When does it start happening where you notice a weight loss?



  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    It's so funny how ppl on MFP community think that just BC she may be off and that I recommend she cut her carbs automatically think I'm wrong...it has been PROVEN that it IS what you eat and not just how much....I have seen ppl eat 3 to 4 k cals a day and STILL drop weight like crazy...it is NOT always cals in cals out...ppl process fats and carbs at different rates...I promise you ,you cannot be so far off on your cal count that it is making THAT big of a difference...if everyone that comes on MFP is all of a sudden a pro at weight loss they would not be on here ......dang I am new to MFP and I feel like everyone is so critical of other ppl just simply suggestions things to try but then everyone thinks they know everything about weight loss...crazy...

    No, it has NOT been proven that it's what you eat and not the calories. NO, people can not eat 3 to 4 K calories, burn less and drop weight like crazy. There is at least one guy out there that documented himself eating nothing but Twinkies (in a deficit) and guess what, he lost weight. And you don't think their calorie count could be that far off? You might wanna watch this.

  • lizjoan3
    lizjoan3 Posts: 41 Member
    ok..I had lost 8 # counting calories, using a scale to weigh food, walking etc..Then went 2 months and lost nada! Im over 40. Someone suggested a fat burner from GNC and I started losing again 5 # in 2 weeks.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    edited September 2016
    OP, you need to definitely go out and get a food scale asap and start weighing everything you put in your mouth. You do not need to cut out all the good things in your life. There is no reason to give up breads, junk, etc. I still eat bread, candy, and all the things you have given up and I've lost a decent amount of weight (31 lbs as of today) the past few months I have been logging. You have to balance these things into your calories per day. I had some leftover steak today. I just weighed it on the food scale and logged it in by weight. That is the most accurate way to do it. I had around 250 calories left over for the day so what did I choose to use it on??? The two pack of Reese's peanut butter cups. I can promise you that me eating that will have no negative effect on my weight loss and I will still lose this week just fine. There is no need to make this process miserable. If you do that you are guaranteeing that you will not be able to keep off any weight lost. I tried to eyeball my portions before and let's just say I had about the same results you have had. I way over estimated on everything.
  • catleego
    catleego Posts: 5 Member
    edited September 2016
    So help me to understand.Basically, what I enter into the system in terms of weight will calculate the calories because what I am currently entering based off the search list or back of the packets are presumed widely incorrect? How do I know what the carbs, sugar, fat content etc are as well? Total newbie at this and appreciate all the advice I am receiving but I quite obviously, don't know what I'm doing and I'm very keen to do the right thing. My aim obviously is to lose the excess weight so I'm very serious about this (as I know everyone else is). I am completely eating foods based around achieving at or below the Food Diary Goals which was set according to MFP.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited September 2016
    It's so funny how ppl on MFP community think that just BC she may be off and that I recommend she cut her carbs automatically think I'm wrong...it has been PROVEN that it IS what you eat and not just how much....I have seen ppl eat 3 to 4 k cals a day and STILL drop weight like crazy...it is NOT always cals in cals out...ppl process fats and carbs at different rates...I promise you ,you cannot be so far off on your cal count that it is making THAT big of a difference...if everyone that comes on MFP is all of a sudden a pro at weight loss they would not be on here ......dang I am new to MFP and I feel like everyone is so critical of other ppl just simply suggestions things to try but then everyone thinks they know everything about weight loss...crazy...

    Would love to see some links to peer reviewed studies backing your assertions. Because in regards to established science, they're all demonstrably false. Do you work in a metabolic ward, where you've meticulously tracked these people's calorie intake and weight day after day to substantiate that they're losing weight while eating 3000 to 4000 calories per day, or is it just anecdotal observations of your buddies having a couple burgers at Mickey D's once in a while? The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'.
  • a45cal
    a45cal Posts: 85 Member
    catleego wrote: »
    So help me to understand.Basically, what I enter into the system in terms of weight will calculate the calories because what I am currently entering based off the search list or back of the packets are presumed widely incorrect? How do I know what the carbs, sugar, fat content etc are as well? Total newbie at this and appreciate all the advice I am receiving but I quite obviously, don't know what I'm doing and I'm very keen to do the right thing. My aim obviously is to lose the excess weight so I'm very serious about this (as I know everyone else is). I am completely eating foods based around achieving at or below the Food Diary Goals which was set according to MFP.

    So what people are suggesting you do with a food scale is this, OP: Say you have a packet of pasta, and the back of the pack says a serving is "1 1/2 cups (85g)". The 1 1/2 cup part is an estimate of the amount of pasta you can have that weighs 85 grams (the weight is what the calorie count is based on). If you try to put that into a measuring cup, though, it'll usually not settle right and will weigh more or less than an actual serving, so you wind up having a different number of calories than you think you are.

    So if you weigh out 85 grams worth of your particular pasta, and then look on MFP for that brand of pasta and make sure you're picking an entry that matches the information on the pack, then you're most likely to get an accurate count of calories (and everything else) for your pasta. Does that make sense?