Feeling pretty hopeless right now

Hello all!
Okay- so my weight loss journey has been a rather long one. It started when I was a young girl. I had never been a skinny child- kind of just average. I had always had a little pooch and never felt confident about wearing a bathing suit. But it never let go in my way of enjoying my childhood. But then I hit puberty and I looked in the mirror and saw a chubby teenager staring back at me. I had been told by a doctor to, "just loose like ten pounds" and I realized, for the first time, that my own genetics were battling against me. I come from a mother who lost and gained 100 pounds at a time and a father who had three large sisters and a full blooded Italian mother. I lost fifty pounds after an entire year of essentially starving myself and spent years 15-18 battling anorexia. I finally let myself breathe and discover myself as a person in college, but I began to gain the weight back. Slowly, but surely, I let myself get up to 140 pounds. And at five foot one, I am simply carrying around too much weight to feel any confidence or self love. I have been writing down what I have been eating the last three weeks, have taken out any frozen meals in my diet, and haven't had a sweet since I started writing everything down. I even began Jillian Michaels. Its been 10 days since I have started exercise and all I see when I look in the mirror is the rolls and the chub that I have been carrying around since I have been a child.
What can I do to lose weight successfully and without constricting my diet again? I haven't lost a pound since i started watching what I am eating and every day I don't exercise I feel like an obese troll. Has anyone else felt this hopeless or is it just me?
Give me some inspiration guys! I really need some right now.


  • Mirelle242
    Mirelle242 Posts: 63 Member
    Well my dear the best thing I can tell you is nutrition and fitness play a huge role in losing weight! It's a journey that you have to take one step of the time. I know this all sounds cliche but it's the truth! The only way is consistency in doing what's right for your health and body
  • Arapacana1
    Arapacana1 Posts: 117 Member
    You can do this! First of all, 140 pounds isn't that horrible, even if you are short. Begin by looking in the mirror and appreciating your beauty rather than just seeing your flaws. And then take care of yourself by eating what your body needs. Be accurate in weighing and logging your food, and the pounds will come off.
  • Stewie622
    Stewie622 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you both for the replies! I think accuracy is always my biggest hurdle. I have never weighed food before- but I may have to start if that is what will propel my weight loss/fat loss. I have been trying to tell myself one day at a time to keep myself from being overwhelmed.
  • amyarisselra
    amyarisselra Posts: 3 Member
    It is hard. But we can do this
  • amyarisselra
    amyarisselra Posts: 3 Member
    Add me people (amyarisselra) i find it helps when we can see what eachother r eating. Make sure your diary is set to open. Good luck
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Also, make your profile here on mfp start with 1 lbs a week weight loss... Follow the allotted calories given by mfp also eat back some of your excercise calories.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited September 2016
    You need to calm down emotionally and look at body weight rationally - while at the same time acknowledging your feelings.

    First - you are not obese (and not a troll!). Your BMI is around 26, which is "overweight". Don't feel predestined by "genetics" - people are overweight because of how they eat and move. How we think, controls how we eat and move. Adjust your thinking.

    At merely overweight, weight will come off slowly. Half a pound to a pound per week is a good rate at your current weight. You won't be able to see the shift in the mirror or on the scale from week to week, so you need to be patient and consistent, and trust the process. (The process of weight loss is simple, but trusting it can be difficult.) What you can do to feel confident, is to make sure you are getting in the right amount of calories that surely will make you lose weight, without anything near starving yourself. Set up MFP to lose 1 or 0.5 pounds per week. Then use your food diary. Log correctly - this means double checking each database entry, weighing everything on a food scale, logging the amount you eat, never cheat, never forget. Hit your calorie goal every day (+/- 50 calories). That was the strict part. But you also need to be kind to yourself. So eat food you like and food that nourishes you. Don't cut out anything for no good reason (allergies, medical issues, faith, dislikes, triggering, cost and ethics are the only good reasons). Exercise if you want to - not to lose weight, because exercise doesn't burn that many calories - but to feel good.