Stuck and struggling, confused, meds, mental illness, etc

I have borderline personality disorder with depression anxiety and add
I take Zoloft vyvanse Wellbutrin and vistiral
I am the heaviest I have ever been 227lbs
The thinnest I've ever been 145lbs
I want to be 170lbs
I don't know what to do about my meds. I've never had a good psychiatrist. My parents have never cared a lot about it, they aren't very emotionally supportive. It's like I have to figure out what to do about my body by myself. I don't know if I've gained weight from depression or my meds or having little to no activity in my life. I'm so stuck. It's probably a combination of things. If it's a med though I am prepared to come off. Being this heavy is ruining my happiness. I'm tired of it the meds aren't worth this *kitten*. Vyvanse and Wellbutrin are fine, but I don't know. I'm scared I'm going to gAin more


  • SciWhiz
    SciWhiz Posts: 68 Member
    You took the first step in your weight loss battle by joining this site :) Set a reasonable goal for yourself, track all the food you eat, start exercising more (even if it's just a fast paced walk in the evening). Make friends on this site to motivate you and keep you on track. Losing weight is never easy but it's absolutely possible.

    I can't say much about the medications since I've never been on any of them. According to your profile you're 22. Are you able to research psychiatrists in your area and choose one for yourself without your parents being involved?

    Just know you're not alone in your journey! You can do this!! Take it one day at a time!
  • catsdogsh
    catsdogsh Posts: 130 Member
    Welbutrin should be helpful for weight loss. However Zoloft and Paxil are the two weight gainers of the antidepressants. Your GP if they are any good should be able to safely and slowly change meds. Do not go cold turkey off any meds, reducing gradually under supervision is best. Please be very careful and get good medical care starting with a good caring GP. Believe me you can lose weight just fine and you will. You just need some good health care to do it safely