Craving a binge

I've had my eating under control for a while, but I'm suddenly craving cheez-itz. Normally when I Crave something I just have it. This is different, though. I'm actually craving binging on them. I haven't binged in years, but I keep imagining shoving a whole handful in my mouth and feeling it go down my throat. I've been avoiding them because the craving is so specific. The funny thing is, it's not really a strong craving, but it hits me about once a day.


  • HeidiFuture
    HeidiFuture Posts: 54 Member
    It's not a strong craving? Just a thought? It will pass. Keep focusing on your goals and where you want to be in 3 months.
  • BreakingFree16
    BreakingFree16 Posts: 9 Member
    As someone who has binged, let me remind you of all the HORRIBLE things that happen to your body post binge. Sure, those cheeze-its will taste great, but you won't feel great after eating a whole box. Remember the after to help you counter your cravings
  • AllSpiceNice
    AllSpiceNice Posts: 120 Member
    Boy, I can remember some serious Cheeze-it binges back in pre-weight loss days! I agree with Breakingfree16. In addition, you might try calculating the number of calories in a whole box. Having to face the hard reality of the potential calories has helped me avoid a binge in the past.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I totally understand that feeling. For me it's rarely about the food itself but about the experience of bingeing that I crave. But then I have to face why I want the feelings of numbness/escapism
  • UnicornAmandaPanda
    UnicornAmandaPanda Posts: 161 Member
    Good luck! So much great advice here!!!
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    How about controlling the and tracking it?
    Always remember - it is quantity that determines any weight and size fluctuations.
  • activeadriana
    activeadriana Posts: 70 Member
    The thing about cravings is they will pass. Be patience and persistent- literally scream at yourself (or inside your head) that you will NOT put yourself through the mental, emotional and physical toll of a binge, it is NOT worth it and the little voice inside your head that keeps telling you to binge is just sending you these feelings as a last ditch attempt, wanting you to fail and ruin your diet and fu** yourself up with the aftermath... but you will NOT because you're stronger than this! Anytime that little voice pipes up just stop it with a NO I WILL NOT. Silence it with your strength! If you don't feel strong enough, remember Strength can be summoned with enough frustration, desperation, anger or even false enthusiasm. Contradict that voice and know you can do this! :)
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I don't feel tempted to give in. It's just weird that I'm craving not just cheez-itz, but the whole box.
  • MoonKat7
    MoonKat7 Posts: 358 Member
    When you crave certain food it's your body telling you something is missing, for example craving chocolate means your body is short on magnesium so focus on what exactly are you craving? Salt? Fat? and google it :smile:
  • activeadriana
    activeadriana Posts: 70 Member
    I think the urge to binge might come and go, if only for the reason that we've had binges (and had cravings) our body & mind knows them. The best thing to do is wait them out. I quit smoking about 5 or 6 years ago, and every now and again I still get an urge to smoke. It's stupid, because I wouldn't even consider smoking another cigarette, but still get a craving! I don't know but since binge eating is like an addiction, I think the cravings can occur in the same way. Does that make sense? I've never told anyone that before, but it's how I find it happening with me.