Looking for friends with a high amount of weight to lose



  • jacky_86
    jacky_86 Posts: 1 Member
    I have at least 50 lbs to lose myself. I was in such a great path in 2013 I had lost 42lbs and was 5lbs from cracking the 200's. I had an injury that didn't allow me work out like I used to and I gained it back then some then I finally lost weight for my wedding in 2015 came within 11lbs to crack the 200's then I lost the baby and went into a major depression not just me but my husband as well and now I'm at 250. So add me if you'd like I have a ways to go.
  • Kelr521
    Kelr521 Posts: 3 Member
    AliciaID wrote: »
    Feel free to add me! I have around 108 pounds to lose. I have lost 8 pounds so far.

    I have over 100 to lose. You can add me.
  • tragicfox
    tragicfox Posts: 5 Member
    I have 75 to lose. Add me. I'm on an Panera and Chipotle meal plan so not many cooking ideas here.
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    sent requests :)
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
  • xxxglaxxx
    xxxglaxxx Posts: 327 Member
    I love this thread. It's good to know that I am not the only who is looking to lose a big number. I want to lose 40-50 lbs.

    I know we can all do this and reach our goals, with of course the help of each other.

    Feel free do add me :)
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    sent request :)
  • caribbeanbrett
    caribbeanbrett Posts: 8 Member
    I now have just over 90lbs to lose - please feel free to add me! I need more MFP friends :)
  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Everyone is welcome to add me
  • likewhoa712
    likewhoa712 Posts: 95 Member
    sent requests :)
  • pyro_guy7
    pyro_guy7 Posts: 104 Member
    Howdy! Let's all work together to achieve our goals!

    I'm about 215lbs now, and trying to get down to 160. It seems like such a far way away :(. But hopefully I can make it work! My diary is open to everyone, and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • shhhilo
    shhhilo Posts: 42 Member
    Same journey here trying to go from 372 to 250 started at 415 feel free to add me
  • meagankrkr
    meagankrkr Posts: 35 Member
    I have been on and off here for a few years now, after losing 30 lbs on Weight Watchers back in 2012. I have a good 60+ to lose as well. I keep an open diary and love the support and accountability! Feel free to add me!
  • Amymth130
    Amymth130 Posts: 3 Member
    I first used this plan 3 years ago, not to lose weight, but to keep from gaining on a month-long, 8000 mile, vacation our family took. Looking back at those records, I did lose about 10 pounds...not so much from the tracking, as from the type of meals I was eating and the amount of walking we did.
    Since then, I have had major life changes, some good, some not-so-good, and am 30 lbs heavier. And I have actually lost about 10 lbs since February, but that was more because for about 4 months I wasn't eating but 1 real meal a day, and a high-protein bar if I was hungry, which wasn't often. I was tired, and slept a lot.
    So I am recovered enough now I need to get serious about getting this weight off. Unfortunately I have an aversion to anyone telling me what I can or cannot eat (reaction to prior times trying to diet), so since I do know what is healthy eating and what is not, I'm just going to try tracking for a bit, and see if that forces me to choose more wisely.
    I would love to get back to what I was in college (that would be 150 lbs lighter), but will settle for increments of 20 lbs. I have a whole nother wardrobe 20 lbs down, and another wardrobe 20 lbs below that, etc. If I liked to cook, this might work better, but I don't, especially when it's just me, so we'll see.
    At least I have the leg muscles to really move if I could lose the weight, lol; they're used to carrying this weight.
    I have a husband that travels with his job, and kids in college, so for the first time in my entire life, I have no reason to get up, and stay up, in the morning (except for walking the dog)...a very strange feeling.
    I am tired of my "I should"s, but am afraid I'll get complacent again after a couple of weeks. Self-motivation to do something long-term that is as emotionally charged as losing weight is not my strong suit, so any encouragement would be welcome.
  • Califlower71
    Califlower71 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I was 294 a few months ago down from 322 the year before. I am now at 272 and would like to lose another 70 to 80 lbs just as long as I reach under 200 I will be very happy I have had really bad health with a couple surgeries in the mix and I'm tired of it.. I'm beginning to like myself for once in my life.. I would really love similar friends here to keep me going.. Please add me.. I also would like to lose and not do a surgery unless it is skin removal at end.. I want to work for it