Trying - again - and need friends for support and motivation

Hey Everyone!

My name's Aaron. I'm 28 and have been heavy all my life, and been trying to do something about it for nearly ten years now but always seem to get discouraged and quit, then I gain back and then some. I did WW a few years ago and lost almost 60! But it got really expensive so I tried going it alone, but once I lost my support group I fell off. Now, even heavier, I'm hoping MFP is the ticket I need.

I would love some friends with similar goals, hopefully we can keep each other motivated by celebrating each other's triumphs and understanding/sympathizing each other's setbacks.

Right now my plan is to mostly cut calories and some mild exercise - walking - until I lose enough that other forms of exercise seem doable. Right now I have 150+ lbs to my goal weight.


  • ETinone
    ETinone Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Aaron,

    Feel free to add me. You can do this, keep believing. And remember take it one meal, one workout and one day at a time. If you fall of and have a bad meal, start the next meal. One thing that helps me is to not set a date when I will restart if i stuff up, my restart is my next meal.

    Not sure what you have done so far, but one thing that also help me sty motivated especially if i dont see the scale moving is measuring and pictures. take a front, side and back picture every month and compare it to the preciuos one you will be amazed by the dirfferences.

    O and if you look for at home workout - try leslie sansone on youtube. She does walk at home workouts but they are full body workouts, when i started I could only manage 5 minutes a day, and i just did what i could not force myself the whole workout and I slowly build and can easily do up to the 3 mile workouts.

    keep strong you got this.

  • bodyrep
    bodyrep Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Aaron feel free to ad me. I'm 44 years old and have had success loosing weight multiple times over the years and love My Fitness Pal. It has helped me in many ways. If you have any questions send me a message. Add me as friend if you like. Good luck and you can do anything you put your mind set to do.
  • kden252
    kden252 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Aaron add me if you wish. I am just beginning as well. I agree with ETinone about Walk Away The Pounds with Leslie Sansone. I love that program because I can go it from home. You can do this!
  • manto2112
    manto2112 Posts: 51 Member
    You can do this!!!!!
  • Cookingevie84
    Cookingevie84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Aaron. It feels like we're coming from the same place with the on again/off again of weightloss. You're not alone and I know you can do this! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • 2y2k
    2y2k Posts: 41 Member
    Aaron, I'm working on my 3rd week with MFP and I LOVE it! Being able to log everything that I put in my body and how much I exercise is great! It's important to look at this as a lifestyle change– NOT a diet. Diets end. This is permanent. You're taking back control of your life.

    Some advice from my own experience– I definitely recommend getting a food scale so you can measure your food & drink at least HALF your body weight in ounces of water a day. If you can replace the majority of your liquid in-take with water, you'll be in really good shape. Drinking cold water is actually negative calorie in-take because your body has to heat it to your body temperature. I used to hate drinking water, but I got a 63 oz water bottle from Walmart and now I can't get enough of it. You'll learn to crave it instead of soda. Try to keep your sodium low, too. And avoid any kind of juice. It's mostly all sugar. If you can cut out sugar and avoid any kind of junk food/fast food, that will help you achieve your goal that must faster. Bread has a lot of sugar, too. Eggs are a super food and sate your hunger really well. They're super high in nutrients. A lot of people avoid the yokes but that's where all the nutrients are. The whites are just protein. And vegetables are AMAZING! You can literally eat your weight in veggies and not go over your calorie intake.

    Staying active is great, too. Walking is wonderful. But start slow. My #1 rule is *do no harm*. Great to push yourself, but don't hurt yourself. ALSO– Because you're heavier you're going to be burning more calories than someone half your size doing the same exercise, because you have more flesh on your body. SparkPeople uses weight and the amount of time during an exercise for a more accurate calorie burn. Here is their database of workouts.

    And keep in mind that weight loss is not linear. Weighing yourself in the mornings is best (preferably once a week on the same day each week, but if you must do it everyday, mornings after using the bathroom is best before you eat or drink anything).

    Wishing you the very best, Aaron! (: Anyone can feel free to add me if they'd like some motivation. I LOVE motivating people! Take care! Today is the first day of the rest of your life!! (: Congratulations!!

    It's a journey, not a race. Each day is a new opportunity to make awesome food & exercise decisions. And you've made the choice to be better, avoid disease, and a live a healthier, happier life! So excited for you! (:
  • bakers_man_88
    bakers_man_88 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow thank you everybody for the warm welcome and especially for the great tips and advice!! I think I added everyone but if I missed you feel free to add me if you like.

    As the Proverb goes: "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
  • emk129
    emk129 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Aaron!! Welcome and congratulations on starting your journey. I'm new to the community but not to my fitness pal. I lost 120 lbs 4 years ago and have been focused on maintenance this past year. I'd love to support you and cheer you along your journey. Let's connect. You definitely can do this!!!
  • tercasey
    tercasey Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Aaron! Just sent you a request. I lost just over 50lbs 2 years and had more to lose but I slowly but surely started gaining it all back.

    So far I've lost 23 lbs out of the 50 gained and I'm looking forward to losing the rest and more! I love My Fitness Pal and it's always great to have people to share stories and motivation during your journey!
  • Talatraja
    Talatraja Posts: 17 Member
    Hey bro.. keep pushing yourself me you got more than you think...Just eat clean keep it simple...and dont forget to lift weights...youll lose much faster by lifting i can guarantee you tht by my personal experience.add me for any help or support... goodluck