2.) Casey Anthony, if I see her one more time I may just put a hole in the tv trying to punch her in the face:)
    3.) Bills due: being stretched thin sucks!
    4.) My husband starts a new job monday: exciting but sucks at the same time, new routine-new pay period
    5.) It may rain on Saturday Morning; Prime yard saling time:)
  • submarinewife07
    #1 being alone for a while as a single mom/ military wife.....
    #2 my little baby girl cutting teeth...2 at the same time...as to no sleep at night.
    #3 the heat....105 today
    #4 Wicc and the naval health clinic..because they cant tell you the right information...
    #5 and having to clean my house after my husband tearing it apart to find things to put in his bag to leave...

    gotta add that in..lol.
    im in 2 sizes smaller...
    ive got an American idol tryout coming up in 2 weeks
    annddd....my birthday is this month!!!!!
    GLITTERY1 Posts: 9
    1, The women who always splashes me and comes into my lane when im swimming
    2, The rain on my day off! its supposed to be July - who can i write a complaint 2?
    3, Welsh people on The Jeremy Kyle Show - they make us look so stupid!
    4, Skinny people moaning they are fat!!! - seriously? ARGH!
    5, My job in general!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    1. Finding out the guy I thought I was dating is gay. He invited me over to meet his roommate...who is also his boyfriend. FML.
    2. My sister isn't pregnant yet and I want a neice!
    3. I still can't fit into my fav lil black dress.
    4. After 5 days of work I still have to go in this Sat and Sun as well as next Sat.
    5. I registered for a mudathlon ($83) and realized I don't have the day off work yet....call in sick?

    YOu never fooled around with said "guy"....I am confused
  • FitFrenchGirl
    1) customers were very needy this week
    2) lairs there are alot of them ive been meeting lately
    3) my hair :/ super bad hair week
    4) not being able to go out :/
    5) waiting and wasting my time for some dumb *kitten*

    :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Being an adult - really wtf? This is what it's all about?
    Owning a car - maintenance, fuel, insurance.
    Electric bills - I live in hell so running the A/C isn't optional when it is 103 out.
    My X - he's aware the we have three children and that they are costly little buggers so maybe help support them
    Not being a millionaire - seriously 1-4 wouldn't be half as bad lol.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    1) allergies
    2) wtf's up with my elbow?
    3) my 4th plans totally bombed
    4) ex boyfriend tried to contact me after I asked him to leave me alone
    5) I just really feel like kicking someone's *kitten*. No reason, I just do.

    To balance 5 bad with 5 good 'cause I wanna feel good when I walk outta here.

    1) my bedroom is so awesome and clean and pressed
    2) all of my laundry is finished
    3) I got Blackies and Bombays from my friend - I didn't miss mango season!!
    4) my garden is overflowing with basil seedlings
    5) I got to do a Boot Camp session for free and it rocked me in a good way