Trying to get started but Chronic pain is wearing me down

I've been dabbling with MFP since my discharge from hospital just before Christmas 2015. Having undergone major surgery I am still lethargic and suffer daily pain due to chronic illnesses.
I live in North Wales, UK and wondered whether anyone out in the MFP community has successfully managed to build up daily activities and lose a little weight along the way.
I barely manage 5,000 steps a day (and that's with consciously taking stairs and walking short journey's)
The side effects of the medication is weight gain and already carrying 80+ lbs more than I should, I can't gain any more.
Please add me if you are able to offer words of wisdom (my memory isn't great but am trying to dip into MFP daily - another side effect of my condition and meds


  • mnvicke
    mnvicke Posts: 103 Member
    I understand what it's like to constantly be in pain. I suffer from fibromyalgia, as well as a surgical screw in my ankle and a bad knee -all of which hurt pretty regularly if I overexert myself in exercises.

    If you are experiencing lots of pain, you might try adjusting your diet first and foremost. If you can get into the habit of eating a more healthy selection of foods each day, you should start seeing some weight loss. Do what you can in terms of exercise. Don't sneeze at 5,000 steps - there are some people out there that cannot even do that. It sounds like you are doing a great job, making conscious efforts to get in some extra activity with stairs and such. Gradually increase your activity as you are able. Just don't do so much that you end up in bed for several days. Moderation is key!

    Best of luck!!!
  • sharts11
    sharts11 Posts: 17 Member
    Like you, I played with MFP for a bit, but didn't truly make a commitment until 2 weeks ago. The fact that you are already doing 5000 steps a day is wonderful! I have fibromyalgia and struggle with pain on some days, but am determined to make a healthy life change. Let's do this together!!
  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    The good news is most weight loss is a result of dietary changes and not exercise. I typically only burn 100-200 calories each time I go to the gym. A typical "dieting" deficit is 500 calories, some will go as far as cutting 1000 calories. You would have to be in great shape to be able to burn 500 calories a day with exercise, let alone 1000. Almost anyone can cut safely and easily 500 calories a day except some very short and/or elderly people.
  • jackieheadley2016
    jackieheadley2016 Posts: 4 Member
    I also have fibromyalgia. Going to try to incorporate more healthy foods in my diet and gradually increase exercise.
  • Make short term goals for your self and increase your activity level a little bit each week. Dont beat your self up too much. I know its easy to get down when you struggle with a chronic illness. Take pride in the small improvements. If possible see if the docter who discharged you can refer you with a nutrionist. I have Chronic Pancreatitis by the way so I can relate with the pain you may be. Easier said than done but you gata stay positive
  • MusicInMotion67
    MusicInMotion67 Posts: 4 Member
    I too suffer from chronic pain. Like "mnvicke" I too have Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrom, a severely bad back (lubar, and cervical), as well as a bad knee after a Dr. screwed me up but my son got me started using this app after telling me "Mom, it's really about what you eat, and how much you eat. You don't have to get special food, instead eat what you like, you just have to track your calories and try to keep the "fat" content down to what it shows as much as possible." So three weeks ago I started putting in EVERYTHING I eat or drink no matter what it is but I eat what I want for the most part and due to the chronic pain and my knee I'm not able to exercise and I'm not active at all. Very sedentary yet I've lost 8 lbs, and 7 inches. So I really think it's about tracking your calories more than it is about exercising, or special food. Although, if you could exercise then you would just up your calorie intake and it should help with toning and losing inches. I started at 207 but now weigh in at 199.8. First time I've been below 200 in months. My Goal is around 135-140 I think. Don't remember for sure which I set it at. Good luck in everything.
  • tsc408
    tsc408 Posts: 1 Member
    I too have fibro. Right now it is very bad, which can be discouraging. But I'm eating much better right now because I know that will help the pain.