Vacation fears



  • Pam_1965
    Pam_1965 Posts: 137 Member
    edited August 2016
    I went on a 7 day cruise with my mom to Bermuda at the end of June and then spent two more weeks on Cape Cod with my mom and the rest of my family ( They live there. I live in Oregon). I am 50, 5'6, and worked my butt off to get to my goal weight of 145 before I set sail (I started at 185 in January). I tried to be careful the first day, but we had paid for unlimited drinks and the food in the dining rooms was terrific, so I gave in and had a fabulous time! I gained a pound a day! ( I did exercise and never took the elevator. I would put my mom on and then run up or down the stairs trying to beat her) I thought I would be more careful during the next two weeks and tried to count calories, but finally gave up, as I had no control over the meals that were being prepared and the time we ate. The time was my biggest issue as I would be famished by the time dinner was served. I only see my family once a year, so ended up not worrying about the calories. I did run 3-4 miles every other day and a 5 mile road race on the 4th of July. I didn't gain anymore weight after the cruise, but didn't really lose, either.

    I am now back at 145 pounds (7 weeks later). I must say that my weight gain was not noticeable in anyway. All my super cute cruise clothes still fit exactly the same way. I am back to teaching and all of my teaching friends say I look even smaller than I did in June. Even though I am exactly the same weight, I am way more fit! :)

    My point? Don't miss out on a once in a lifetime experience. The weight will come off again and will probably be easier because it didn't take long to gain it.
  • SophieSmall95
    SophieSmall95 Posts: 233 Member
    From my point of view, fi there is ever time to stop worrying and logging (if you're comfortable with it) is when you're on holiday. Because holidays are obviously not frequent occurrences, so any back steps you stake while on holiday can be easily overcome when you go back to normal.

    I'm going on holiday in 3 weeks. I don't plan to log at all, I'm there to have fun not worry about my weight or calories. I do of course plan not to over do it and try to eat in moderation. But if I go over my calories, oh well. I'll also be a lot more active and doing a lot of walking while there so can earn a bit more food and drink.

    Remember once you get back don't take the scale weight as gospel chances are if you gained at least some of it will be water weight.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My experience with vacations - trying to stick to healthy choices makes it a nightmare, so I have to let go somewhat for my peace of mind. But it's a problem for me and I just have a hard time enjoying higher calorie foods when I don't really want it - but there's so many tasteless side salads you can eat too... and you can't always drive an extra 10 miles to find the restaurant that has grilled chicken and veggies for less than $15. Breakfasts are usually the main issue for me because lots of places don't really have low calorie/filling breakfasts (unless you like cardboard oats, I guess) and breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me.

    At least with buffets you usually get a wider selection! But yeah, I always gain 2 pounds per week of vacation while watching what I eat most of the time. It kinda sucks.
  • Ricksh1000
    Ricksh1000 Posts: 88 Member
    edited August 2016
    Back home yesterday and jumped on the scale this morning: 3lb gained. As said above some of this will be water.
    Back on the wagon now and looking forward to my body feeling like it did pre-holiday.

    The biggest overall shock to me eating anything and everything this week? Feeling 'weighed down', like having a heavy cold. It has taught me a lot about how i used to feel before weight loss eating those amounts day to day, week in week out.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I put 10lb on on my two week holiday end of July, I couldn't care a less, dropped 5 of it so far and will get the rest off at 0.5lb a week.
    Life is for living, as long as I am healthy most of the time I figure that I'm not doing too bad.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    I've just got back from my vacation. I was pondering the same thing before I went. I ended up planning to eat as close to maintenenance as I could and try to workout a few times while away. I ate what wanted but didn't go crazy. I only managed 1 workout in 2 days. I was terrified to get back on the scales when I got home. Not logging my food and guessing most the time without MFP was a bit scary for me. Turns out I lost 1lb! I did walk a lot though. Try to relax and see it as a test for when you have lost and trying to maintain. And if you do put on, you know you can lose it again so try not to worry too much X