A question for the ladies...HELP!

ok, here is my problem- 4 months ago i went on Yaz. I hated it, not only did it make me super emotional, but it also made me gain 15 lbs! Also, I found that no matter how hard I worked out or how healthy I ate, I could not lose weight. So after a long discussion with my boyfriend, I decided (along with much support from him:smooched: ) to get off the pill. I know the pill slows your metabolism. But does any one know how long it takes for your body to get back to normal? I stopped taking it the same time I started this program (about 2 weeks ago). I don't seem to be loosing weight very steadily (only 3 pounds in 2 weeks:cry: ) I haven't gone over my calories and I love working out, so i easily exceed my exercise goals for the day. Does anyone have any good ideas on ways to boost my metabolism and get out of this funk? i am getting a little bummed when i weigh myself.


  • StartingNew
    ok, here is my problem- 4 months ago i went on Yaz. I hated it, not only did it make me super emotional, but it also made me gain 15 lbs! Also, I found that no matter how hard I worked out or how healthy I ate, I could not lose weight. So after a long discussion with my boyfriend, I decided (along with much support from him:smooched: ) to get off the pill. I know the pill slows your metabolism. But does any one know how long it takes for your body to get back to normal? I stopped taking it the same time I started this program (about 2 weeks ago). I don't seem to be loosing weight very steadily (only 3 pounds in 2 weeks:cry: ) I haven't gone over my calories and I love working out, so i easily exceed my exercise goals for the day. Does anyone have any good ideas on ways to boost my metabolism and get out of this funk? i am getting a little bummed when i weigh myself.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I honestly don't know what to tell you except it WILL eventually come off. Your body definetely needs time to get used to what you are doing and everyones body is different so I can't tell you how long it will take. Just stick with it. Hopefully someone knows more than I do, but I will definetely be thinking about you and am here for support if you want/need it! Good luck! You WILL get there!!!!:flowerforyou:

  • Patwin55
    Patwin55 Posts: 100 Member
    Hey, three pounds in two weeks is GOOD! Slow and steady wins the race! Anything over a pound a week is marvelous progress! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • FUNinTHEsun
    FUNinTHEsun Posts: 284 Member
    i have heard that green tea boosts metabolism. so does eating 6 small meals throughout the day, especially breakfast.

    but i think 3 pounds in 2 weeks is a great start, don't be too hard on yourself!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    going off of the pill can take just as long for your body to regulate as going on it does. It mimicks pregnancy, which is why so many women gain weight while taking birth control, now your hormones have to get back to normal.

    3 lbs in two weeks is also nothing to complain about. an aggresive weight loss plan is for 2 lbs a week so you lost 1.5 lbs, that is about as fast as you want to go. It is only 10 weeks at that rate to get the 15 off.
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Your doing good at 3lbs in two weeks even though I understand how much you want it to come off faster.
    The last time I lost a significant amount of weight was when I was eating at least 5 times a day. Keep the snacks small and lean like two or three eggwhites or a couple ounces of chicken breast. I found that it was hard to get into eating that many times a day but after a while my metabolism was high enough that I was starving come snake time and the weight was just dropping off.

    Keep up the good work.
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    yeah 3 pounds in two weeks is nothing to complain about!! Keep up the good work. Also the Ortho - trycelcine pill(sorry about spelling) is good if in the future you want to get back on one. Keep up the good work:smile:
  • lizburnsyb
    My best guess--and this is purely through my experience--is give yourself AT LEAST a month for your body to regulate. I went off the pill a few years ago and after that first month, my weight finally started to drop. I had been dieting and exercising and having zero results (much like you) and was thrilled at how my body responded once I was off the pill. I'm trying to lose again while on the pill and it's sooooo frustrating. I hate the pill!!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    20/20 says weigh gain from Pills are a myth. :tongue:

    Gosh knows I have gained because of it but I am also off of it and gained.

    Gained 50 lbs while on it....lost 50 lbs while on it...went off it and still gained 60 lbs.
  • artloux
    I had lots of problems from taking yaz and I only took it for 3 months. The doctor kept telling me to hang in there it would get better and that it wasn't causing me to gain weight. I gained about 15 lbs too and I've been off for 3 months and I am just starting to feel like my self again. Try loestrin, it is a better choice for many. Good luck!
  • StartingNew
    thank you guys! you made me feel much better:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: