PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    PCOS interferes with my workouts all the time. I'm in constant pain, and it keeps me from being active. I'm glad to know other people have the same issues I do!

    What kind of pain?
  • I was officially diagnosed 15 years ago when I tried to get pregnant with my second child. It took me reading a magazine article and finding the doctor who wrote it (unbelievably he practiced in my state) to get confirmation. Although he confirmed it, he gave me no real remedies for the PCOS, except the option of getting a weekly injection that would put me into early menopause. Umm, I wanted to GET pregnant??

    Fast forward 15 years of dealing with all the cosmetic issues, telling every doctor I have dealt with about PCOS (and in most cases having to educate them), being diagnosed with "Lupus-like" symptoms for 8 years and taking meds, to now. One month ago I finally was seen by a new rheumatologist, and this is what I really wanted to share. He believed that I do not have Lupus, rather that I have insulin resistance caused by the PCOS, which is now linked to causing inflammation (he had just returned from a conference that discussed this). His own daughter has PCOS, which I believe vests his interests in learning more. Since then he has referred me to a doctor guided nutrition program (high protein, low carb) and I will begin with Met tomorrow.

    I would LOVE to be friends with anyone that would like to be!

    Cheers to you all,
  • nicnic424
    nicnic424 Posts: 14 Member
    I never TOM problems until after I had my daughter in 2002. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. I was also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. I was put on metformin for the PCOS and meds for the hyrothyroidism. I was taken off both the metformin and the other meds.In 2008, my husband and I tried fertility treatments. I was on chlomid for 3 months and had no luck. The doctor suggested that I would have better chances of concieving if I lost weight.

    I was at my highest weight, 263, in 2009. I decided to get the Lap-Band because of all the failed diet attempts. With the Lap-Band, I have gotten down to 213. I have been semi regular with my TOM since November! It however has not helped with the hair growth, hair loss, or the acne.

    I have found herbal supplements that are helping with the hypothyroidism and the PCOS. I take thyrodex for for the hypothyroidism and am taking cinnamin supplemets to help with the PCOS. The cinnamin helps regulate blood sugar and helps metabolise body fat.

    ANyone is more than welcome to add me!
  • lildietitian
    lildietitian Posts: 45 Member
    Hi All, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in August 2003 and later diagnosed with PCOS early 2004. I was put on metformin, and avandia and eventually amaryl. Symptoms : ultrasound looked normal (no cysts, no enlargement of ovaries) but I had the dark colouring under my armpits and on the back of my neck with a velvet feel, abnormal periods never consistent and late to begin in adolescence, I was also diagnosed with insulin resistance early but that was never addressed until full bloomed diabetes, I was overweight from age 10+ (my father had us on every new fad diet going but nothing ever worked).

    2003 I changed my life, really focused on diet and exercising. I weighed about 215lbs at this point. Lost 75lbs in my first year and really got a hold on life. Found a Nutrition program a few hours from my hometown and decided to pursue a career in nutrition and to move away from home.

    My second year away from home I went in for a check up and got some bloodwork done... I ended up in emerg that evening with a blood sugar reading of 50mmol/L ( target 4-7mmol/L) The next week I was put on insulin and my life has been so much better... up until last November. I always fluctuated with my weight but nothing too substantial. Last summer I was the smallest I've ever been and that was 140lbs and a size 6!! I was loving life but I did look sick and I guess my family thought so too but never said anything. October I switched jobs and tried my hand at waitressing... stressful due to the fast pace and not having a guaranteed schedule. I started to pack on weight. :`-( I put on weight and got depressed (depression is said to be common in diabetics now, and this was BAD!!) I put on 40lbs- none of it muscle!! The cellulite that I have and the amount that stuck to my stomach is disgusting but I'm dealing with it... My body has become even more insulin resistant in the past 6 months and it doesn't help with this extra weight.

    Life is better now, I'm pursuing further into preventative medicine... I have gotten a job in a fitness centre and am motivated everyday to live an active lifestyle. I have finally discovered that I can't lose weight like everyone else because of my condition and i have to work harder. I am looking at a low GI diet that could be beneficial to those of us with insulin resistance... I am so thankful to have found this thread and will keep coming back for the support and to be support!!

    Feel free to friend!!
  • thehunger
    thehunger Posts: 12 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 years ago and have a (male) sibling with type 2 diabetes. I'm not currently managing it with meds as it's too much of a bind. Have read that diet and exercise are the best way to keep it under control and as I can stand to lose more than a few pounds, I have decided that this time I'm going to completely change my lifestyle rather than follow my usual feast and famine routine. 12lbs down, another 42 to go... Would be pleased to receive advice and support from anyone in a similar situation and very happy to return the favour.
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 8 yrs ago after the birth of my 2nd child. His pregnancy brought it out I guess. Prior to knowing I had it, my gyn at that time kept putting me on BC and not giving me an answer as to why I didn’t get my Monthly Friend. I got fed up and stopped the birth control. I began to grow facial and body hair, lose my hair on my head, no MF, some acne and just bad mood swings. Finally went to another Gyn, she did some testing and told me that I had PCOS. Well, just the syndrome not full blown at that time. Soon after, maybe a couple of yrs it became full blown. I’ve had cysts that have ruptured and that is soooooooooo painful. Feels like you are giving birth almost. I am currently at my highest weight 221lbs :O( . This is hard for me because all my life I was 110 – 130 lbs and now I am raging in the 200’s. With PCOS I have become Insulin Resistant, Vitamin D deficient and my cholesterol is high. Something that was never a problem before :O(

    I am trying to lose weight. Change my eating habits and become healthy again. My hubby and I are trying for another baby and its very hard on me because each time I think it has happened, I take a pregnancy test and my heart breaks. I know this will get better and I will be able to have another child.

    I am here for support if anyone wants to be friends!!!!
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Oh, I also meant to say I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 16, and ovarian cancer at 21. My husband and I have been trying to concieve for going on 8 years, and it seems we will never be blessed.:sad:

    Just wanted to tell you, don’t lose hope. My sister in law has PCOS and endometriosis (spelling???...lol)… After 15 yrs of and 6 miscarriges, she now holds her precious baby girl in her arms everynight!!! It has been a hard and painful road for her. She had to adjust her life in many way before conceiving and finally got pregnant. She is in awe right now and in love with her baby girl. Don’t lose hope. :flowerforyou:
  • previn84
    previn84 Posts: 48
    I've got PCOS. Anyone is more than welcome to friend me. I want to go through and read all this, but I'm in a hurry right now. I'll try to log on and join the discussion later today.
  • nicnic424
    nicnic424 Posts: 14 Member
    Has anyone with PCOS gotten pregnant? My husband and I have been trying for about 2 years ( well i dont count the first because my doctor didn't put me on anything to regulate my period) so we have been trying for a year with meds and I'm tracking my periods very well, but I just dont feel like there is any hope. Can anyone lift my spirits at all. I'm the heaviest i have ever been and when my husband and I met I was 183 pounds and i didn't have pcos and then i gained alot and all of a sudden now i have it. Can it go away with weight loss? Am I never going to be able to have kids? I get very depressed seeing all my friends having babys and I can't have one. Please I need some support. :-(

    The doctors told me that I have had PCOS my whole life. My husband and I had a baby girl in Nov 02. My periods were never regular so it was a complete shock to find out that I was pregnant. We have been trying again for the past 7 years and nothing yet. Have you thought about seeing a fertility specialist? I know several people with PCOS that has gotten pregnant on chlomid.
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Got this in my email and thought I would share!!!!

    What's Better for PCOS -- Walnuts or Almonds?

    Some fats and oils are good. Some are bad. Do
    you know the difference? For example, are nuts
    something you should eat or avoid?

    For women with PCOS, raw whole nuts are
    sources of helpful fats, according to research from
    the University of California.

    Thirty-one women with PCOS were given either
    walnuts or almonds (31 grams of total fat) for six

    Although each nut had somewhat different effects,
    the overall effect of each one was quite beneficial.

    W.eight did not increase with either walnuts or
    almonds. And, both nuts reduced "bad" LDL
    cholesterol levels.

    Walnuts reduced long-term glucose (blood sugar)
    levels whereas the response with almonds was
    more variable.

    Walnuts increased hormone binding globulin,
    which is a good thing for keeping your hormones
    under control. Almonds tended to reduce the
    potency of male hormones.

    We recommend moderate consumption of a
    variety of raw nuts along with fresh vegetables,
    adequate high quality protein, and some whole fruit
  • murphj1
    murphj1 Posts: 1
    Hello all,
    I am 23 years old and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 2, hypothyroidism at 16, and PCOS at 19. Losing weight is such an incredible struggle. It drives me crazy when people say "just go to the gym and eat less." I know it is a lot of hard work day in and day out with balancing medications, going to the doctor, eating right, hitting up the gym, etc... It is nice to see others are out there who understand. Feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to be a part of a support group.
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Anyone have the dark patches (can't spell the actual name)? I'm so frustrated not being able to wear short sleeves. Anyone have anything that gets rid of them? My doctor said I'm stuck with it, but it'll fade as I lose weight. Feel free to add.

    I have dark spots on my inner thighs and are mildly present at underarms. It does fade as you lose weight, mine have. I use black soap and other natural soaps along with vitamin c serum and nutraderm lotion and it helps for some reason. Not sure if there is clinical evidence on what works.maybe the dermadoctor website has an article.
  • I fear that I have this, or might....just wondering what symptoms/signs you had? Were any of you diagnosed before you were trying to get pregnant? How did you know?
  • bump?
  • SageLikeTheSpice
    SageLikeTheSpice Posts: 32 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS two years ago when I at a TOM that had lasted a full month. Turned out that I had a cyst that was bleeding. My gyno removed it and did some bloodwork and told me I had PCOS and that it was related to insulin-resistance, and then he put me on metformin. He actually didn't say anything about diet and exercise, but I did some research on my own, so I started working on that (I had already been working out, but not seeing any results). Luckily for me, the metformin has never really given me the side effects that people complain about.

    When I went to the doctor, my weight was 280 lbs, which was 40 lbs higher than it had been the previous year (when I had last checked my weight before). I was floored, especially since I had been working out for several months. I've lost about 65 lbs since, and I'm looking to lose another 60, which I hope won't take another 2 years. Oh, and when I plateau, it's for like 6 months, which really really sucks. I don't know if that's the PCOS's fault or what.

    Some people in this thread have been talking about having small periods because of PCOS, but I always had really heavy and often longer ones, so I'm also on Loestrin-Fe. I have no intention of having children, so I'm not disappointed by the difficulty it creates for that at least.
  • jnlk80
    jnlk80 Posts: 19 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 6 or 7 years ago. I am on Metformin and on and off thousands of different BC. My weight and my mood has been up and down for years. I tried for over two years to get pregnant and after a miscarrage had my beautiful now 2 year old girl. It will happen with consistancy! You just can't let the infertility get you down. Relax and concetrate on your health! I am now working to get this whole PCOS thing in control. ( ps I had a c section and with my ovary in his hand the doctor yelled out to me hey you have PCOS really bad! ) If you haven't already, check PCOS diva website. She has helped a whole bunch! I started last week taking this supplement called Femmenessense macaharmony which is Maca root. I am not sure about it yet. I think being on birth control too I am going to lower the dose to one a day opposite time of the BC. I really think clean eating and avoiding dairy and gluten (not ommiting) just avoiding really keeps the cravings down. Excercise is SO important, but SO hard. Would love some friends suffering and willing to share secrets! oh and MOTIVATION!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 15 years ago...but I wish they had caught it about 30 years ago!
    I was never able to have kids and the PCOS/wieight gain turned into type II diabetes.....because I had no clue I had it.
    It's great to hear so many people catching it quicker now!

    Last year I had endometrial ablation which was the best thing I ever did. No more periods! No more cramps..and no hysterectomy.
    Too bad it doesn't get rid of the bloating and crazy mood swings :)

    Feel free to add me! I am currently not taking anything for my pcos and my diabetes has been reversed with weightloss.
    Mostly I just watch everything I eat and try to eat very low carb/low glycemic/high protein....works for me. Exercise helps too!
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    We went throught the same thing! I was misdiagnosed for years --- and when my sister couldn't get pregnant, her doctor gave her an article on PCOS. She read it and said "wow thats not me, its my sister!" --- and she was right. It took me a few visits to find a doctor who even knew what it was! I wasn't able to have kids, neither was my sister so kudos to all those who were blessed in that arena!
    I was officially diagnosed 15 years ago when I tried to get pregnant with my second child. It took me reading a magazine article and finding the doctor who wrote it (unbelievably he practiced in my state) to get confirmation. Although he confirmed it, he gave me no real remedies for the PCOS, except the option of getting a weekly injection that would put me into early menopause. Umm, I wanted to GET pregnant??

    Fast forward 15 years of dealing with all the cosmetic issues, telling every doctor I have dealt with about PCOS (and in most cases having to educate them), being diagnosed with "Lupus-like" symptoms for 8 years and taking meds, to now. One month ago I finally was seen by a new rheumatologist, and this is what I really wanted to share. He believed that I do not have Lupus, rather that I have insulin resistance caused by the PCOS, which is now linked to causing inflammation (he had just returned from a conference that discussed this). His own daughter has PCOS, which I believe vests his interests in learning more. Since then he has referred me to a doctor guided nutrition program (high protein, low carb) and I will begin with Met tomorrow.

    I would LOVE to be friends with anyone that would like to be!

    Cheers to you all,
  • I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but I think I have it. I don't have health insurance, so I don't go to the doctor.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Hi there :)

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 13 (10 years ago), and I've been living with a host of ridiculous symptoms ever since. I'm currently not taking any meds to assist with the condition, but I'm looking in to cinnamon pills to help with insulin resistance. I have quite a bit to lose to get to a comfortable weight and I welcome any friends who want to join me on this journey!
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