I need to hide my scale! (and to get some encouragement)

Hey guys. So I officially got "back on track" this past Sunday after being out of it for almost a year. I have worked out every day (at the gym or at home), and accurately logged my food every day. Today is day 6 of getting back into the swing of things. But last night, I caved and had some pizza with my family. I felt guilty and anxious all night, and the first thing I did this morning was hop on the scale. I immediately felt like all the work I did this week was for nothing. I had gained almost a whole pound from yesterday. Now, even as I'm writing this, it sounds silly. I think I know my issue, and that has to be that I am a scale addict. I seriously weigh myself 3 or 4 times a day, trying to analyze how what I just ate or how much I just worked out affected my weight. Even though I ate pizza, the calories still didn't put me over my goal calories+workout calories. But it did put me over my basic goal calories. I don't know... but I think what I need to do is put my scale away and bring it out only once a week on Sundays. It's too hard seeing the number on the scale go up even just a little.

I think I could use some encouragement. So I don't just stop doing what I've been working so hard on all week. And so I can finish this week strong. And so I can have another good week after this one.



  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    You weigh after you eat something? How about if you but on your boots and a big heavy coat? How much does that make you gain? LOL!

    You already know the answer, put away the scale and weigh yourself once a week or even once a month for a while. If you're under your cal +exercise, don't stress about eating a 'bad' food. Pizza is just bread, vegetables, meat and cheese if you eat it in moderation.
  • san100
    san100 Posts: 7 Member
    go cold turkey and throw out scales and measure yourself instead !!! if clothes getting looser u know your ok :)
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I step on the scale regularly, probably at least 3 times a day. If the fluctuations in numbers affect you, you do need to put the scale away.
  • Hide the batts, I did this, literally and couldnt find them lol
  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    Don't beat yourself up. You slipped and fell, we all do. Now time to get back up and keep at it. As for the scale, you gotta do what works best for you. Some people need to weigh everyday for motivation, others weigh less frequently. The bottom line is if a certain method works for you, use it. Keep on keepin' on.
  • evilbanks
    evilbanks Posts: 166
    Cool pro pic btw.........
  • Definitely put the scale away. Try to do a once a week weight in. You're creating anxiety for yourself by leaving it out and weighing in constantly. As a person with chronic anxiety, I know that anxiety can cause you to actually eat more. Being healthy also means mentally and emotionally too. Don't fret about caving in once in a while. As long as it isn't every day, I'm sure its ok. Maybe add a few extra workout minutes on the days you do cave a little. Don't give up! This isn't easy, but its worth all the effort!
  • katjanssens
    katjanssens Posts: 18 Member
    I am hiding my scale too!

    If you like pizza try papa johns thin crust light cheese ham and pineapple I believe its only 190 calories a slice!
  • anner53108
    anner53108 Posts: 103
    First: Good for you for getting back on track and working so hard so far!
    Second: Don't beat yourself up for the pizza. It's all about moderation. And you're not going to be perfect with this all the time (how boring would THAT be?!). Instead of stressing about the past, move forward and learn from the past.

    Third, and most importantly: You didn't gain overnight and you're not going to lose overnight. Your body weight can fluctuate by as much as 5 pounds WITHIN a day (and you probably know this if you weigh yourself so much). And that's due to all kinds of factors: Food, water intake, sodium, time of the month, exercise, stress, etc., etc. Some of that you can control, some of it you can't.
    I understand about the scale, though. I used to do that, too. But try not to obsess about the numbers on the scale, OK? That's just one of several measures you should be looking at (although it's the one most people look at solely). Make sure you measure yourself at least once a month -- many times people lose inches when they're not losing weight (and losing inches means you are physically smaller!). Consider how your clothes fit.
    And most of all, consider how you FEEL. Do you have more energy? Do you feel stronger? Are you sleeping better? Are you handling stress better? Are you getting sick less?
    Remember, this is about getting healthy, and losing the weight is just the most obvious part of that.

    Give yourself a break and give yourself time. Put the scale somewhere where you can't see it or get to it easily, and make yourself wait an entire week to weigh in. I know, it's tough. I made myself wait two weeks once, 'cause I was getting too upset by it. But that will force you to focus on other things and, who knows? You might be pleasantly surprised when you do step on the scale!
    It takes the body time to adjust to a new routine (exercise, eating better, etc.), so you might not see weight loss for a few weeks. But if you stick to it, it will happen. Just make sure you are eating enough (at LEAST 1,200 calories) and some of your exercise calories.

    Sorry to blather on. But I know where you're coming from. You CAN do this! Be good to your body and it will reward you! :smile:

    Feel free to add me if you like; I'd be happy to cheer you on! :flowerforyou:

    ~ Ann
  • I agree with Laurie. I am with you... I was just thinking I need to weight only on Sunday mornings. My husband is off Sun-Tues and I can mess up with him around pretty easily.

    One thing I also thought of is that pizza can have a lot of sodium (salt) and it can make you hold onto water which will cause a temporary increase in weight. This actually happened to me recently... a whole pound the next day, but the following day after that it was gone plus some!

    I really do think we should put the scale away, but I know I probably won't. I just will not allow fluctuations to freak me out this time around. I know if I start exercising more and gaining muscle I am going to increase weight, but lose inches. I lost a lot of weight once and what I noticed is that if I plateaued at the scale, most of the time I was still losing inches and the weight would follow and visa-versa.

    Stick with it! You will do fine. If you quit... you lose! Been there and done that. Just stay on board and don't worry too much about mess ups here and there. The only big mess up is quitting. OH! And congrats on that first 3 pounds!!! Great lose for the first week!!!