Finishing 2016 Strong!

fitkris5 Posts: 3 Member
edited August 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi friends! Unfortunately, a month on anti-anxiety medication for the first time did not do good things for my body. After being between 100-130 lbs for most of my adult life I was really thrown off when I weighed myself the other day. I mean, I guess I knew I'd put on some weight (luckily some of it in the "right places" so to speak) but I didn't realize I'd gained 10-15 lbs in the run of about 2 weeks. My doctor had mentioned weight gain as a possible side effect but I hadn't realized my insatiable need for the worst sugars and carbs until I read it on the scale staring back at me. I sifted through numerous scholarly articles linking the medication to literally stealing the carbs rapidly so you felt you need more and more, but then also storing more and more along the way. Needless to say, I've quit the meds and after a rough year I'm ready to finish strong. The numbers on the scale aren't everything, I really just care about feeling comfortable in my own skin both mentally and physically as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Any motivation or encouragement is so appreciated... Or even just connecting over similar stories! What are your health goals for the end of 2016? How are you working towards them? What's hard for you and how do you overcome?


  • Crysma22
    Crysma22 Posts: 9 Member
    Glad you're headstrong and are making the best decisions for your health. Personally I could use some work in that area. I read your story and thought, whats my excuse....? Needless to say, stay strong and best of luck in your continued fight for blissful health. And thank you :)
  • fitkris5
    fitkris5 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you Crysma22!! It has been a hard year but I'm now trying to turn that into motivation. I have always had a bit of an impulse control issue when it comes to some sweet and salty snacks but I think I realized that I was bordering a really unhealthy lifestyle and finally realized the seriousness of that. It kind of took actually seeing it on my body and on the scale to snap out of it and realize I had to take better care of myself in all ways and how much they are all connected. Don't beat yourself up about not having a reason as specific as mine, we're all human! All the best on your journey! Thank you for the kind words.
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm running my 2nd half marathon this year in December. Sept 14 I start amping up the training to beat my time from my last one (2hr 20 min). I will be closing out the year starting training for a Half Ironman Nov 2017. I'm terrified and excited about that prospect. Because it scares me, I MUST do it. That sentence is becoming more and more my mantra. It seems to make my life more enjoyable. Feel free to use it yourself.
    Remain loyal to your goals, keep the faith, and the desired outcome WILL become your reality. :)