Who plans on...



  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I left MFP for three years, after losing 80+ lbs. During that time, I only gained back six of those. I mostly came back because I wanted to do one final hellcut from 195 to 150, before I started my current long lean bulk, and this site makes it very easy to make sure my macros are on point.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    Though i'm much much more lax with the accuracy of my logging now a year after reaching maintenance, I believe i'll log forever. I personally do it more so that I can feel my best rather than maintain my weight. I workout about 3 hours a day and when I hit my calories and macros I feel healthy, happy and energetic. When I don't track I often under eat just because it can sometimes be hard to realize if i'm eating enough to support my workouts since it's can be quite a large amount of food. Then I'll feel like total trash for eating too little. I also like to maintain a particular level of leanness (other than bulk/cut cycles) and find it easier to maintain this when i'm tracking macros/calories.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    My plan is to log and count calories meticulously for about 6 months and make sure my calories are on point and I know where I maintain. And continue to weigh myself daily. Then, I may not focus on calorie counting as much, but still track all the food I eat and be mindful of portions.

    If I gain a bit, hop right back into a deficit for a week or two to get it back in control. As long as MFP is freely available, I see no reason not to. I've learned a lot, but I could easily slip back into overeating or dining out too frequently without keeping myself in check. I've lost about 65 pounds over the past three years. . .I go slowly and take lots of maintenance breaks, so it's a habit at this point anyway. 50ish pounds to go, so I don't have to worry about it for a while :)
  • kschramm7
    kschramm7 Posts: 72 Member
    I've been on maintenance for 10 months now (after losing 80 lbs. last year) and I struggle almost every day. I don't trust myself to NOT track or weigh daily. Not sure I ever will.
  • minime0424
    minime0424 Posts: 101 Member
    Nothing wrong with that, you have to do what works for you so that you can maintain your progress!!
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    For me I think I'm in mfp lifer. The reason I say that is I've tried diets before and they never work. Mfp has educated me as for how to approach this and the community is my knowledge base.

    Logging has become part of my lifestyle. I never want to go back to where I was. I'm a totally different person now
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've been in maintenance going on 3.5 years and haven't logged in that time save for the first month or so. It's pretty easy when you actually make a true lifestyle adjustment. I'm all about good livin'...eating well for the most part and regular exercise...the rest takes care of itself. This was a nice little tool to learn from but that's all it was for me...the notion that I would log and keep a food diary for the next 40-50 years always seemed a bit ludicrous.

    I'm still here, but I don't log...I'm here mostly for entertainment value at this point.
  • MudRunChica
    MudRunChica Posts: 24 Member
    I thought I'd always log, but after obsessively logging for 4 years, I decided to fly solo. Maintained for over a year with no issues, and have run some bulk/recomp cycles. I'm on MFP right now because there's a biggest loser challenge at work and I'm super competitive. I don't really have much that I can lose (less than 10 lbs...I'm already a very muscular size 2!) but if I do want to lose anything, I need to log meticulously. Once the competition is over, however, I will resume not logging.
  • minime0424
    minime0424 Posts: 101 Member
    Congrats!! I hope you are able to win the competition!!
  • MudRunChica
    MudRunChica Posts: 24 Member
    minime0424 wrote: »
    Congrats!! I hope you are able to win the competition!!

    Thank you! 10 lbs would be 7% of my body weight. Not sure if that's enough to win, but I also have a beach vacation in November, so added incentive!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    I am only a month into maintenance and at this point I don't see myself stopping logging. I weigh daily and have no plans to stop that so at some point I might not log as meticulously as I do now and I may guesstimate portions instead of weighing them, but logging is such a part of my routine that I really don't see giving that up. I think of my calorie goal as a budget much like my bank account and I am one of those people who balances my bank account every day. I don't really see much difference in that and in balancing my food diary every day.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I will log forever. I gain weight when I don't weigh my food & log it. I love to lie to myself about food & food that tastes good naturally has a larger portion size than other foods in my mind :) . Food & I have a dysfunctional relationship & we need the structure of daily logging to maintain a healthy balance. I wish that I could eat intuitively, but instead I am the odd person you see weighing my portions out at restaurants.
  • minime0424
    minime0424 Posts: 101 Member
    Your thinking is soooo right on with mine lol unhealthy foods always naturally have to be in bigger portions in my head, it's just crazy how we can convince ourselves of a lie lol
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited August 2016
    I already know enough about portions to know that I can stop logging today. I do not desire to stop logging today. Rather, I want to log all the way to maintenance and for several weeks afterward to keep a tight awareness of my calorie deficit/surplus and its impact on my average weight.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Nope. I lost it, and want to keep it off.
    Logging keeps me aware and helps me stay focused on my biggest goal of all, keeping the weight off for the rest of my life. The way it has to be for me, and it is honestly no problem at all.
  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    I'm not planning to wean myself off MFP. In the past I stopped logging and gained weight back. This time I'm at goal (actually below) and continue using to log. First Tim I've maintained a goal weight for 5 months after reaching it. Logging keeps me honest.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I logged for the first 6 months or so, and have been able to keep it off apart from a handful of pounds. I found it MFP really helped me understand what my maintenance calories looked it on the plate, how to plan meals and make sure I got the nutrients I needed. As long as I maintain the same dietary habits, I'm fine. Every now and then, I'll log a few days to get back on track after a business trip or something, but I mostly don't bother logging anything except my weight, which I track every day.

    I did find it really useful logging when I had to tackle high cholesterol, so MFP logging is handy for non-weightloss reasons too.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I'm going to keep logging. I love food, and high calorie foods at that. This is my 4th round losing weight (1 in high school, 1 in college, 1 last year, and now). I'm the lowest I've been since my college graduation, and I don't want to keep playing this game and doing this gain/lose cycle with my body. I've got 3-4lbs before I meet the high end of my goal, and 8 before I hit the low end of my goal. I want off of the merry-go-round, and being consistent with logging is the only way I see it being possible.
  • hikernut53
    hikernut53 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm planning on continuing logging when I reach maintenance. I'm getting close now, and I'm actually a little bit scared about it. I am testing the waters, so to speak, by trying to slow down the rate of loss for the last 10 lbs. It's hard to give myself the extra calories. I'm so afraid of gaining it back. I NEED MFP!