has anyone tried dietbet or healthywage or any betting site where you win money when you lose weight? im too scared to join if it may be a scam or it will take them 10 years to pay lol lol


  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    edited August 2016
    Scam? Not really...
    Good idea? Not really...

    ETA: Really surprised dietbet is still around, they started in 2004?
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I did one DietBet and got paid quickly and easily when the bet was over.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I've never done it b/c my scale fluctuates too easily depending on my hormones, sodium, time of my cycle. So I would end up losing my money due to something like water weight.
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    I have done two diet bets! The first one was super easy because my weigh in to start was after a cheat day so I was a good 3 pounds water weight over my normal weight. There were only a few people (my friend hosted). I bet $10 and ended up winning $14. That was lame.
    Then I did a bigger one. I bet $35 and the pool was thousands of dollars. I ended up winning $52, so I netted almost $20.
    Yeah it was some free money, but I felt like at the end I was really struggling. I was super close and wanted to reach my weigh in goal. I didn't eat at all the night before just so my morning weigh in would be low enough to meet the goal.
    It is real and you do get money, but don't expect to win a ton of money and expect to feel pressure at the end of you haven't reached your goal!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited August 2016
    pass :-)
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I did one to motivate myself to get back on track after the holidays. It was stressful but I did win my bet and they did pay me within a few days. I only actually won about $5 though so for me it wasn't worth the stress I put on myself to lose a certain amount by a certain date.
  • jolybac
    jolybac Posts: 130 Member
    I did dietbet once. It started right after New Years. It was probably the worst possible time to try it, everybody still had that New Years resolution motivation and I only broke even. I got my money back very quickly though.

    It worked for me though. I wasn't really in it to win extra money. The fear of losing MY money kept me on track!
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Yep I have done it. The second time I didn't make my target and I've never done it since
  • tashygolean730
    tashygolean730 Posts: 92 Member
    Healthywage takes a few weeks to pay compared to Dietbet which is usually 48 hours or less.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I make bets all the time with my husband in cookies..

    But no to diet bets.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    I've done three attempts and joined several games at each attempt. I doubled what I bet each time. It takes a couple of days to get paid, but they are consistent and when you withdrawal your money they send it via PayPal instantly. I have really enjoyed my experiences with DietBet. They have a new one called StepBet that I may also join the next time I do a DietBet. I try to do diet bets when everyone is motivated to lose weight but there is a majorr holiday coming up so at some point they don't really care about losing, if that makes sense. I do Thanksgiving and Christmas, and also do he longer games at the beginning g of the year when everyone jumps on the weightloss bandwagon and then they lose interest within a month (do a longer game here), the payouts are much better. I also put daily reminders in my phone so I stay focused. So far it's worked well. To win most DietBets you only have to lose 4% of your weight which isn't difficult. Try one out and see for yourself - the have inexpensive games. Also, do the games that have the most players as those will have the largest pots and statistically more people who end up forfeiting so winnings are larger.
  • sweetjend78
    sweetjend78 Posts: 14 Member
    If Dietbet will motivate you; go for it! I did 2 bets several years back and made a little cash ( about $14-15 back from a $10 bet) It was fun and got me back on track with losing weight.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I did it once - but I can't lose that much that quickly so I won't be doing it again. Not a realistic goal for me.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I do StepBets and I'm planning to join DietBet's first maintenance game (weigh in monthly for 12 months within +2% and -4% of starting weight) next month.

    I find they help keep me consistent and focused, and any money I might win is an added bonus.