How did you know when to stop?

Hi Maintainers!

Some quick info: I've been on MFP for just over 6 months, am an 18 yo female, 5'4, 114lbs, with a BMI of about 19.3.

I've been losing weight with the eventual goal of 108-110lbs, as I have a small frame. But the closer I get, the more I plateau, the more cravings I have, and I'm hungry all the time. Some days all I can think of is food, when I can next eat, and what I can eat.
My last period was very strange, over 2 weeks late, and when it did come it lasted for quite a bit longer and was much lighter.
And I'm tired most of the time, only having normal energy about 20 minutes after eating, and it lasts maybe 2 - 3 hours if I'm lucky. But I can't eat every 2 to 3 hours or I'll go over my calorie limit. Which is, BTW, 1520 for a 0.5lb weekly loss plus some of my exercise calories which is determined by my fitbit adjustment. The 0.5lb loss hasn't been happening though, I've plateaued for about 5 weeks. But if I drop my calories more, I won't be able to do anything, just too fatigued.

So my question: when did you all know when to stop losing, and start maintaining?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post. :)


  • Kdp2015
    Kdp2015 Posts: 519 Member
    I believe the logical argument here is for you to maintain now, getting your head around it may be difficult though. I'm going through similar, feel free to add me.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    yeah, it's time to talk to the doctor. something ain't right here. You may be anemic or any of several other things. I picked maintenance based on what the doctor thought was healthy for my body type at a body fat percentage of 23%. I'm five three. For me that comes out to 120 lb. It sounds to me like you don't need to lose any more. Your body is hitting the brakes and declaring its limit, I think. Burning off your muscle to get to a lower weight is super bad for you and it makes you feel like crap.
  • RelevantGains
    RelevantGains Posts: 83 Member
    Hello. Are you prepping for a contest or something? Curious about that level of leanness. Part of having such low body fat is feeling like complete garbage and having a bunch of hormonal issues. Your symptoms are quite common in that realm. This is why bodybuilders, physique competitors, etc end up putting on weight after their show. It's just not realistic (or healthy) to sustain that body fat level year-round.

    If you have not taken a diet break in the last few months, that would be the first thing I'd suggest. You should do two weeks (at least) to get your hormones back to normal. There are two options, either a controlled diet break, where you continue tracking, or a full diet break, where you don't track, and you just eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full.

    You may put on a couple of pounds, but that's okay. At that point, you can reassess, and be better set up to get to your goals. The leaner you get, the more often you'll need to do these diet breaks and refeeds. Sounds like you've just pushed it a little too long.

    Here's a video I've been sharing a lot tonight. It's been a hot topic lately!
  • Return2Fit
    Return2Fit Posts: 226 Member
    edited August 2016
    This was a very tough question as certain goals were reached.
    I started out a huge 280 pounds, fat and sick

    The original goal was just get under 200...and I did.
    DONE - or was I?
    I dropped another 10 pounds...and another...and finally another.
    Today I am actually at the higher end of normal, healthy weight according to BMI scale, and I like the way I look, feel and perform.
    As far as losing weight, I am 100% certain I am done - totally, yet far from done setting and reaching new goals.
    Now, I just sharpen this saw...

    So, my point in all of that is this: you, and only you can decide when and where to stop, and it's based it on what it really is you desire in terms of fitness, health and how you look.
    Best of luck to you, and feel free to ADD me as friend for mutual support and inspiration!
  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    Personally I'm not sure yet. I'm 6'0 and 74kg so I'm going to try maintain for a bit and see how I feel.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    You are already very tiny. I knew when I could comfortably maintain my weight eating a lot of calories and was happy with my body. After maintenance I lost extra weight that I didn't mean to. I eat 2100-2600 and exercise 2-4x a week and maintain ~105 at 5'4.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    jmidd97 wrote: »
    Hi Maintainers!

    Some quick info: I've been on MFP for just over 6 months, am an 18 yo female, 5'4, 114lbs, with a BMI of about 19.3.

    I've been losing weight with the eventual goal of 108-110lbs, as I have a small frame. But the closer I get, the more I plateau, the more cravings I have, and I'm hungry all the time. Some days all I can think of is food, when I can next eat, and what I can eat.
    My last period was very strange, over 2 weeks late, and when it did come it lasted for quite a bit longer and was much lighter.
    And I'm tired most of the time, only having normal energy about 20 minutes after eating, and it lasts maybe 2 - 3 hours if I'm lucky. But I can't eat every 2 to 3 hours or I'll go over my calorie limit. Which is, BTW, 1520 for a 0.5lb weekly loss plus some of my exercise calories which is determined by my fitbit adjustment. The 0.5lb loss hasn't been happening though, I've plateaued for about 5 weeks. But if I drop my calories more, I won't be able to do anything, just too fatigued.

    So my question: when did you all know when to stop losing, and start maintaining?

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post. :)

    If I were you I would bring calories to maintenance immediately.
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    What you are doing isn't working for you so it is time to stop - bring your calories up to maintenance. It sounds horrible to be tired all the time and always thinking of food.

    Your food diary isn't open so we can't take a look at it. Are you getting enough nutrients? Do you eat a variety of veggies and fruits? How many grams of fat/protein/carbs are you eating?
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    edited August 2016
    FWIW, if weight is/has been an issue or concern for you, I don't think that you can ever stop monitoring you weight and/or calorie intake.

    Yeah, if you reached your weighy loss goal and have shifted to maintenance, you could stop logging every calorie but you should at least be monitoring and recording your weight daily (or no less than weekly) so that you can nip the problem in the bud b4 you turn around and ask: "What the heck happened? How could I have gained 10 pounds in a month??!!!"

    So, even if you are in maintenance, I think that it is a never ending battle.
  • jmidd97
    jmidd97 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for your input everyone.

    I guess logically I can see that I should take a break. It feels like I'm giving up, but I don't think I have much of a choice.
    Bioklutz: yes, I've been pretty careful to maintain healthy ratios for the most part; I'm pretty active, training 4 days a week plus multiple university classes a day. I prioritise protein and carbs (for energy) but always hit my fat goals too. And I've checked my sodium, calcium, etc and all seem pretty good.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    jmidd97 wrote: »
    Thanks for your input everyone.

    I guess logically I can see that I should take a break. It feels like I'm giving up, but I don't think I have much of a choice.
    Bioklutz: yes, I've been pretty careful to maintain healthy ratios for the most part; I'm pretty active, training 4 days a week plus multiple university classes a day. I prioritise protein and carbs (for energy) but always hit my fat goals too. And I've checked my sodium, calcium, etc and all seem pretty good.

    What exactly do you think you're giving up on?

    Really, what difference do you think 5lbs is going to make?

    As a woman, you're not going to necessarily keep the body you had as a teenager, so your goal weight may well be too low now that hips and boobs are a thing.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    jmidd97 wrote: »
    Thanks for your input everyone.

    I guess logically I can see that I should take a break. It feels like I'm giving up, but I don't think I have much of a choice.
    Bioklutz: yes, I've been pretty careful to maintain healthy ratios for the most part; I'm pretty active, training 4 days a week plus multiple university classes a day. I prioritise protein and carbs (for energy) but always hit my fat goals too. And I've checked my sodium, calcium, etc and all seem pretty good.

    I know that feeling of "giving up" but don't think of it that way...rather, think that if you keep going this way, you're giving up on your body and health. Now you have to adjust. Get your hormones back in check. You still have time to come back and lean out a little more, or you could create a new fitness goal. I find that if I work on performance goals, the body composition just naturally follows.
  • chelseymorris185
    chelseymorris185 Posts: 23 Member
    108 is not healthy for someone who is 5' 4". I am the same height and When I was breast feeding I hit 108 and I looked horrible. So skinny and hardly any muscle. It's so hard to get through girls minds that weight DOES NOT MATTER. It is how you look!!! Skinny is different than fit. I weight 112lbs and in this picture am I "fat" because another girl only weighs 108lbs and I weight 4lbs more than her???
    I think you need to start exercising more and EAT MORE and not focus on weight. I eat 2400-2800 calories per day. I'm not gaining because I exercise. That is what healthy. s7jwckxyp1ls.jpeg
  • foen_i
    foen_i Posts: 27 Member
    I think you need to start exercising more and EAT MORE and not focus on weight. I eat 2400-2800 calories per day. I'm not gaining because I exercise. That is what healthy. s7jwckxyp1ls.jpeg

    That Is exactly what i wanted to say
  • megn529
    megn529 Posts: 16 Member
    From my experience, stop now before you do more hormonal damage. I lost my menstrual cycle all together, and it wasn't the easiest to get back. The signs my body was giving me were the same as yours-fatigue, wonky periods, constantly thinking about my next meal, etc. I had to come to the realization that listening to my body will always trump a number on the scale. I know it's tough because after you've lost for a while it's hard to turn off the 'lose switch' and think about maintaining or even gaining, but listen to how you're feeling and make that your priority. I wish you all the best!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    jmidd97 wrote: »
    Hi Maintainers!

    Some quick info: I've been on MFP for just over 6 months, am an 18 yo female, 5'4, 114lbs, with a BMI of about 19.3.

    I've been losing weight with the eventual goal of 108-110lbs, as I have a small frame. But the closer I get, the more I plateau, the more cravings I have, and I'm hungry all the time. Some days all I can think of is food, when I can next eat, and what I can eat.
    My last period was very strange, over 2 weeks late, and when it did come it lasted for quite a bit longer and was much lighter.
    And I'm tired most of the time, only having normal energy about 20 minutes after eating, and it lasts maybe 2 - 3 hours if I'm lucky. But I can't eat every 2 to 3 hours or I'll go over my calorie limit. Which is, BTW, 1520 for a 0.5lb weekly loss plus some of my exercise calories which is determined by my fitbit adjustment. The 0.5lb loss hasn't been happening though, I've plateaued for about 5 weeks. But if I drop my calories more, I won't be able to do anything, just too fatigued.

    So my question: when did you all know when to stop losing, and start maintaining?

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post. :)

    I knew it was time when after asking the Doctor what should be my goal weight he said You are there now. I wondered and that was why I asked. According to the Internet I need to lose a little more. OTOH I get around nicely now and walk several miles a day where when I started here on MFP I was doing good to walk to the corner and back. I am now eating more or less at maintenance. I still have a slight overall downwards trend in weight. Today I was at my lowest weight of the year despite eating above my lose weight calories. When I do snack it is generally healthy foods such as Fresh Fruit or Vegetables.

    Eat less at any one time but eat 6 or 7 times a day is what worked for me. I also agree You should see Your Doctor ASAP.

    Good Luck
  • myfitnesspale3
    myfitnesspale3 Posts: 276 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sounds anemic, need more iron/meat. If you log all your food then you can see your vitamin/mineral intake and then supplement as needed.