
apples3463 Posts: 2 Member
Hello all I'm new I need good advice to help me with my diet!


  • Jean2860
    Jean2860 Posts: 5 Member good mainly unprocessed food with a little of what you fancy.......add in exercise and use my to keep track of intake.....good luck x
  • Jean2860
    Jean2860 Posts: 5 Member
    Mfp even
  • apples3463
    apples3463 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you!!!! I have cut out soda and only drinking water no more processed food for me and cutting way back on pasta and bread! I am the type of person who only ate dinner and now I have to eat more and its the hardest thing ever but I know I can do this I have had 3 csections and I'm worried I have no more muscle in my stomach and that's what I hate the most I'm scared I will fail at this but I know I am way over weight and I I don't feel good I'm depressed bout my weight please lord help me
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    Consistently log your food. Weigh your food. Plan/prep meals. Drink lots of water. Cut sodas, sweets, fast food and any other junk food you like. Get in some good workouts each week.