Binge lying in bed and can barely move

Hi All,

So Ive been doing really well here on MFP. I had one binge day which I logged all my calories last Friday. I ate 2600 cals and excercised that night.

Today I have NO IDEA why, but food consumed me. It filled my every thought, and I literally ate practially every piece of sweet food in my house. Im allergic to gluten so they were gluten free treats that I have in the house. I stopped logging but Im pretty sure Id have been on about 3000 cals. I also had two bowls of cereal, 4 pieces of brown bread with cheese,bacon etc, two bowls of icecream one which I added chocolate powder (from my flatmates press) to because Id no chocolate sauce. STRANGE I KNOW. I also added melon, chopped nuts, maple syrup etc etc etc.

I never usually have treats in the house because Id binge on them. (Em lesson learned. Yes I still cant have treats in the house)

I know I dont need to explain how Im feeling right now as most of you will know the feeling of despair, and the feeling of utter disgustingness after a binge.

I suppose I just wanted someone who knows how I feel to write " Yes I know how you feel!" lol Right now Im lying on my bed having a cry, my stomach is in severe pain from overeating and Im wondering will I ever get over this stupid eating addiction. Im not hugely overweight. Have 9pounds left to lose, but I need to stop this binge eating. This is the 2nd time in a month which is an achievement for me. But its still a struggle and feel like its a set back.



  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Been there, this week even. It's a scary feeling to lose control and eat without thought.

    Tomorrow is another day. All you can do is take it one day at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    (((hugs)))) I can't give you any advice, but I can say that was me last night. Tiredness seems to be my trigger.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Yes. I know how you feel. I know pretty much EXACTLY how you feel. I would send you hugs, but I'd probably have to clean up the mess ;)

    Move around if you can; it will really help.

    Friend me if you like.
  • JenniCH
    JenniCH Posts: 74
    Honestly - I do know how you feel.
    I went over a year without bingeing (lost 120 lbs) and then the closer I got to my goal weight, the more the binges would start to happen randomly... I'm only about 5-15lbs away from where I want to be and I think I'd be there if it weren't for the binges that occur. A couple of weeks ago I sort of had an "epiphany" about them and decided that enough was enough... by bingeing I'm only hurting and sabotaging myself and my hard work. I decided to start a positive journal in which I write down inspiring quotes, sayings... guidelines ETC...anything to help me BEFORE I binge or to also help me with the guilty feelings if I do end up bingeing... so far I've only had 2 binges in the past 2 weeks... the last 3 days have been clean & healthy and I'm hoping for no more relapses but I'm also understanding that this is a lifelong battle and the more positive I stay the easier it'll get. I can really feel something in my brain start to change in the way that I feel and think about myself. I realize that this is the ONLY body I have and that I need to treat it with respect and give it proper fuel. I was miserable when I was fat and I have decided to NEVER do that to myself or my body again. Also - I just write down how I did the day before or how I am feeling almost daily in my journal... it's helped a lot so far.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    sorry double post
  • SweetP88
    SweetP88 Posts: 79
    It happens...I too binge eat....last night 1:30 am I sat down with 10 (Yes 10!!) peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and the jug of milk (no glass...right out of the jug) and ate til I was sick.....but this morning I got up did an exercise class for an hour and then ran for 25 minutes at the gym!! Guilt makes for a great workout!!
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    How big is your deficit? With so little to lose, you may do best only losing 0.5lb/week. You could also include a "cheat" day where once a week you intentionally eat your maintenance Calories to help keep the hunger demon at bay.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Here's my advice: You need to go for a walk. I'm sure you feel sluggish and tired after eating all that sugar, but you have get moving to minimize the damage. If you exercise your body will convert some of that sugar to energy instead of fat. And, then drink some water and green tea.

    Yes, I've had days like that. It's usually because it's my TOM. Just acknowledge that you've had your moment and enjoyed your treats, and move on to damage control.
  • purplenails
    purplenails Posts: 34 Member
    I know how you feel. I left my dinner too late and lost all sense of self control becouse I let myself get way to hungry. I've over eaten by about 700 cals i'm guessing. I struggle with binge eating big time. It's a great help to speak so openly about it though. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    It just happened to me last night, and a bit the night before that. So yea, I understand :(
  • I KNOW how you feel...I am coming off 2 days of binging in the late afternoon and evening...I do so well in the a.m. But then it all falls apart! I have felt sad, desperate, angry, and then the eating starts. Then the guilt after the binge starts...and I have eaten some gross things trying to feel that empty place. PLEASE stay strong! YOu can DO THIS! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks everyone :) Im going to write on an a4 page all the things I hate about binge eating, and pull it out next time this happens. ie this feeling of severe pain in my stomach, the feeling of undoing the hours of excercise and sweat Ive put in all week, the hours Ive spent planning each meal etc etc.
    The only pattern I noticed between today and last week is that both days I was working since 6am, driving 2 hours, and because of my job I ate breakfast at 8am, and couldnt eat lunch until 4pm. I did have a chance for a quick snack though including a soya yoghurt in the car on the way home. :(:(

    Thanks for all your hugs, and for taking the time to reply :) Much appreciated to you all.
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I get like that, especially around my period. It's awful and horrible and I can't seem to stop myself. I just eat and eat and eat. Logging everything and feeling guilty the whole way.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Oh and drink lots of water!! That's the only thing that helps me. I walked out of the casino buffet once bent over double in pain from eating to much sugar.
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I am a compulsive over eater. Binge to the max. I will do GREAT for 3 wks, and then followed by a week of nothing but overeating and eating anything and everything that i can get my hands on. Regardless if I'm binge eating apples, or binge eating skittles. I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I bored. I just eat. Its a SICKENING issue, one that I am slowly working through. So YES i can relate. I try to remove all sugary bad food out of the house. But it doesn't matter if I'm willing to go somewhere and purchase it. The other day I ate a cheese grilled sandwich and a corn dog and a LARGE coke, and a small fry from Sonic. I wasn't even hungry.. I did that on my way home. When i GOT home I ate two bowls of Apple Jacks cereal. Not hungry..but still eating. An hour later, I ate popcorn and sour cream and ononion chips. No excuses. Just eating for no reason. So I get it. To me its more of a emotional deal. Something I have to work through. But binge eating for me leaves me feel miserable, makes me want to make myself throw up, and then the embarrassment and guilt i feel afterwards.. UGH unbelievable. But yessum. I truly understand!
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    I have totally been there! I go through binges at times and there is no rhyme or reason for it. I feel out of control and I can't keep my mind off of what's in the kitchen. I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! But don't stress over it! One binge isn't going to break you! Here is a quote I found( just today actually) and it seems appropriate in this situation!
    "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I've eaten an entire bag of snickers minis in one session just absentmindedly stuffing my face in front of my computer. I know how it feels to be there. You just have to give yourself a hug and say "I messed up today, but tomorrow will be better." Then you have to take steps to make tomorrow better :) I hope you feel better soon.
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Here's my advice: You need to go for a walk. I'm sure you feel sluggish and tired after eating all that sugar, but you have get moving to minimize the damage. If you exercise your body will convert some of that sugar to energy instead of fat. And, then drink some water and green tea.

    Yes, I've had days like that. It's usually because it's my TOM. Just acknowledge that you've had your moment and enjoyed your treats, and move on to damage control.

    100% agree. Last week when this happened I went for a 50 minute run and felt a million times better. However today is slightly different.Not making excuses but its 21.30 at night here, I was up before 6am this morning and will be tomrrow morning as well. Im allergic to gluten but of course that didnt stop me eating two bows of cereal and icecream (not gluten free) so genuinely cant move off the bed. Im in severe agony, and Im not one for making excuses. I love excercise as I have a husky dog to run with me! Really appreciate the advice and help though. xxx
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    i know this sounds stupid but as a former bulemic and still a sometimes binge eater( we are talking real binge here, thousands of calories at a time) I can recommend that you jump on the treadmill or head out of the house for a jog, something, anything with exercise. You won't feel like it but make that the first requirement. As in "I can go right ahead and eat this bag of Oreos followed by that 1/2 a pie, right after I do 30 minutes of hard exercise" Don't even tell yourself it is "instead of" eating. Just tell yourself you can eat after that. I need to remind myself to do this too. The endorphins you get from exercising could just walk you off the ledge.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Right with you today! Had chinese at lunch. OMG did I have chinese. It's killing me right now. Going to have to work out 2 or 3 times today, just to be able to sleep without fretting over it. But the neat thing is, I now know I have a 'way out' of this. I just have to burn off the calories over the next couple of days. That's it. It's not a failure or a reason to keep eating for days. It's merely a temporary delay in my journey of a lifetime... just keep the net calories burned higher than the net calories consumed...that's all there is to it. Get off the bed and get moving! When you can....

    Try not to over analyze it too long. Give yourself a 2-hour limit.. I've spent years analyzing myself and my reasons for overeating and it didn't burn any calories.
