

I have been on myfitnesspal for around 2 years now. i started off at 300lb, and I got down to 226lb within 6 months through cardio exercise and strict diet. as i lost weight so quickly and was overweight for so long, i opted to have a large tummy tuck with liposuction on my flanks to achieve a good contoured body and shape. the surgery was a success but 7 weeks on i still have a seroma on my stomach where my skin was taken and my flanks are still quite swollen and painful. i had a large overhang of loose skin and fat which would not move regardless of exercise.

the question in hand is, once i came out of surgery, i weighed 218lb. they took 7lb off me in weight total. during my 4 days in hospital i didnt exactly eat very well, and was eating maybe 1000-1500 calories a day.

7 weeks on, i have put on 11lb. I am certain that probably 1-2lb of this weight is from the seroma on my stomach which is going to need draining pretty soon, but 9lb of it, i am not sure where its come from.

I was eating 1500 calories a day before my surgery and maintaining weight which was actually quite worrying as 1500 isnt a lot, i wanted to be losing in reality. after my surgery, i stuck to 1500 calories a day, with a few days here and there where i would eat 2500 or so. following this for 7 weeks, I have put on 9lb. my clothes fit the same and i dont feel like ive put on any weight by looking in the mirror.

my personal trainer wants me to eat 2500 calories a day with all the hypertrophy weight training and cardio i do at the gym, and says 1500 is nowhere near enough and 2500 is the minimum i should eat. i haven't yet adapted my diet to eat 2500 calories a day, but i am training 3-4 times a week doing cardio (HIIT) and heavy weight training and even at 1500 calories a day I am putting on weight. i cant believe it is muscle as i have only been back at the gym for 2 weeks or so, so any muscle gain will be very small.

i am losing motivation and i cant figure out whats going on. my PT says my body is probably in starvation mode by eating so little, but eating more seems like such a step back. all i want to do is get back down to my 100kg goal weight, but it just doesn't seem to be happening. im scared to eat more as i think i am going to put more weight on, so as of today i am starting a 150g of protein a day (shakes) with water, thus making my calorie intake around 550 calories a day, and i want to try this for a week.

please help :( i definitely do not want to have paid over £10,000 for me to put weight back on!


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Lose the excuses and fluff, and instead tighten up your logging and be patient. Neither eating too little nor eating too much is going to help you. But I guess you aren't looking for good advice as you're alredy set on doing the opposite. So good luck on your endeavour.
  • simonleigh94
    simonleigh94 Posts: 4 Member
    what excuses and fluff are you referring to?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Excuses: "starvation mode", "a few days here and there where i would eat 2500 or so", followed by "i haven't yet adapted my diet to eat 2500 calories a day"
    Fluff: strict diet, protein shakes.

    Patience, consistency, accuracy will give you results.
  • waistdisposalgirl
    Gosh what an unhelpful reply you got there! However, logging everything will help. As will hanging in there - why not try 2000 cals a day for 2 weeks (between you and trainers goals) and see what happens?
    Perhaps the stomach issues are causing more weight than you realise. That's quite a big op you've had so be kind to yourself.
    Perhaps get rid of the scales? Measurements matter more and won't demoralise you- if your clothes haven't got tighter then ignore that number on the little scale box!

    Good luck, sounds like you've done amazingly well so far - keep going!
  • simonleigh94
    simonleigh94 Posts: 4 Member
    thank you, positive enforcement is what i need right now. :) thank you Waistdisposalgirl, and very profound name must i say :smiley:
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I would stay true to the 1500 calorie. For those of us who have such a hard time losing it & keeping it off (I'm including myself) there's no way in hell I'd jump to 2500 per day. Make sure you are logging every tiny morsel and weighing/measuring everything. I would NOT go down to 550 calories - you may risk damaging your health. Best of luck to you - you'll find something that will work for you. Just NEVER GIVE UP!!!
  • simonleigh94
    simonleigh94 Posts: 4 Member
    do you need to log water?