
Hi, any pregnant fitness pal users? 18"weeks and looking for some tips etc.


  • misscakes_86
    misscakes_86 Posts: 1 Member
    I am four weeks pregnant and am trying to gain only heathy weight for the baby. Counting calories and trying to stay active this time around.
  • CC2435
    CC2435 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 20 weeks pregnant. So far I've gained something between 10 and 15 lbs. Trying to only gain another 15 lbs. We will see how that goes! I gained about 50lbs with my first baby!
  • littlemissc1996
    Im 19 weeks + 2 ! Have lost 8 pounds.

    I am mildly overweight but nothing major. Consultant said it was safe to follow a 'light' calorie count.

    Feel free to add me i have a open diary.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    I'm 12w pregnant and BMI 30<. My doctor has instructed me to gain no weight to minimize complications of GD and hypertension. So far I haven't gained any weight through the first trimester. This is from eating when hungry and never going over maintenance and being mindful of what I eat. I worry about fetal growth, but baby measured right on the mark at 9w. The idea, supposedly, is that as I lose, baby gains and that is why my weight is stable. I am seeing my endocrinologist and hoping she will provide more insight into dieting to avoid GD.

    Overall I am finding the process very frustrating and I am having a lot of anxiety. I have a 7 y/o little girl and my pregnancy with her was a breeze and I was as overweight then as well.

    I've yo yo'd up and down over the years and struggled with PCOS and infertility so we never really expected to get pregnant, but here I am. Feeling blessed, but terrified and anxious. Can anyone relate?

    If anyone is experiencing a similar pregnancy experience i'd love to have a friend. Hubby tries but he doesn't understand.
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    24+ weeks here and decided to start actually counting today. This is baby #2. I started out lighter this time around, but I still don't want to gain as much.
  • hannahjames295
    hannahjames295 Posts: 74 Member
    Hiya, I'm 18 weeks with my first and have decided to track calories as there is far too much temptation (helped by work colleagues "looking after" me!) to eat for 2, or 3 or 4 the amount of food people keep trying to give me!
    I was overweight anyway with a bmi of 28, gained 9lb so far and don't want to gain more than another 10/15 really but not sure what's realistic!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    33 weeks here and almost done! Thank goodness! Gained very little this pregnancy. Proud of myself. :)
  • Npernod86
    Npernod86 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all. I plan on trying to get pregnant in December and wanted to lose the extra weight before getting pregnant! Kind of the opposite right?
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Npernod86 wrote: »
    Hello all. I plan on trying to get pregnant in December and wanted to lose the extra weight before getting pregnant! Kind of the opposite right?

    Still a good plan. I lost about 17lbs before getting pregnant last year. Had my baby in Jan 16 and despite my best efforts put on a whopping 55lbs while pregnant. In my defence I did have a 10 pounder. No diabetes or anything sinister, we just make big babies in this family. If I have another I will try not to worry about the weight gain as I stacked it on no matter what I did and it got me down. Some people just put on more than others.

    Good news, I lost 35lbs without even thinking in the first few weeks, and I had an emergency c-sectionso I really wasn't doing anything to try. I started making an effort once the baby turned 6 months, and now I'm 45lbs down so not too far off my previous weight. I still need to lose a bit more to get to where I'd like to be, but boy am I glad I lost weight before getting pregnant.

    Hope you all have easy pregnancies and happy babies!