Starting Over for the 3rd Time

Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
I've given up everything to try to recover everything. I will be writing a blog soon to explain what this means. For right now, I am starting over for a third time. I am almost out of chances to get this right. Been dealing with some illness that has held me back, but I pray that is behind me and I can get back into a healthy routine. I need support. I need alot of help. So if you are out there and you have a little bit of "tough love" to send my way, I will gladly accept it. It's been three years since I sucessfully dropped 50 pounds. Now I am in a position where I need to drop 70 pounds just to get back to where I was. It is a tough long road. I am not exactly motivated to do it, but I will take one day at a time, one meal at a time, one walk at a time. I can do this. If you have any motivation words of wisdom, I could really use them. Anyone finally obtain success after starting over mulitple times?


  • WannaBeSlimJim2
    WannaBeSlimJim2 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey... I am riding parallel on the same broken wagon that my wheels fell off and I haven't been able to get control back. My best is that I had dropped 40 pounds and I have gained it all back and I'm furious. Not sure how I allowed myself to keep defeating all the hard work I did. Today is my first day to start with appropriate portion sizes and effort with my food choices. I mutually would like some "tough love" yet words of encouragement to reach the goal I had accomplished before but to continue on and be satisfied and content with my health... Everything will feel awesome but I need this for health and comfort. I'm not getting any younger which will only make this journey harder and harder with age. WE CAN OWN THIS!!!
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I started over for the hundredth time a few weeks ago, though I only need to lose about 30 pounds. This time round, i only care about CICO, and take it easy, no Insanity courses, not too big of a diet change. As a starting point, I build CICO into my lifestyle in stead of changing altogether. If you chose this approach as well, be very strict with yourself: keep logging accurately and honestly, stick to your (not too aggressive goal) and embrace the hunger pangs If they present themselves. ( i know, not everyone gets hungry, but not everyone decided on an all-chocolate lunch last week). As a serial quitter, I think just sticking to CICO is the most sustainable for me, for now.
  • nicolekane06
    nicolekane06 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting over again for who knows how many times. I lost 40 plus 4 years ago and then had my son. last year I dropped 20 but in the last 4 months I have gained it all back. So now its time to track and watch what I eat and exercise (which I do kick boxing 2x a week). I feel like crap and I am tired of it. I want to be happy and healthy again. losing 100 lbs would but what I am trying to do. This is the time.
    stay positive!
  • louandhad2003
    louandhad2003 Posts: 54 Member
    Never to late to restart you got this
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I sent you a friends request ..i know just how you feel
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    I "did it wrong" several times in the past and gained back, which also was exacerbated by various health issues and medications. Since 2013 I have lost the extra weight the right way this time (with correct calorie counting and tracking of macros, and exercise) and I have varied from my goal weight by as much as 10 lb but always take back off the little extra that has crept back through illness, injury, etc that caused temporary inactivity. I count that as maintaining for the past 3 years. The thing that has been different this time, besides having better information, is that this time it also was not vanity based, it was medically based. I'm prediabetic and it was imperative that I lose and keep it off. So I think the best advice I can give is to remember WHY you are doing this and why it is essential that you persevere. ((hugs)) by all means friend me if you would like to.