I need your help please!!!!

KristyO25 Posts: 28
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! Okay....so here's my story! I gained weight during college and decided to join weight watchers beginning at 175 pounds (5'6), well that was four years ago and today I am 175 pounds:smile: I've recently tried, unsuccessfully, to do weight watchers on my own. My mom joined with me the first time and lost like 20 pounds and kept it off. She's my cheerleader and she tries to help me but I just can't seem to stick to it. I know I can do this, but I feel like I'm constantly scruntinizing the foods I eat while counting "points" and I feel like I obsess over it. I need a true lifestyle change and I feel like maybe weight watchers isn't for my "mentality". Therefore, I'm really going to try MFP out and seriously commit to it, but not obsess about the calorie counting. I eat pretty healthy foods, I just eat waaaaay tooooo much sometimes, therefore I can never find a balance. And I exercise a lot (30 day shred, running (about 2 miles), kickboxing) I hope you will offer your advice and add me as a friend. Please help!!


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I think you will really like it here and find that it really works. No counting points, just put in what foods you eat. It's a real eye opener as far as portion size, how many calories there really are in foods, etc. The support is phenomenal. And I have learned so much from the message boards, about fitness, recipes, starvation mode and eating back your calories burned.

    I wish you the best of luck and will send you a friend request.
  • jfe224
    jfe224 Posts: 7
    I joined My Fitness Pal mainly for the food diary concept because I find if I know I have to write it down & count the calories, I think twice about eating it. I exercise a lot, too, so it's nice to have the "credit" calories, especially if you know you're going to be eating a little badly (say a birthday party) or more than usual (say a potluck BBQ or something). You know you have to exercise more that day. Plus, it's nice that things like cleaning and gardening count towards your exercise credits. So, welcome and hang in there. I've been on here 100 days and have lost 7 pounds (my goal is at least 10). It comes off slow, but it works. :) Good luck!
  • mcbeaton
    mcbeaton Posts: 2
    Hi There,

    My story is kind of the same. I joined weight watchers, lost 20 pds and can't lose anymore. I thought this would be better and not as much pressure. Also to change things up a bit and maybe lose more! I need all the help I can get!

  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    ... I hope you will offer your advice and add me as a friend. Please help!!

    It's difficult for me to imagine that a 25-year-old woman needs any advice from a 57-year-old man. (On the other hand, my daughter is your age, and she occasionally asks me a question ... go figure.) So, if you want to hear anything from an old, bald guy, feel free to add me.
  • Welcome!!!!! Portion Control works for me!!!!!! ...Forget:flowerforyou: about points and all that stress,check in and do it with MFP's .
  • :blushing: I am sorry to say that I am in the same boat--I eat very healthy--I am a vegetarian, only eat fish, and I exercise every day and enjoy. I do know that my portion control is the issue. I have been drinking cinnamon tea, Here is what I do: Place cinnamon sticks in a cup. Add boiling water. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. You can keep adding hot water to the cup to enjoy all day long. Use more or less cinnamon depending on the strength you prefer. I make a whole pitcher every other day. It is spicy and delicious and zero calories. The day after tastes better. Keep in refrigerator and enjoy. This has helped me eat less. Good luck.

    You can also place a cinnamon stick in any tea while it steeps to add flavor and health benefits.
  • jessicarn76
    jessicarn76 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome! I just started MFP regularly this week. It's good to have "friends" on this site. It makes me want to keep my calories in check so my update at the end of the day can say "jessica ... was under her calorie goal" It's amazing how much more choosier I have been with my food for that reason ;)
  • ceeshelman
    ceeshelman Posts: 77
    Welcome! I am new to this process (only 11 days along), and I am having fun with this. I don't know what that says about my real life...

    I am going to tell you a little about how I am attacking things and maybe that will help you get going.

    I don't have a scale and I just guessed at my starting weight, so I don't have any idea if I have lost weight or not in the last 11 days. I decided not to care about that. All I know is that I do not feel the stress of a diet or of weight watchers which nearly made me bonkers. Focusing so much on food, points, and measuring led to serious eating for me after about two weeks every time I tried. I am done with that. I am also done with feeling my clothes be too tight. That is how I am measuring my success. When my clothes fall off and I have to buy a smaller size, then it's working.

    The fun part for me is the challenge of eating whatever I want and sliding in under the calorie goal. Everyday, I can't wait to see if I did it! Usually, I do.

    Good luck to you and keep the faith.
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome!! I think you will find logging in what you eat will help you in your weight loss goal. I too ate healthy foods but sometimes ate more of it than I should. Since I started 2 months ago I lost 10 lbs and now have a better idea of portion sizes. I've even managed to eat out and not over indulge by choosing healthy meals!! MFP is also great for the support too! Good luck to you!!
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