Dextox / Cleanse ?

Hi there - new to the site & have a quick question.... i don't have too much to lose (less than 20 lbs), but having a hard time nonetheless! It was recommended to me to "jump start" with a cleansing regimen... just the kind of OTC stuff you get at Whole Foods... lasts for about 14 days... with a 5-6 pills a day with a myriad of "herbal" ingredients.

Does anyone have any experiences with these kind of products they'd be willing to share? I'm up for trying anything, but don't want to do something that might result in "explosions" any nature! :wink:

Thanks for any responses!


  • ccarrithers
    Hi there - new to the site & have a quick question.... i don't have too much to lose (less than 20 lbs), but having a hard time nonetheless! It was recommended to me to "jump start" with a cleansing regimen... just the kind of OTC stuff you get at Whole Foods... lasts for about 14 days... with a 5-6 pills a day with a myriad of "herbal" ingredients.

    Does anyone have any experiences with these kind of products they'd be willing to share? I'm up for trying anything, but don't want to do something that might result in "explosions" any nature! :wink:

    Thanks for any responses!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I've tried them, and, well...yes...explosive.

    Your body is remarkably good at "cleansing" itself if you treat it correctly. A good "dietary cleanse" involves eliminating white flours and other refined carbs, concentrating on fruits and vegetables and plenty of good water.

    Essentially, upping your fibre and water intake, and taking the crap out of your diet will give you the same result, and fewer. . .um. . .unplanned bathroom trips.

  • williamsknollfarm
    Both my husband and I did the colon/Liver cleanse over 2 weeks and it worked great! There was no huge explosions but you are taking in more fiber and the laxative is a natural one and of course you have lots of fiber going in so lots will go out but I didn't have excess gas or anything.

    Prior to the cleanse I couldn't eat really sweet foods, my favorite being cheesecake or it would result in explosions. It had been like this for years and I didn't think I would ever be able to eat these rich foods again. I found that after I did the cleanse that I could make a cheesecake or other sweets with all natural ingrediants (rather than the myriad of chemicals and artificial ingrediants from store made foods) and my body works! I used to worry all the time about getting sick and now I haven't been sick in months! After the cleanse I also started buying more living foods like cultured sour cream, yogurts etc. and also drink Kombucha and I am not constipated like I used to be and haven't even had a cold since I did it. So, I strongly recommend the cleanses! I believe that the cleanses work to remove the rotting food that gets "stuck" in your intestines, so it just blows it up and scrapes it all out. This rotting material is poisoning to our bodies -the old saying "the root of all sickness lies in the bowels". I think my body couldn't handle that poisoning effect along with the toxins in the food I was eating...

    I have friends and my mom that have also done similar and they too drink Kombucha (a fermented sweet tea) and they no longer get sick either. I don't take in any artificial sweeteners and most of what I buy is Organic & I do most of my own cooking, so that might also help...but we still do eat out on occasion too...
  • tbirdl2008
    i have hears of the 1 day cleansing..
    it where you only drink juices and fruits..
    its says to dring veggie/tomato juice starting in the morning..
    and fruits
    like eat 1 fruit of whatever until u full for breakfast
    dont fix the fruits tho and do this for 1 day..
    snack ...grapes
    snacks ..apples
    and juice juice juice...
    good luck
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Your liver and kidneys detox and cleanse you every day, all day. That's why it's so important to drink a LOT of water.
    Your intestinal tract all the way through your colon is a smooth mucous membrane, much like the inside of your mouth. It is constantly contracting in waves to push food along--this is called peristalsis. It actually prevents anything from getting stuck. Have you ever had food stick to the insides of your cheeks? Of course not, it's lubricated. Your bowels have their own lubrication, which is increased when you eat fiber; fibrous material bumps against the cells of your intestinal tract, and they excrete more mucous in response. This, along with the added bulk, is what helps you have a bowel movement from eating fiber.
    If you are constipated, it's because you're dehydrated, so the fiber is more dry than usual. It's still on its way out, but just moving more slowly.
    There is no rotting food in your intestine. The contents of your fecal matter are plant fiber, dead bacteria, bilirubin (from red blood cells-it makes your fecal matter brown), and a teeny bit of dietary fat. The inside of your stomach and intestines has a pH that doesn't allow for rotting or fermentation.

    In your urine, you excrete extra water soluble vitamins you don't need (like Vit. C) and urea, which is what ammonia is converted to after you process amino acids from protein, and water and salts of course.

    As you can see, there is no need to detox. Just drink a lot of water.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I am doing a detox that is healthy. Not a juice or a blast your colon. It is eating right
    If you didn't read my post on detox a week ago, check it out...