Staying Safe from Creepers?



  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    What is the deal with all of the post flagging?

    Because people are not comfortable with violence. But I would rather be a warrior tending to a garden, then a gardener preparing for battle.

    Agreed. Whether or not I carry, that doesn't mean I actually hope I ever have to use it, because I don't.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    I don't know if a gun is the best choice- esp if you don't have a carry permit- but mace is a good choice. Or that wasp and hornet killer- with the warnings DO NOT GET IN YOUR EYES- i always thought that would be effective also.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    As it happens, my gym does not allow guns anyway. But as I've said, I am already carrying pepper spray, just now I am making sure to have it IN HAND to and from any building in this area (including work). And I mixed it up this morning but still glad I went as I had a kick *kitten* work out!!!!!
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    I would advise just basic situational awareness which you already seem to have. Many people would have their heads burried in their phones or headphones in and not even noticed the person taking the photo.

    Do NOT put stickers on your vehicle advertising that you own or carry firearms. it turns your car into a target for people looking for your gun stored inside it. I would also suggest the same for your home.

    the people recommending the "Tasers" should learn the difference between a stun gun and an actual taser.

    I would suggest getting your ltcf and taking advantage of your 2nd amendment rights. I would carry your pepper spray until then.

    A basic self defense class isn't a bad idea but as a 240lb man I can tell you that even your average sized man doesn't have the strength to stop someone my size until they have had a lot of training and if the larger man has had any training at all its very hard.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    The suggestion of the firearm bumper sticker was in jest, as indicated by the "lol", but thank you lsutton for bringing up the fact that it would just make my car a target. Thankfully my car is equipped with an active security system either way.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    Bumper stickers? I have a "We The People", Magpul, Glock, and a couple others Bumper Stickers. For 5 or more years, and I've not had one person tamper with my car over it.

    But then again standing 5 foot 11 inches tall, weighing a solid 230 pound, with a mohawk and tattoos I don't think many people are going to walk up and mess with me. Esp when I'm wearing my kilt and Grunt Style shirts.... LOL
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    edited August 2016
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    Bumper stickers? I have a "We The People", Magpul, Glock, and a couple others Bumper Stickers. For 5 or more years, and I've not had one person tamper with my car over it.

    But then again standing 5 foot 11 inches tall, weighing a solid 230 pound, with a mohawk and tattoos I don't think many people are going to walk up and mess with me. Esp when I'm wearing my kilt and Grunt Style shirts.... LOL

    Either way I wouldn't do it. People here in this state DO do it, but I associate them with old farm trucks and rednecks. No offense, just not my style ;) Gotta keep separate from the native Oklahomans while I still have the will power.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    No offense taken. To each their own. I drive a lowered 1994 Jetta.... Not some big farm truck.

    To be honest the biggest reason I did it, from the mouth of a LEO, when they see those stickers they assume that the person inside is a Concealed Carry Permit holder, which have proven themselves to a upstanding member of society so they tend to leave them alone unless they are directly violating some law.
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    No offense taken. To each their own. I drive a lowered 1994 Jetta.... Not some big farm truck.

    To be honest the biggest reason I did it, from the mouth of a LEO, when they see those stickers they assume that the person inside is a Concealed Carry Permit holder, which have proven themselves to a upstanding member of society so they tend to leave them alone unless they are directly violating some law.

    now now you know all of us gun carrying maniacs are just waiting to go crazy at the slightest provocation.
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    lsutton484 wrote: »
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    No offense taken. To each their own. I drive a lowered 1994 Jetta.... Not some big farm truck.

    To be honest the biggest reason I did it, from the mouth of a LEO, when they see those stickers they assume that the person inside is a Concealed Carry Permit holder, which have proven themselves to a upstanding member of society so they tend to leave them alone unless they are directly violating some law.

    now now you know all of us gun carrying maniacs are just waiting to go crazy at the slightest provocation.


    Like I tell people, with MILLIONS of guns in the hands of the public and legitimately TRILLIONS of rounds of ammunition if we were troublesome, you'd know it.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    BinaryFu wrote: »
    When you get out of your car or go to your car, keep your keys in your hand, one key between each pair of fingers (3 keys sticking out when you make a fist) and if someone comes at you, go for the throat. One punch, walk away. They won't be following.00hrzvlttla7.jpg

    I do not recommend doing this. Here's why. When you go to attack/punch your attacker those keys are going to go rearward into your hand and will do you as much damage as you do them. Plus the webbings of your fingers are very tender. If you do not strike 100% forward and you push those keys into your webbings you're going go do more damage to yourself than you do them. If you're looking something like that get brass knuckles, or a Brutus keychain....

    Not to mention that you are unable to maintain good control of the keys holding them in that position. They will twist and turn more than expected because the sides of your fingers are incapable of properly gripping the keys.
    If keys are your only means of self defense, you're better off holding the biggest key as though you're going to unlock a door and stabbing it into the attacker's eyes, neck, kidneys...
  • curlsintherack
    curlsintherack Posts: 465 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    CincyNeid wrote: »
    No offense taken. To each their own. I drive a lowered 1994 Jetta.... Not some big farm truck.

    To be honest the biggest reason I did it, from the mouth of a LEO, when they see those stickers they assume that the person inside is a Concealed Carry Permit holder, which have proven themselves to a upstanding member of society so they tend to leave them alone unless they are directly violating some law.

    Side note: I've not been given a speeding ticket in the past eight years that I've had my CCW. The officer just asks what kind of gun I carry and gives me a warning.

    My son who was 4 at the time was in line behind a plain clothes policeman once and he says to me "Daddy he's got a Glock just like yours." The guy smiled told me I had a smart boy.
  • Lisa_Ookoo
    Lisa_Ookoo Posts: 134 Member
    I'm sticking with pepper spray. I would hesitate to shoot somebody with a gun just because they were acting creepy.
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    I ride my recumbent trike on the sidewalk along a major road which has business and houses, but also long stretches of woods that come right up to the sidewalk. In some of the wooded areas I can see paths leading into them, indicating that there is probably a homeless encampment there (this is Florida- a lot of homeless here.) So, I have a good sized pepper sprayer velcroed to my handlebars, and a 380 automatic in a waist pack holster. I also have a really cool little alarm that I just bought- you pull the cord and it makes an AWFUL racket- it didn't cost much, and would definitely let people know that you need help.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    An alarm of some sort sounds like a good idea. I can set my car alarm off with my key fob too.

    That totally reminded me of the office.

  • 2lhasas
    2lhasas Posts: 18 Member
    Maybe you work some self defense into your workout routine. :-) I travel for work all the time, and I feel much better having trained to defend myself. (can't carry a gun or mace on the plane, but no rules against a tactical flashlight, which I carry everywhere) Not sure where you live, but if there is a good Krav Maga gym (hand to hand combat system of the Israeli Defense Forces) in the area, it's a great fighting system and a great workout.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Lisa_Ookoo wrote: »
    I'm sticking with pepper spray. I would hesitate to shoot somebody with a gun just because they were acting creepy.


    But you're OK with spraying them with pepper spray for acting creepy?

    I have my CCL and carry pepper spray (gun not allowed at work), and I would never consider so much as spraying someone unless I legitimately believed they were assaulting me or someone else. Creepy, but non-aggressive behaviour gets an assessment of how best to avoid the person, a weapons check just in case, and nothing else.

    The pepper spray and gun are only for if things escalate into an actual attack.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited August 2016
    stealthq wrote: »
    The pepper spray and gun are only for if things escalate into an actual attack.

    What I find interesting in these debates is that whilst I'd agree that escalating to weapon use is at the far end of the scale, it always appears very quickly in the thread. Even an incapacitant is quite far along.

    Being at the wrong end of a two way range isn't funny, but a great many people seem to see it as a default option.

    Mind you, these threads exist mainly for the entertainment value. At least until they get locked.