Six pack success story motivation needed


I am working out since last 20 months. My dream is to have six pack abs. I have been reducing my body weight and also lifting heavy. I have reached around 18% body fat now with very little fat. I had around 35% bf when I started.

I just want to hear someone who has completed such journey successfully.
When did your abs started to show up?
How did it feel?
I know it might be easy for someone skinny to add muscle and build six packs but I am looking for someone with high body fat and now having six packs to show


  • yasseryehia334
    yasseryehia334 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm going through your journey as well. I have lost about 16 kgs in the past 100 days I went from 35 % body fat to 22 % body fat and aiming at 15 %. I still have a little bilging tummy and some love handles. I want to get rid of them completely and work on my six packs. If you have a plan gor it involve me and lets motivate each other though you are few steps ahead of me.
  • Cchioles
    Cchioles Posts: 276 Member
    For Men, You Need To Probably Be Closer To 10% BF Before You'll See Them, But Also Work The Core Often! I'd Say 3 Times A Week.
  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 262 Member
    10% is the standard goal but everyone is different so may take more or less for your abs to be visable. Also the size of your ab muscles will play a role in that. Abs are muscle and can grow with weight training. Bigger thicker abs will be visable long before under trained abs. Im going through this now. I took some pics at 5am yesterday and when i was awake enough to actually focus my eyes on them i was shocked to see some abs popping out. Keep working dude. You totally got this
  • satisatisati
    satisatisati Posts: 260 Member
    Thank u guys for your comments.
  • dougtrout195
    dougtrout195 Posts: 1 Member
    I've cut calories to 2400 for 4 months, then 1900 per day for last 3 months. I've done p 90x3 4 rounds and lost 30 pounds since January 1st of this year (added some muscle too)
    I've got about 7 more pounds to loose to hit my goal. 0o4mjsrc9be5.jpeg
  • satisatisati
    satisatisati Posts: 260 Member
    I've cut calories to 2400 for 4 months, then 1900 per day for last 3 months. I've done p 90x3 4 rounds and lost 30 pounds since January 1st of this year (added some muscle too)
    I've got about 7 more pounds to loose to hit my goal. 0o4mjsrc9be5.jpeg

    You looking great. You were quite good during your starting picture too. Just bit of love handles which is no longer there now. Wish you get six pack abs very soon. Thanks for the motivation!
  • satisatisati
    satisatisati Posts: 260 Member
    evilokc wrote: »
    10% is the standard goal but everyone is different so may take more or less for your abs to be visable. Also the size of your ab muscles will play a role in that. Abs are muscle and can grow with weight training. Bigger thicker abs will be visable long before under trained abs. Im going through this now. I took some pics at 5am yesterday and when i was awake enough to actually focus my eyes on them i was shocked to see some abs popping out. Keep working dude. You totally got this

    Thank you for the feedback.