How do you guys feel about planning meals ahead of time?



  • dkrioux
    dkrioux Posts: 144
    I do the same thing as MrsEJr! I also eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day (I'll occasionally switch out a fruit or something). So I know how many calories are my "play calories" for dinner - that's usually my more spontaneous, let's decide later sort of meal.
    I do the same for dinner... I plan the part of the day where I am usually alone, then the dinner calories are more spontaneous... I llike to have an idea, so if we are going out to eat, I will do the online menu thing too.... still find something new but I know what to tweek, or if I should burn a lil more throughout my day to allow for something special. If I am cooking, I am the kind of cook that throws in a lil of this and a lil of that,,, so I will write down what I threw in real quick, and if I have a minute while waiting on something to cook, I will enter the recipe real quick and find out how much it is gonna cost me and how much I can actually have... It has gotten to where my family will ask me when we go to eat, "how much is this?"... LOL...
    Or just knowing how many calories I have and estimate what I can eat,,, I just try to portion wisely and if I am over 100 or so, It is not the end of the world.
    But right now, I am on a more strict course of action, so I did plan what to get at the grocery store, and planned out what to eat ( I can get stuck in a rut and eat the same thing for a week if I let myself)... then I don't have to think about it until we go out to eat or something.:)
    HOpe this helps some. xo
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks y'all. Though, I have another question for those who pack lunch each day - do you still feel satisfied an enjoy your planned, and/or repetitive meals? I have this idea that I would resent eating the same thing each day, but as I write this its occurring to me that I am looking to food to do a little to much for me - entertain me, comfort me, etc. I guess I'm a little apprehensive about letting that go. I don't have anything to replace that right now.
  • BlueSkies_12
    BlueSkies_12 Posts: 74 Member
    You don't have to eat the same thing every day. This site will help you with that. I like to look to see what my friends on this site are eating. You can get ideas from others. It gets easier as you go.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Thanks y'all. Though, I have another question for those who pack lunch each day - do you still feel satisfied an enjoy your planned, and/or repetitive meals? I have this idea that I would resent eating the same thing each day, but as I write this its occurring to me that I am looking to food to do a little to much for me - entertain me, comfort me, etc. I guess I'm a little apprehensive about letting that go. I don't have anything to replace that right now.

    Just because you plan doesn't mean you eat the same thing every day LOL!!

    I have a different meal every evening, different lunches almost everyday. Breakfast always tends to be prety muhc the same though - just variations of yoghurt / fruit and a few slices of wholemeal toast!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I find it important to plan my meals ahead of time, otherwise I end up going for what is convenient rather than what's smart.

    However, I find that it doesn't work well for me to log meals ahead of time. I still frequently change my mind and go with something else, however the planning overall works well.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Breakfast and lunch in our house are just eat what we feel like at that moment, but really, we have 3 kids. We need to have meals that everyone will eat, that are allergy friendly, and we have the groceries for. We don't have a day to day meal list, but we do have a 2 week list of meals and we pick one each day and thats what we have. Once in awhlie we will feel like something totally different and we will make a run to the grocery store to pick the stuff up.
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    I plan most of the day as I eat breakfast. I try to plan my snacks in b/c that's where I lose control. It only takes a moment to change or update it and for me, it works. It does allow me to see where I'm going before I start. But I like surprises too!
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    In order for me to stay on track, it is important that I plan and pack my meals and snacks either the night before or that morning. I typically "wing it" on the weekends, but still try to make good choices.

    Ditto. Its the only way I
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Breakfast for me is pretty much always the same thing. Lunch and dinner change depending on what I've cooked. On Saturdays and Sundays I try to make at least one meal each night so that I can store the leftovers to get me through the week for lunches and other dinners. I try to mix it up so it's not boring, but I've found that not planning ahead is me sabotaging myself and my progress.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for all the feedback. I've been really resisting planning ahead, as winging it is so much more natural for me. But, I think its time to up the discipline and make a change. I love this place!!! Thanks guys!!!!
  • iamhopeful
    iamhopeful Posts: 25
    Before MFP, I would plan meals occassionally and when I did, it really helped and I felt so organized. But I stopped and started winging it again. Now that I'm trying to get more serious with my weight loss efforts, I know I should start planning again. And it definitely helps to have the calendar on the fridge when the hubby or kids call me at work saying "what's for dinner tonight?"
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Planning has been key to success for me. I log my food every morning. There are occasional changes throughout the day, but at least I don't have to stress when I get hungry. My plan includes 3 meals and 2 snacks. If I follow it, I don't get hungry or out of control.
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    I don't plan meals. I eat what I'm hungry for...although that's not always true.

    I have my go-to like my turkey burgers, my ground turkey meat, my boneless/skinless turkey breasts.

    I pick which one I'm in the mood for (or in the mood to cook, because frankly the ground meat is the easiest), then I choose whats next.

    I basically eat the same things over and over again just changing spices, veggies, or swapping sides.

    My basic grocery list:

    Jennie-O Turkey Burgers, Hot Dogs, andGround Turkey Meat
    Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts
    Baby Spinach
    Baby Carrots
    Green, Red, Yellow, and Orange Bell Pepper
    Brown Rice
    Whole Wheat Pasta
    Slim-Fast Meal Bars
    Swiss-Miss Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
    and a new spice every time I go to the store.

    I know its kind of bland looking, but I use incredible spices on everything. My worcester hotdogs are amazing!!!!!!
  • I plan my meals out for the entire week! Healthy vegetables and meats. And my husband likes to go out to eat and I do like a lot of you guys, I check the website and the calories and know ahead of time what I can eat and what I shouldn't eat! It's amazing to look at some of the menus of places we would go and what I once ate and the calories!! Never dreamed I was eating that many calories!!

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