July 5-4-3 challenge!



  • megansprague
    Okay I weighed in today at 139 so I suppose my goal is 134, BUT I think I'm going to measure myself because muscle weighs more than fat.
  • Foufou82
    Foufou82 Posts: 9 Member
    I've opened my diary up to friends only so if you want to take a look at mine, or vice versa, just send a request. I'm really excited about this. Hoping to lose more than the 5lbs so fingers crossed!
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone! It's July 1 and an official weigh- in day! I decided to start using the Wii Fit as my new and only way to weigh myself, but unfortunately it shows a 5 pound difference (UP) from what the other two scales have been showing. However, it does seem to be a bit more consistent and I prefer that over the actual number it reports.

    JULY 1 WEIGH-IN - 235lbs

    Friday: "Fit to Strip" video - 350 calories
    Saturday: Ultimate Frisbee - 850 calories
    Sunday: Bike Ride and "Fit to Strip" video - 1000 calories
    Monday: Bike Ride - 650 calories
    Tuesday: Volleyball and "Fit to Strip" video - 850 calories
    Wednesday: Bike Ride - 650 calories
    Thursday: Volleyball and "Fit to Strip" video - 850 calories


    THIS WEEK'S PROBLEM DAYS = Saturday night bachelorette party, Sunday evening Fourth of July cookout.

    JULY 8 GW - 233.5lbs

    On Friday July, 8 I'll be back and report my actuals, my successes and, yes, my downfalls. Hopefully that accountability will keep me on track to actually stick to my plan. Good luck everyone! Especially those celebrating a holiday this weekend!
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    If yall got room for a dude, I'm in.

    Name: Mike
    Age: 35
    Height: 6' 1''
    HW: 400 lbs
    CW: 397 lbs
    GW: 225 lbs
    Ultimate GW: 200 lbs)

    Graphic designer, artist, down-to-earth, happily married, Christian (theologically conservative, socially liberal)...that's all the pertinent info I think. Oh and my food diary and stuff is set to friends only, so if you wanna help out with that, just add me.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Let's get this thing started!!!!!!! Do great, Everyone!
  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Is it too late to join. I have never joined a challenge, but I think its a great idea. Especially with the Holiday weekend and my vacation coming up. I need to stay accountable. So if you have room for 1 more here are my numbers....

    Name: Tricia
    Age: 31 (almost 32)
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 201 lbs
    CW: 187.4 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs

  • Statari
    Statari Posts: 16 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    It's July 1st and I've just recently completed my second week of weight loss and am losing some of the ambition I once had so I'm going to join this challenge with you! My daily journal is open to my friends so if you're looking for someone to witness your efforts, let me know and we can look out for one another!

    Name: Kristin
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 207.8
    CW: 206
    July Goal: 201
    Ultimate Goal: 170
  • bgombarick
    I definitely want to give it a try.
    About me: I actually started May 1 and have lost a total of 19lbs. already. I want to stay with it so maybe getting with everyone else and having someone to talk with is the way to go.
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 231
    CW: 212
    1st Goal: 205 by Aug 1
    2nd Goal: 195 by Sept 30
    3rd Goal: 175 by Dec 25
    Ultimate Goal: 150 by April 1, 2012
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Ugh -- so I am at my parents' house for the 4th and I did horrible yesterday! Used up one of my 4 bad days already, on the very first day. And woke up this morning over a pound heavier than yesterday because of all the sodium. So frustrated with myself! I WILL stay under today!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Ugh -- so I am at my parents' house for the 4th and I did horrible yesterday! Used up one of my 4 bad days already, on the very first day. And woke up this morning over a pound heavier than yesterday because of all the sodium. So frustrated with myself! I WILL stay under today!

    Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game! You can do this!
  • megansprague
    Ugh -- so I am at my parents' house for the 4th and I did horrible yesterday! Used up one of my 4 bad days already, on the very first day. And woke up this morning over a pound heavier than yesterday because of all the sodium. So frustrated with myself! I WILL stay under today!

    I actually increased my calories because I was on 1200/day goal to lose 1.5lb/week so now I'm on 1lb/week. The 1200 was stressing me out and I was eating and eating and eating and feeling guilty. Now I feel more at ease about calories and in control. I don't know if you could do this? But honestly, I've had the worst few days/week to the point I thought about quitting MFP and more and I feel a little bit better here and there.

    You can do it!
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Hope everyone had a good Fourth and is ready to get back in the game ... I know I am!
  • megansprague
    Has anybody thought about zig-zagging calories? Because I'm thinking about it but I'm not sure yet and that would kind of cancel me out of this challenge.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    is it too late to join??? if not here are my stats:

    Name: Kizzy
    Age: 31
    Height: 4'8"
    HW: 189 ibs back in 2002/2003
    CW: 185 ibs
    July 31st GW: 180 ibs
    (Ultimate GW: 125 lbs)
    About me: i'm a person that loves to move around from one place to another alot.....for instance last year i lived in 3 different states....this year i've lived in 2 different states....just moved again from one town to another city in the same state....i've been overweight since i started gaining weight as a child....i WAS in the 170's last time i checked....but since i started working @ a fast food place that sells a lot of ice cream and i drank a lot of shakes when i was working there i gained a lot of ibs....i'm glad that i now live where my roomies have a weight scale so i can check my weight @ least once a week and i no longer work for the ice cream place...lol)
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I had my first day over yesterday:sad: But today WILL be better!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    oh...very bad weekend! :sad: I overdid it everyday. So much good food everywhere we went. I wasn't near a computer to log anything. Oh, I will just start fresh today!
  • megansprague
    Hello everybody! So it looks like I have to back out of this challenge. I just went to the doctor and she told me I tore my soleus (a small muscle in my calf) and every time I'm exercising it gets worse. I am not allowed to exercise for a whole week! This includes walking :( Ahh well. Good luck everybody! YOU CAN DO IT
  • Eats_With_A_Fist

    Goal 1 down! Now let's see if I can keep it off and move that number a little further down!
  • kathrynp45
    kathrynp45 Posts: 22 Member
    I decided to do a 7-day detox program on Monday to try and kick start my metabolism using Natural Factors Revitamix and Detoxitech. I am on Day 5 and doing well but just started the Detoxitech drinks today - they are ugly green and unbelieveably nasty tasting. Has anyone else tried this and have suggestions on what to mix it with to hide the flavor?