MoniMadnezz Posts: 14 Member
Ladies don't you hate when Tom make you gain water weight? Like tom needs to stop playing with my scale


  • MoniMadnezz
    MoniMadnezz Posts: 14 Member
    Carl??? Lol never heard anyone say that name in something like this..
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I hate Tom. While my boobs take on a life of their own and I actually get cleavage i hate the feeling of being all bloat and forget the scale.
  • MoniMadnezz
    MoniMadnezz Posts: 14 Member
    Lol! Yes trust me when I start that cramping a scale is non existent!
  • Thisnameischosen_
    Thisnameischosen_ Posts: 619 Member
    Hide the scale from tom if he keeps tinkering with it. The *kitten*.