Want to lose 50lbs, on 1200 goal

Hi there! I'm back at this again after many attempts over the years. I am trying to lose 50lbs and am on a 1200 day goal. I am trying to walk/jog every day for approx. 30 mins as well as do in between strength exercises (kettle bell, etc). Interested in chatting or friending anyone who is willing to help motivate or share meals/at home exercises. Here we go!!


  • RelevantGains
    RelevantGains Posts: 83 Member
    Hello and welcome! With that much weight to lose, I'm thinking 1200 is a bit low for you to be starting with, depending on what your starting weight is. Seems like you have your mind made up already, and that's fine, you'll certainly lose weight at 1200, just hoping it's sustainable and you have enough calories to get you through your workouts and a good intensity :D

    Good luck to you!
  • Valkyrie_of_Hel
    Valkyrie_of_Hel Posts: 9 Member
    I've been back and forth with this, and I'm needing to do this for me. Starting over fresh today & I have about 60 lbs to lose, so feel free to add me.
  • salout
    salout Posts: 3 Member
    Hi , welcome back ! I'm on a 1200 calorie diet too but seem to be eating plenty of food . I break my day up to 6 meals per day but not equally divided . Two of those meals are protein shakes ( low cal , low carb , low everything but protein ) then the rest of meals are foods like chicken , egg whites , lean meats , with spinach , broccoli . My diary is open ( I think ) your welcome to check it out . I know we're all different and not everything works for everyone but they're some basic ideas that everyone can benefit from ... lol ...... Good luck !
  • AmandaSchaer1
    AmandaSchaer1 Posts: 3 Member
    @RelevantGains -- the goal was automatically set when I put in all my details. I'm 5'7, 220 starting weight and hope to get to 180 as my initial goal. I've been flexing up to around 1300 with exercise as well. I definitely want it to be sustainable ... I don't feel like it's too horrible at this point. Don't feel super hungry or anything.
  • RelevantGains
    RelevantGains Posts: 83 Member
    Oh goodness! At 220, I'd certainly recommend higher calories. I think MFP just gives every female 1200 calories to start with (or at least it seems like it). Usually I recommend starting at 10-12x body weight for starting calories. Since you have a little more to lose, I do actually think you could go a tad lower and be fine, maybe 8-9x. I certainly understand the feeling of "meh, I'm fine for now", but my worry would be the point where you say "Alright, I've had it, I'm done with this", then just give up completely.

    Hopefully that won't happen, but just saying that's my main concern. Do I think 1200 calories is "unhealthy"? Not at all. Unhealthy would be not getting enough essential nutrients, which you can certainly get at 1200.

    Maybe one thing you can do if you're fine at 1200 and want to get some quick initial losses is to set a time frame where you'll be at calories that low, then raise them to a more reasonable level. Like when you're trying to get around a truck on the highway, so you speed up way past the speed limit to get past it, then slow back down once you get around it ;)
  • I'm doing exactly the same! Good to see someone else on the same boat~ ^.^
  • AmandaSchaer1
    AmandaSchaer1 Posts: 3 Member
    @RelevantGains yeah, when I do other calculators it's saying to lose 2lbs/week I could go to about 1400. I think I'll stick to trying to be around 1200, but having some flex on days I feel it's unattainable. Thanks for the tips!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    @RelevantGains -- the goal was automatically set when I put in all my details. I'm 5'7, 220 starting weight and hope to get to 180 as my initial goal. I've been flexing up to around 1300 with exercise as well. I definitely want it to be sustainable ... I don't feel like it's too horrible at this point. Don't feel super hungry or anything.

    MFP gives you calories based on "I want to lose XX pounds per week" an aggressive weekly weight loss goal = the default minimum.

    Other calculators give you more because they already have exercise factored in. If you log your walking/jogging MFP will give you more calories. MFP assigned you 1200 NET calories.

    Fast weight loss (especially closer to goal) can result in a higher % of lean muscle mass loss. A moderate goal, strength training & enough protein will help you keep a higher % of existing lean muscle.

    A couple of good newbie threads.



    @salout .....dietary fat doesn't make you fat. No reason to do "low everything." Believe me, I dieted this way too. Low fat was all the rage in the 1980's. Dietary fat is important for many bodily functions. Just one of which is helping your body absorb vitamins. Look for healthy fats - olive oil, nuts, avocado.
  • salout
    salout Posts: 3 Member
    I agree @teabea , I cook with olive oil and use it on my salads with lemon , eat salmon and actually use a heavy whipping cream in my coffee few tablespoons or sometimes mixing in with my protein shake . Plus use a supplement called EFA GOLD . I don't go nuts on fats but I think I get what I need . I'm still playing around with what works and doesn't and I appreciate the feed back . My heAlth is important to me , the more knowledgable I can be the easier it will be for me to accomplish these goals ...... Thanks again