Weight loss slowing

After losing 75 lbs and still another 56 to go I have found that my weight loss has slowed to about half the rate from an average of 2 lbs a week to a 1 lb per week. Whilst I have been expecting a plateau I have not experienced this yet. My calorie intake remains at 1200 per day and I have increased my exercise but even with I'm struggling. Does anyone have any tips on how I can boost my weight loss please


  • kelsey_frame_666
    kelsey_frame_666 Posts: 37 Member
    First off well done on your loss of 75lbs! That's a great achievement. Weight loss does tend to slow down for some people over time. Be patient and keep doing what your doing, the results will show. What are your stats if you don't mind me asking? (Height, weight) Are you consistently eating 1200 everyday? And what excersises are you doing? It might be an idea to increase your intake to 1400 and try to increase activity (I know you said you have).
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I would expect you to need to eat more than that at your size. I would suggest that you bump up your intake a bit (I know, it sounds crazy) to ~1400 cal/day.

    How are you exercising? Are you being super intense for your ability? Are you working out for 30-60 minutes 6 days/week? Are you measuring and weighing your food? When you're not making the progress you want, it's time to really evaluate what you're doing and see if there's somewhere you can get more intense and/or consistent.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    The answer is never eat more unless you are truly underrating.but this does not appear to be the case here.

    Weight loss has not stopped..you described a slowing. How long?

    Also increases in exercise causes some water retention especially when increasing volume and intensit.

    Next weight loss is not linear. Some weeks can show slow or no loss.

    Wait three weeks min if no loss before you get concerned.

    This is when you take a look at intake accuracy and if eating back exercise cals you might need to reasses.

    Edit to add..if you do experience a true stall..at 1200 cals going lower is never recommended per safe weight loss guidelines..what you may want to consider is going unto maintainece for a period of time and or change up exercise or amount of activity..

    Also losing lean mass if not conducting muscle sparing such as strength training..your resting Bmr will lower a bit due to loss of lean tissue..may want to add in ample protein to diet and follow a structured strength training program..I always recommend this to anyone losing weight..more lean mass you maintain or can build will keep the metabolism is in check.
  • Somersetgal
    Somersetgal Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone. Your comments have been very helpful. I am extremely reticent to increase my calories so this is something that I will avoid at all costs until I can start doing maintenance. The weight loss has slowed over the period of a month and everything I eat is weighed and measures (I've been kinda obsessive about that). I have spent the last few hours revising my exercise plan and i am going to increase the amount of walking I do increasing it from 3 miles per day to 5 miles and also introduce swimming a couple of times a week. I have also been studiously going over my food diary for the last month and have noticed that although the calories consumed remains unchanged there are foods with little nutritional value but high fat content (crisps and chocolate) have been creeping in which I shall put a stop to straight away. Hopefully these changes will get me back on target. Thank you all again for your help and support
  • kelsey_frame_666
    kelsey_frame_666 Posts: 37 Member
    Good luck. And remember you don't have to deprive yourself of treats, just make sure they fit into your deficit. Increased excersise is a great idea but you may find that your body needs more fuel the harder you work it BUT please don't stress over this. Too much excersise and too little food can be very detrimental to your goal. See how you get on and if it works for you great. Let us know how you get on in 3-4 weeks. Good luck
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Slower weight loss after an amazing 75 lb loss is completely normal and to be expected. It took me 6 months to lose the first 50, 8 months for the next 50, and more than a year for the last 50. The less you weigh, the smaller deficit you can create. Just keep plugging away at your plan, tighten up your logging, and you will get there!
    Sw 301
    Cw 154
    Gw 150
    27 months

  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    slowing your weightloss to 1lb a week is ok. Yes it will take you longer but losing 4 lbs a month is still mighty good progress. Be patient the weight is continuing to decrease.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,021 Member
    Losing 1 pound per week is not a stall. When you have more to lose you can lose 2 pounds per week. As your weight lowers your maintenance lowers so your deficit will get smaller. You should continue to lose at about 1 pound per week and then when you only have 10-15 to go you will most likely be losing .5 per week. This is normal and healthy. Congrats on your weight loss. It sounds like you are right on track.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    It sounds to me like you are doing everything right. Stay the course and be patient. One pound a week is still a whopping 52 pounds a year!!