How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?



  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?

    I don't know, whatever causes tooth decay, cancer etc? Is it the artificial sugars? Someone else probably knows.

    Diet soda wouldn't cause tooth decay (decay being a bacterial process, and bacteria can't metabolize the sugar substitutes either). It can cause tooth mineral loss chemically, via its acidity, as can many kinds of juice, so it would be better to drink through a straw.

    There's no evidence that any artificial sweetener causes cancer.
  • 87sid
    87sid Posts: 67 Member
    60. For my coffee.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    About 100 calories in cream for my coffee. Totally worth it.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited September 2016
    Minimum for no/low calorie beverages. Black coffee, and water.
    I get way more satisfaction out of chewing my calories.
    An occassional glass of wine on holidays, the last time was Thanksgiving 2015.
    I have been doing this for 4-1/2 years (almost 3 on maintenance).This works best for me.

    If you want it, have it, and allow for it in your calorie budget for the day. There are no bad foods, it is just overindulging in too many calories per day. Doing what works for each of us is what will be sustainable in the long term.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    One thing I used to do if I was drinking a lot of hot coffee in the day - measure out a cup of milk (or whatever you decide is your limit for the day) log it and then each time I make coffee I just pour out of that measuring cup. That way I'm not worrying out measuring out each "splash" of milk I use. I've already accounted for it. I also use a almond milk blend usually so it's lower calories.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    At least 45 calories. I like having 12oz of warmed unsweetened almond/cashew milk before bed, and it helps me reach my calcium/vitamin D goals (I'm trying to up my dietary intake of vitamin D).

    And alcohol. I'm PMSing pretty bad and am thinking about logging maybe 160 calories in red wine or Skinnygirl margarita mix as an afternoon snack (or am I in the mood to eat those calories? Or walk to another episode of Orange is the New Black and do both? :wink:).
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Usually none. I drink water or unsweetened tea. No milk. No soda pop or juice. No smoothies or shakes. No alcohol.
    I noticed that eating my calories was much more satisfying than drinking them. Something about chewing helps me to feel more full.
    If you you want to drink milk in your coffee or tea but don't like the calorie count maybe gradually reduce the amount you add or switch to lower fat milk to reduce calories.
  • boomhower1820
    boomhower1820 Posts: 86 Member
    Today, about 1700. 500 in my shake and 1200 in my beer, going to be a light dinner. Not hitting my macros. Beer is my cheat meal.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?

    I don't know, whatever causes tooth decay, cancer etc? Is it the artificial sugars? Someone else probably knows.

    You've been misinformed. If you'd like to drink diet soda for the caffeine with zero calories, feel free. It's perfectly safe. Someone be kind enough to link the aspartame isn't scary thread? I'm running out the door and don't have it bookmarked. (Need to fix that later.) :wink:
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Anywhere from 0-500 calories daily for beverages. My average is about 150 daily. Mostly milk (yay! Calcium and some protein). Sometimes a little alcoholic indulgence.

    Other than that, I drink nearly no juice or sugary drinks, as I don't care for them.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    a couple table spoons of cashew milk is virtually nothing literally like 6 calories
  • AlishaBaxmann
    AlishaBaxmann Posts: 29 Member
  • OcalaFL
    OcalaFL Posts: 173 Member
    I log them from an 5 calories crystal light, soda, to a several hundred calorie protein shake. If it fits my calorie goal and does push a macro to far over its all good. I have lost close to 60lb since July and still drink soda.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?

    I don't know, whatever causes tooth decay, cancer etc? Is it the artificial sugars? Someone else probably knows.

    You've been misinformed. If you'd like to drink diet soda for the caffeine with zero calories, feel free. It's perfectly safe. Someone be kind enough to link the aspartame isn't scary thread? I'm running out the door and don't have it bookmarked. (Need to fix that later.) :wink:
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Personally, I like snacks too much to take calories away from them. Drinks get none of my usual allotment.

    I switched to black coffee and tea and diet soda. Once in a great while I have a regular soda and at first it was a luxury. Now I still do it out of habit but it's not the big deal it was in the beginning.

    Also once in a great while I'll splurge on a whole milk latte with flavor swirl at Dunkin Donuts. That hasn't lost its magic.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How many calories do you leave a day for drinks?


    I don't drink my calories.

    I couldn't survive without some caffiene. I have Bipolar, so I spend a lot of time being tired. I have decaf in the morning, then have caffienated later on in the day if I need a boost.

    I drink quite a lot of caffeine ... coffee, tea, Coke Zero ...

    I love soda and would drink it constantly if it didn't have dangerous chemicals in it. I still drink too much though.

    What dangerous chemicals are you referring to?

    I don't know, whatever causes tooth decay, cancer etc? Is it the artificial sugars? Someone else probably knows.

    You've been misinformed. If you'd like to drink diet soda for the caffeine with zero calories, feel free. It's perfectly safe. Someone be kind enough to link the aspartame isn't scary thread? I'm running out the door and don't have it bookmarked. (Need to fix that later.) :wink:

    Thanks @zyxst

    And to grab a quote from our resident molecular biology and biochemistry PhD @Aaron_K123 from a another recent diet soda thread when someone mentioned aspartame and kidney damage:
    Aspartame breaks down into aspartate, phenylalanine and methanol within our stomachs and intenstines before it crosses into our blood. Those molecules are also found in chicken (aspartate and phenylalanine are amino acids found in any protein) and in orange juice (methanol is present in any fermentable solution). In fact chicken and orange juice have considerably more phenylalanine, aspartate and methanol than would be found in even liters of diet cola. So if aspartame is hurting your kidneys then orange juice and chicken would be utterly laying waste to them. It is for that reason I am fairly confident aspartame does not cause kidney damage.

    If you want the diet soda, drink the diet soda. I have been for at least twenty years. I've had no adverse consequences to my health and I've recently lost 100+ pounds.

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I start my weekdays with 4.00 fl oz of 2% milk. It's what I put my whey protein in. It was a rather selfish decision to "not deny myself a food". That is, I just wasn't willing to let all the changes I was making to my food leave dairy out. So, the calories of 4.00 fl oz milk get first dibs on my daily total. That may be the way you have to handle it. "I WILL put 1 oz in my coffee x times daily", sort of . I don't use dairy in my coffee so I can have all the coffee I want, but I do empathize with your particular preference in coffee. It is not to be trifled with.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I save calories for half and half in my coffee and a glass of wine most evenings. And I'm in the nothing dangerous in diet soda camp. If you enjoy it you should feel free to drink it!
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member

    100 of heavy cream in coffee and half cup of whole milk in my Oatmeal.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I drink two cups of coffee to help stave off hunger after lunch and after dinner. I use 1/2 cup Silk vanilla unsweetened almond milk and 1 tbsp sugar free cream which amounts to 35 Cals per cup. Makes the cup more substantial too.