Trying to get back to my pre baby weight

Six years ago I lost 40lbs on Weight Watchers and exercising. Since then I've had two beautiful little girls, a desk job and no time to exercise for myself. Now that my youngest will be a year in August I've decided enough is enough. I need to do this for myself and my children. I only have 20lbs to loose this time to make my goal "happy" weight. Time to kick this booty into gear! :wink:


  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    you can do it, use a before picture to motivate! I'm here too. I get motivated by motivating others! good luck
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    You can do it!
    My goal weight is too loose about 20 pounds too.

    and im sure with the motivation of doing it for you AND your kids youl make your goal weight for sure!!
  • ryandylan
    ryandylan Posts: 62
    I'm in the same boat....except my "baby" will be 2 in a few weeks!!! Good luck!!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    My 5th baby just turned 1 yesterday... I started here when she was 1 month old. Get ready to rock it out!!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I've got 15more pounds after kid #3 and he's a year now. Welcome!
  • lanejessica
    I hear you my second little girl is about to turn one in october and I have had it I have spent my twenties pregnant and enough is enough so I wish you luck in your new venture you are not alone!
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I am trying to lose the last 25ish pounds... I am actually under my prepregnancy weight for all 5 of my kids by about 15lbs but I wanna be a hot momma =) Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Good Luck!
  • aswan1366
    aswan1366 Posts: 3
    Thank you everyone!! It's going to be hard but I know I can do it.
  • ccunrse
    ccunrse Posts: 4
    I hear ya girl!!!! my oldest is 5 and the youngest just turned 1 the end of may. Just joined here with a friend from work. Hopefully all these other folks will help get us motivated.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    I highly recommend Dustin Mahers Fit Moms For Life Dvds and program..He focuses on MOMS!! Please give it a baby just turned 19 yes I said 19 and I mean years. So the baby fat has been with me for waaayyyy tooooo lonnggg! But Dustin has helped stay on track along with the help of MFP. And I have lost 23 pounds. Good Luck!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    You can do it! Six months ago, I did not think I'd be where I am today. My son is 17 months and I also have a 5 year old. It took me a whole year to get from 165lbs to 150lbs, but then in january I decided to crack down and really try to get my body back. I added pilates to my strength and cardio routine and I really improved my diet. I have lost 25lbs and gained so much muscle. I feel great now and my eating/exercise habits have become second nature. I feel physically bad when I eat bad food now. I know it is harder for working moms, but I'm sure it's attainable.