Could someone help critique/improve my current Regime for Martial arts

gamespy10 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi thanks for taking the time to look at my post.

What i do and my goals
i currently train in HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) and Tae Kwon do (for fitness only). Im a little overweight after university and i am looking to increase my anaerobic endurance and lose some weight. My end goal is to start competing in HEMA tournaments by next year (2017)

I currently have access to max weight 20KG dumbbells a pull up bar and a rowing machine in my home, i do not own a gym membership.

For those who dont know HEMA is the study of historical swordsmanship e.g. longsword, rapier, sabre etc. I train mostly in longsword

My Current regime

Monday: Tae Kwon Do Lesson 1 hour: moderate - high intensity depending on wether we are sparring or just doing forms

Tuesday: Weapons 2 hours: low - moderate intensity: low intensity drilling with a 1.5kg long sword or wrestling drills.

Wednesday: Weapons 1 hour 30 mins: low - moderate intensity drilling with longsword 1.5Kg or single handed sword 1kg

Thursday: rest

Friday: HITT rowing 5 min warm up at a slow pace then 15 minutes pulling intensely for 1 minute then resting for 1 minute

Saturday: steady rowing 30 mins at a manageable pace

Sunday: Rest

If anyone could give me any advice or guidance that would be really appreciated. sorry for the length of this post


  • killingthejiggle89
    In highschool I was pretty into tae kwon do. On top of regular classes 4 times a week I practiced my form at least 3 to 4 times a day. I also ate way to much because I felt so hungry. Martial arts burns a lot of calories, maybe you should get your calories(have not looked at your diary) squared away before you add more.
  • gamespy10
    gamespy10 Posts: 3 Member
    Im currently aiming for 2000 calories a day and i wasn't really looking to add more exercise (although i do think some weight training may be beneficial). it was more a case of am i doing too much, am i doing the right type of exercise for my goals etc.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    To compete in martial arts what you need to do is train. Train train... keep training. Work on the things your sensei tells you you need to focus on. That's pretty much it.

    If your body feels good and you have enough energy for what you are doing then you are not doing too much.

    2000 calories does seem low though. I am in the aikido dojo 6 hours a week. Burns vary depending on what sensei focuses on that day so I use a heart rate monitor to determine burns and eat back some of those calories. Aikido is generally not as intensive as TKD.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    Can't advise you the martial arts, but if you want to get stronger you need to train for strength and a program is the only way to get you there.
  • gamespy10
    gamespy10 Posts: 3 Member
    2000 cals is because Im trying to drop weight and fat hence all the cardio, i am currently 85KG with 20% bodyfat, before my final year of university i was 73Kg with 12% bodyfat. TKD does burn a lot of calories but I am only doing that once a week and i do increase my calorie intake for exercise. I do agree that i need to train more its just made hard when practising for a weapon based martial art when you dont have a partner.

    Nakedraygun What do you mean by a program? and do you think i would need to do a dedicated strength program? really im only needing the strength and endurance to cut lunge, thrust and move with a heavy sword. surely practising the movements im going to perform with said weapon is training the muscles sufficiently?

    Iv included a link of some HEMA sparring to give you an idea of what this involves

    Thank you for your responses but i am still looking for someone to tell me if my plan at the moment is good for fat burn and increasing anaerobic fitness.
  • eugenia94102
    eugenia94102 Posts: 126 Member
    I would replace one of the rowing days for a lower body workout (at the very least I would add some lunges - weighted, forward and reversed).