Stomach flab

cianna11 Posts: 19
Done day 1 of level 3 (shred) so been at this for three weeks. Legs and arms more toned and stronger but absolutely nada off my waist and belly. Can see some definition strating to sho on upper part of abdomen (just under ribs) Really frustrating as just not sure what to do about this real problem area. Any thoughts/tips/hints?


  • LMP1979
    LMP1979 Posts: 54 Member
    I realized last week I am at the point in my exercising where this seems to be my problem area as well. =)

    I wish to lose only 10 more lbs and so I am amping up my cardio as I have been focusing on strength and only doing strict cardio about once a week. I decided that I will have to make sure the duration of the sessions is at minimum 30 minutes and will be doing more ab only exercises. I am hoping this will do the trick.

    It all takes time - I have been exercising for months and have great toning in my legs and arms and now in my back. I can feel the muscle on my abdomen, but the flab is just gonna take a little extra work!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    tummy is the first to come and the last to go :( unfortunately and it has a lot to do with diet, white carbs are the devil when you're trying to get rid of your belly
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