Gonna lose 15/20 pounds

Hey all just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Elizabeth. 20 years old 5'1 and 135 pounds. I'm wanting to get down to 120 or so but I just want to start this and see how I transform from there. I tend to store fat in my lower section like my stomach, butt and thighs. I am eating a lot better not completely clean but a lot in moderation. I work in a factory 6:30 to four Monday through Friday and I sit on my position. When I get home I do some exercise and I am really wanting to do the thirty day shred. Anyone ever done this and if so could you tell me how it went for you and drop some before and after pics? Should I do it in the morning or evening? My calorie intake should be 1200 according to this. I guess I am asking a little for tips and guidance. I need motivated


  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I have started the thirty day shred several times but never done it all the way through!
    If you find yourself hungry on 1200 cals you can always change it
  • JayDemont
    JayDemont Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I'm around the same weight as you and I have the same goals! we should be friends :) I also store weight in my lower half mostly in my stomach area. I did the 30 day shred a few years ago when i was at my heaviest 170lbs it really helped me lose weight its a good place to start :) I would like to try it again and lose the last bit of weight I really want to be 120!
  • iloveluke1995
    iloveluke1995 Posts: 3 Member
    That would be awesome!! We could do the shred together!
  • meganmurray217
    meganmurray217 Posts: 19 Member
    Same height and cw. My goal weight is 118. Add me!
  • RelevantGains
    RelevantGains Posts: 83 Member
    1200 calories isn't too bad for your size. I'd probably recommend @1300, but 1200 will work :D I'd suggest trying to keep your protein high, as that will help you maintain more muscle, which will keep your metabolism kicking while you lose weight and help you keep the weight off!
  • katlynii92
    katlynii92 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Add me if you'd like!!
  • Pykl
    Pykl Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am also looking forward to lose 20 pounds. Pls Add me. Need friends and motivation!