Where do I start?

Good Morning All,

I have made the decision move across to MFP from weightwatchers but I'm currently feeling a little out of my depth as to where to start with food and exercising.

I have my calories and my diary open if you want to look but you wont find anything there as yet.
My goal is to lose weight and get fit but I am feeling so lost as I want to make a life change and I am really unfit.

My anxiety doesn't help, went to the gym fell like a deer caught in the headlights not knowing where to start.

Can anyone help guide me please?

Teri :)


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Weight loss is simple. You just have to eat less and move more. That doesn't make it easy. But logging can make it easier for you. Use your diary. Weigh everything you eat, log consistently, and aim to hit your calorie goal every day. Set a realistic goal, be patient.

    You don't have to exercise if you don't want to, but moving is good. Walking and body weight exercise at home is fine if you are a beginner.
  • missteric
    missteric Posts: 13 Member
    Weight loss is simple. You just have to eat less and move more. That doesn't make it easy. But logging can make it easier for you. Use your diary. Weigh everything you eat, log consistently, and aim to hit your calorie goal every day. Set a realistic goal, be patient.

    You don't have to exercise if you don't want to, but moving is good. Walking and body weight exercise at home is fine if you are a beginner.

    Thanks, I live in a flat so don't like to do exercise at home so I don't disturb my neighbours haha...

    Will Defo look at body weight exercise at gym though
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    Your profile says everything to me. The things you deem important to you are reasons enough to not just "give it a go", but to fully commiit and full fill your dreams.

    I believe that depending on the person, weight loss is hard and for some it is easier for many reasons. If you use MFP app, preferably use a food scale to weigh and log your food intake, stay within you daily/weekly calorie deficit you will get results. Now if you have challenges as it relates to food or your relationship with food, setting and keeping goals, this is where you begin.

    Once you full commit to the process and let go of fears, you have won half the battle. The rest is down hill. So take one day at a time. Use the tools you have choose as your method to loosing weight and exercise if you want to. Think of exercise as your insurance to even better health along side loosing weight. SO slowly engage in some sort of activity to build up confidence. You do not have to go all "gung ho" on the exercise, so start this slowly, just do something at first to move around more, the more weight you loose, the more confidence you will have and even adapt better attitudes towards exercise. Do lots and lots of research and read all the stickies at the beginning of the forums and even use the "community" to search for topics of interest to you. The more you learn, the more you know, the better confidence you will have.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Oh, I read it as your anxiety is making it difficult for you to get to the gym, not that you don't know what to do once there :D Body weight exercise was meant as an at home alternative. It won't make any noise. Look it up at Youtube. If you are going to the gym, I suggest you talk to the staff and get instructions on how to use the equipment there.
  • missteric
    missteric Posts: 13 Member
    Haha sorry I may have not been clear Kommodevaran, I think my anxiety is related to the fear of not knowing what I'm doing.

    I'm going to set some time aside this evening and do a lot of reading.

    I love MFP so much support on here
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You were clear - I just think I understand and then I don't bother to read the whole sentence :#

    MFP has really made a difference for me, I love the community here :)
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    I would suggest just spending a week eating what you would ordinarily eat, and logging it all as accurately as possible. This will get you used to using the database, the recipe builder and so on, as well as starting to develop the habit of logging and finding out your own methods of logging/weighing stuff. It will also let you see how many calories you are ordinarily eating in a typical week.

    After that, the fun begins of deciding how to change things around to reach the goals you want!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    See if your gym has a free trainer session, a lot of them do.

    Then just set a reasonable on MFP and try to be as accurate as possible with your logging.
  • missteric
    missteric Posts: 13 Member
    Unfortunately they don't... :( I think it's just gonna be a lot of reading
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I just use dumbbells at home. It's nice and quiet and doesn't make the floor bounce ;)

    You can find all sorts of stuff online. What part(s) of your body do you want to focus on? Search for exercises that strengthen those muscles. You can find Youtube videos that show you how to do the exercise! Then, just try it out, go slowly, and listen to your body. If your muscles get tired, that's good. If your body says 'OW' then stop! If you can, watch yourself in a mirror to check your form.

    Sometimes I wonder how I ever managed before the internet... XD
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    missteric wrote: »
    Haha sorry I may have not been clear Kommodevaran, I think my anxiety is related to the fear of not knowing what I'm doing.

    I'm going to set some time aside this evening and do a lot of reading.

    I love MFP so much support on here

    Get a couple of sessions with a PT to show you how things work and help you with a routine at the gym?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2016
    missteric wrote: »
    My anxiety doesn't help, went to the gym fell like a deer caught in the headlights not knowing where to start.

    What helped me was having a plan before going. Are you interested in weights, cardio, classes, etc.? If weights, having an idea of what you want to do (a program or the types of machines) in advance can help. If machines (I'm pro free weights mostly), a good thing to do is go when it's not that crowded or just with an idea in your mind that you are going to see what's there and what you know how to use/what seems confusing and then look it up at home. Then you don't feel frustrated that you spent a lot of time looking around -- that was the plan!

    If classes, get a schedule and decide on a couple to try and go when they are offered.

    If free weights, look up/put together a plan in advance and then go with the intention of doing that. (If new exercises, watch them on YouTube or even ask here -- lots of knowledgeable people.) If you are new to this, picking out a set program can make it easier.

    It can feel scary at first (and I have some anxiety issues too), but it goes away.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    edited August 2016
    oolou wrote: »
    I would suggest just spending a week eating what you would ordinarily eat, and logging it all as accurately as possible. This will get you used to using the database, the recipe builder and so on, as well as starting to develop the habit of logging and finding out your own methods of logging/weighing stuff. It will also let you see how many calories you are ordinarily eating in a typical week.

    After that, the fun begins of deciding how to change things around to reach the goals you want!

    ^^^ This is what I recommend to any family and friends who want to try out mfp. I always recommend logging all normal eating for a week. At that point you will see the areas that you need to improve. When I first started logging, I found that my old normal breakfast was like 900 calories. Of course I then knew I'd have to change that. My breakfast now is in the 400 calorie range including my coffee.
  • missteric
    missteric Posts: 13 Member
    Lots of great advice here :) will definitely start reading up on things and take on some of your tips. Today I focus :) I will track x
  • mappeal67
    mappeal67 Posts: 28 Member
    I go to the gym sporadically but I do the easy stuff. Treadmill, swimming, classes.

    I started the "Couch 2 5k" programme. A free to download app from the NHS. It's a good motivator to get you moving. I also try to do Pilates classes. Good for toning and core strength.

    As for food I think MFP is easier than WeightWatchers because you are counting calories, which are more universal than the points system. As long as you use MFP to calculate your daily intake you will see results as long as you stay as close as possible to your calorie limit.

    It's been a roller coaster for me, sometimes life gets in the way, but I have lost weight & am now about 6 lbs off my target. It's taken me about 7 months to lose nearly 2 stone, but the fact that I was able to fit into clothes I never thought I'd wear again about 2 months ago has kept me motivated.

    Of course you can do it. Focus on food and add exercise and you will succeed!
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I tracked for several weeks before adding exercise. I just started out with walking and yoga which I've been doing for 2 weeks. Today will be my first day at the gym. I plan to start out with what looks less I intimidating until I build up confidence. Lol I too am always worried that I don't know what I'm doing. Feel free to add me!
  • mappeal67
    mappeal67 Posts: 28 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    If you use MFP app, preferably use a food scale to weigh and log your food intake, stay within you daily/weekly calorie deficit you will get results.

    This is really good advice. Get a scales to weigh food, if you don't have one. I got a good digital scales from Sainsbury for about £15.
    Weighing food is a revelation and makes tracking your food more accurate. Don't guess - you will get it wrong. I did, by quite a wide margin!

    Also I read something on here that made a lot of sense.
    Don't feel self conscious in the gym.
    It's true. People are usually too focused on their own routine to care what you are doing, but they will help if you need it. The gym should have some kind of induction to make sure you're using the equipment properly.

    Good luck!!