Tips for tracking macros?

Hi all,
I've done pretty well while focused on clean eating and exercise but I'm wanting to get to the next level of fitness. I'm thinking about starting to focus more on macros. Any resources, tips, or tricks your recommend? Any personal experiences or successes you'd like to share? Thanks!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Pre log
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Settle for a macro split that fits your food preferences, don't try to fit your eating style into an arbitrary macro split. Oh, and dump the "clean eating" concept (means nothing, complicates and adds unnecessary rules to eating, adds no value to health, fitness or quality of life).
  • RayahEllen
    RayahEllen Posts: 40 Member
    edited August 2016
    Don't stress finding the "perfect" split. You will hear a billion different people tell you why which split is the best. I started out protein heavy because 1g/1lb was recommended to me but I found that I didn't have the carbs to enjoy eating the fruits and veggies that I liked because like 50% of my calorie intake was protein. So, I personally settled for 30% protein (1g/lbm), 36% fat (.4g/total weight), and 34% carbs because that works for me and my lifestyle. I pre log everything the day before so that I don't have to stress the day of while I'm hungry trying to figure out how to make everything fit. Log everything you "want" first and fit everything else in, for ex. you want to have some ice cream, put that down and then figure out what else you need to eat to hit the rest of your macros.

    Try to be within 5 macros (either way) of your fats, and 10 of your protein and carbs. This is because of the caloric weight of fat is higher than carbs and protein, and it is very hard to hit your macros exactly everyday. So this a good rule of thumb. Others may try to do within 5 for all three categories but I figure if I go over by 7 macros for carbs because of my veggie and fruit intake, the 28 calories won't hurt me too bad.

    IIFYM is totally a personal thing. Find what works for you and be at peace with it. Some people prefer low carb diets, that's not for me because of my never-ending love for fruits and veggies, but it may work for you! Everyone is a critic when it comes to macros. The way I did mine helped me get out of a weight loss plateau because it got me to tighten my logging and I'm eating what I love without binging by dumping the "clean eating" thing , but I'm sure someone will have another opinion as this thread continues.

    If you are struggling with hitting your macros, don't get frustrated: take a step back, breath, and then focus on hitting your protein goal first. Then fats. Then fill the rest with carbs. I hit only protein for a week when I first started and ate whatever else I wanted, then started getting everything else lined up.

    Good luck!
  • AmyRosebud1984
    AmyRosebud1984 Posts: 26 Member
    RayahEllen wrote: »
    Don't stress finding the "perfect" split. You will hear a billion different people tell you why which split is the best. I started out protein heavy because 1g/1lb was recommended to me but I found that I didn't have the carbs to enjoy eating the fruits and veggies that I liked because like 50% of my calorie intake was protein. So, I personally settled for 30% protein (1g/lbm), 36% fat (.4g/total weight), and 34% carbs because that works for me and my lifestyle. I pre log everything the day before so that I don't have to stress the day of while I'm hungry trying to figure out how to make everything fit. Log everything you "want" first and fit everything else in, for ex. you want to have some ice cream, put that down and then figure out what else you need to eat to hit the rest of your macros.

    Try to be within 5 macros (either way) of your fats, and 10 of your protein and carbs. This is because of the caloric weight of fat is higher than carbs and protein, and it is very hard to hit your macros exactly everyday. So this a good rule of thumb. Others may try to do within 5 for all three categories but I figure if I go over by 7 macros for carbs because of my veggie and fruit intake, the 28 calories won't hurt me too bad.

    IIFYM is totally a personal thing. Find what works for you and be at peace with it. Some people prefer low carb diets, that's not for me because of my never-ending love for fruits and veggies, but it may work for you! Everyone is a critic when it comes to macros. The way I did mine helped me get out of a weight loss plateau because it got me to tighten my logging and I'm eating what I love without binging by dumping the "clean eating" thing , but I'm sure someone will have another opinion as this thread continues.

    If you are struggling with hitting your macros, don't get frustrated: take a step back, breath, and then focus on hitting your protein goal first. Then fats. Then fill the rest with carbs. I hit only protein for a week when I first started and ate whatever else I wanted, then started getting everything else lined up.

    Good luck!

    Great tips. Thank so much for taking the time to share all that!
  • olymp1a
    olymp1a Posts: 1,766 Member
    Make sure you pre log from the previous day, This way you can see what macros you need to up or down a little to get to your goals.
  • Dayle1984
    Dayle1984 Posts: 70 Member
    I haven't read this yet, but I was about it.