Vegan and trying to gain weight and muscle

I need to meet more vegans to share meal and snack ideas for a busy schedule. !:)


  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    Lots of recipes online, that's where I went to find a bunch. Or at Least, get a few ideas on what to make. My favorite thing so far, quick and easy is bean burritos. Specifically black bean burritos. High in protein and fiber, and tastes really good. I've also done curries, sweet potato curry being my favorite out of them all. It's relatively quick to make. Snacks: pita/hummus of all kinds. Fruit, bagels (vegan friendly -Thomas has a few) tofurkey makes "pepperoni" pockets that are pretty good. Decent protein, kind of high in calories per serving though. Peanut butter is also a big go-to snack for me.

    To ensure high protein I eat a LOT of beans, lentils etc and usually a pea protein shake a day. The size will depend on how much protein I get from food sources. Many have said pea protein tastes..well, like peas. IMO, it has a slight pea like flavor but nothing that can't be fixed with cocoa or vanilla etc. I've noticed, since incorporating vegan friendly protein shakes to ensure high amounts of protein for maintaining/building muscle, the typical vegan brands of powder are kind of pricy. VEGA for example is ridiculously over priced and higher in calories than simple soy/pea mixes.

  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    You might try some of the groups... they can be pretty active as well.

    Those are some of the more active vegan groups that I've found.

    I've been vegan for over a decade so I have some experience there, but to gain mass you will need two things... a progressive overload program of some kind to help you gain strength and work your muscles enough to grow... this can be lifting or other programs like bodyweight, but most seem to find lifting using a program like Stronglifts, New Rules of Lifting, etc to be good places to jump off from.

    The second thing you will need is to be eating enough calories to be in caloric surplus. You need to eat more than your TDEE (more than you burn) in order to have the building blocks to gain weight and mass.

    What does your current calorie intake, macro split, and exercise program look like?