Mums, when do you go to the gym?

I started off going to the gym when my partner got home from work, so around 5pm. He would walk in the door and id walk out, he'd cook tea, eat with the kids and id come home and they would be ready for bed. This got annoying as we never spent time as a family or eating together, so i tried around 7pm, still didnt work as i found i was wide awake for too long after my work out and therefore not getting enough sleep. So i now go at 5:30am, before my partner leaves for work at 7am. Its hard getting up, but it really works for our family.
I do one boxing class a week at night and that gets me out of the house for a nice change.

For all the fellow mummies on here, when do you go to the gym/work out?


  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Either right after work at 4:30 or I wait until my youngest is at swim practice at 6. Although my kids are older. 16 yr old can workout with me. But 11 yr old is too young - gym rules say 14.
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    I never go to the gym... I had a membership for almost a year and literally NEVER went. lol
    I now work out at home... no excuses! This saves me from having to get dressed, drive all the way to the gym, strap the kids in and out of their car seats & drop the kids off in childcare (if it's during the day), work out, get in dry clothes, pick up the kids and strap them in and out again, and driving all the way home...

    It's so much easier for me to just pop in a DVD during the day if they're busy playing or after they have gone to bed!! I love it!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I do workouts in my living room, I do them all different times during the day. I try to do it after breakfast.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    I chose a gym which has a free creche so I go every morning, stick my daughter in there and gym time is go-go! Usually go straight from dropping the older one off at school.

    I'm the complete opposite to JennsRAQ, its so much easier for me to drop her off there with a drink and snack and get on with working out without her asking 'what you doing mummy?' whilst trying to hang off my leg! I just go straight home a shower there rather than at the gym using up my creche time!
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    My gym has childcare, so I take my kids, put them in there, and do my workout. I generally go around 8 am after everyone has eaten breakfast. It gives all of us time away from each other, they get to play with other kids, and I get to do my thing for a while.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    When I was going to the gym it was like you before the sun rise. That was the only time I could see me having time completely to myself without taking time from the family. I just hated going to bed so early at night so I could be well rested. I now exercise at home. I try to fit it in between 5am & 7am when everyone is still asleep. I'm trying to get motivated to strength train right now but all I keep doing is yawning lol
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I work out at home between 5:30 and 6:30 am when everyone is still sleeping! There is no reasonable time for me to do it anytime after as I work full time and have two young children.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    My husband works 17-18 hour days so I dont have the option of going when he is home...he leaves before they are up and gets home way after bedtime. And I know if I left it to working out at home, Id put it aside for the million other things I have to do in the house. Sometimes, though, when I want to eat more, I will do a video at home. SO...I go to the gym right after I drop my daughter off at preschool (3 days a week) from 9-11 and the gym has an area called the "funzone" for the kids to go to so my younger son goes there. The other days of the week I go at night and take both of them to the "funzone". It really is more than my time to help with my weight loss...its my time to take a break for my sanity!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    either after work, or i exercise at home starting at 4:30 am.
  • Aaish
    Aaish Posts: 21 Member
    Took me ages to figure this out but finally i have. I do casual classes at the gym at my hubby's work place and they do classes during lunch time and after work so I plan it with hubby (thankfully he's really supportive) and drop my son off to him and take the class but just 2-3 times a week. Otherwise, walk with the pram or home dvd:-)
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    I have a gym across the street from my office, so I go at lunchtime. I've found that if I wait until after work, I'm out of energy. Several days a week I work from home, and on those days I workout in our basement. I try to find a kids' movie for them to watch and give them some snacks so I can have some uninterrupted time to myself. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :)
  • MsJ_22
    MsJ_22 Posts: 4
    Same here. I used to workout during my lunch break as the YMCA is two minutes from where I work. That got old really fast because I was rushing all the time and never got to work out more than 20 minutes at most. Then I started working out after work --heading straight to the gym. This didn't last too awfully long because by the time I would finish my workout (once I get started I'm really into it), I had to drive 1/2 hour home and the kids were ready for bed and we didn't get to spend so much time together. So I thought I'd invest in a "used" elliptical and put it in my garage. Now I'm up at 4:30 each morning and can get a great 30 minute workout in before work. I feel great the whole day and I don't have to think about working out after a long day at the office. Anyway, at first this was very challenging to be up so early but I soon got into a routine and it's worked out fine. I have been doing this now for six months and truly enjoy it. I found MY Fitness Pal maybe a month and a half ago and it's wonderful. So hang in there you will find your niche.