Protein shakes

T_William Posts: 147 Member
Well last night I purchased some maximuscle promax having been recommended it many times by mates and people I known who have lost, would anyone recommend this or give tips when to have it in a normal day, working 8-5 then 3 days a week gym around 5.30.

Had some with a boiled egg for breakfast today and plan to have another just before the gym and eat a smaller lunch then a normal salad (might try going low carb)


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I would drink it after a workout, it helps to rebuild muscles...I also have one with my breakfast. I believe that a higher protein diet has been paramount in my losing weight.
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    I would drink it after a workout, it helps to rebuild muscles...I also have one with my breakfast. I believe that a higher protein diet has been paramount in my losing weight.

    This. Is it chocolate? Freeze up sliced bananas and drop them in that bad boy for a breakfast shake. Yummy :o)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I would drink it after a workout, it helps to rebuild muscles...I also have one with my breakfast. I believe that a higher protein diet has been paramount in my losing weight.

    Agreed! 100%. :)
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    I would drink it after a workout, it helps to rebuild muscles...I also have one with my breakfast. I believe that a higher protein diet has been paramount in my losing weight.
    Drink it right after your workout, and I add half a scoop to my oat pancake in the morning.
  • GrokOn
    GrokOn Posts: 39 Member
    +1 for after workout.... I like to add frozen fruit/berries and blend in the blender for after workout for rebuilding muscle and replenishing energy. You can have one any time really if you need the extra protein... Most People should eat around 1g of protien for every pound of lean body mass. So if you weigh 200lbs and have a bmi of 25 you should eat about 150 grams of protien a day.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    sweet well I had some with milk at breakfast and a boiled egg on a small slice of brown bread toasted without anything on it, pretty decent start to the day. Might have to try blending some fruit in too could be v nice!

    Have 400ml mixed up with me at work atm ill have some at lunch and some after workout then!

    PS-Strawberry ftw
  • carmillablk
    carmillablk Posts: 10 Member
    I would drink it after a workout, it helps to rebuild muscles...I also have one with my breakfast. I believe that a higher protein diet has been paramount in my losing weight.

    Totally agree!
    One hour after work out your body is more than ready to absorb nutrients so the protein from the shake will be like an injection of pure heaven to muscles.
    On HIIT days I sometimes eat a small piece of fruit (fast carbs to get back energy fast) if I really feel burned out.

    High protein diet works for me really great (high carb diet not so much) so the best thing is to figure out to what does your own body respond the best.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I would drink it after a workout, it helps to rebuild muscles...I also have one with my breakfast. I believe that a higher protein diet has been paramount in my losing weight.
    Drink it right after your workout, and I add half a scoop to my oat pancake in the morning.

    I Never even thought of putting a scoop of protein in pancake mix......great idea! :happy:
  • wjassell
    wjassell Posts: 104 Member
    I Disagree with everyone mainly because that protein powder is not a post workout designed supplement. Postworkout shakes have lots of carbs in them. You should drink it 1 hr before your workouts and then again after your workouts mixed with Dextrose in a 2:1 or 3:1 Carbs to Protien Ratio.

    I personally drink a shake with 2 scoops of Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold mixed with almond milk 1.5 hrs before my workout then 1 scoop of Optimum Nutrition 2:1:1 Recovery mixed with 8oz Orange Juice and 8oz of water within 1 hr after my workout.
  • SH_Fitness
    As a fitness professional I NEED to intake roughly 150-180grams of protein a day! I could not do this without protein shakes.

    Normally I advise to my clients that they eat between 1.5-2grams of protein per 1kg of body weight. This as previously said will help with the re-building of stressed muscle tissue from exercise training.

    I normally have a shake for breakfast with a carbohydrate source such as a pear or apple. Then DEFINIETLY post training (within 20mins) and somedays before bed so that i dont go catabolic through the night.

    Just remember the exercise and good nutrition is important but SLEEP is CRUTIAL to losing weight and getting lean!

    Also, Orange Juice is filled with carbs and instant sugars!
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm glad I've read this thread as I've been thinking about starting to use protein shakes myself. The stuff you guys have said has been really helpful :-)