Looking for good weight loss recipes.

prissymissy0828 Posts: 1 Member
edited August 2016 in Recipes
Any ideas?


  • mishii28
    mishii28 Posts: 30 Member
    edited August 2016
    www.skinnytaste.com is a great site I think and I've seen a few others on here using it as well. She breaks down all the recipes nutritional facts as well, which is super helpful!

    Most recipes can be adjusted to fit into any weightloss regime I think. Are there any certain cuisines that you enjoy?
  • meunse01
    meunse01 Posts: 36 Member
    You can also search for low calorie recipes at the MyRecipes website. I also like Skinnytaste, along with SkinnyMom, SkinnyKitchen, Cooking Light, and Eating Well.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    Honestly? I have "normal" recipes with larger low calorie sides that I like. Tonight: homemade slow cooker french dip sandwiches, with roast mushrooms. Yesterday: tuna helper with cherry tomatoes. Earlier this week: pizza and salad.

    Check out your regular recipes in the recipe builder. A lot of home cooked stuff is easy to fit in.
  • meunse01
    meunse01 Posts: 36 Member
    You can also make any recipe healthier with the right ingredient substitutions. For example, I like Xtreme Wellness spinach tortillas. They have only 50 calories. I just wish they didn't have food dyes.
  • sharts11
    sharts11 Posts: 17 Member
    Blueberry Chicken Salad-
    I saw this recipe online and thought it looked delicious. I made it for my family of 4 men, who are not really into salads, but they loved it. In fact, they've been requesting it every week. Here's a link... http://www.gimmesomeoven.com/blueberry-chicken-chopped-salad-recipe/
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I don't call any of my recipes "weight loss" recipes because anytime you have a calorie deficit, you lose weight.

    My thing is to try to make low calorie meals so I can have big portions so it feels like I'm eating more.

    My favorites:
    -Ground beef cabbage stew (I posted it on here a few months ago - if you search it will probably come up)
    -shredded crockpot salsa chicken with lots and lots of peppers and onions steamed in chicken broth
    -zucchini lasagna with 2% cheese
    -turkey wrapped in pieces of romaine lettuce
    -roasted artichokes tossed in lemon
    -tilapia pan fried in oil and garlic

    Pinterest is wonderful! Use the recipe builder on here!
  • jcbro19
    jcbro19 Posts: 33 Member

    Is my go to website for recipes! Everything is yummy and healthy great for the kiddos as well!