Embarassing story but now I Need Support!!!

Ok. So this weekend I went with my boyfriend to six flags great America and unfortunately I could not ride all the rides due to my size. This is a wake up call, this will not happen next year. I refuse.
So starting today I am fully committed to losing weight before next summer. I signed up for a gym membership in February and have never went. I haven't even gone to get my keycard, but today it starts. I will do this! I am determined! I could use as much support as possible so add me!!


  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    Good luck!
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your experience at six flags. Congratulations on joining MyFitnessPal! :) Using this site helps me tremendously!! :)
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Good luck! It all starts somewhere. Have you set your goals yet? Like a short term ones (i.e. lose 5 pounds this month, get in 30 minutes of exercise for 5 days this week, etc.) and a long term one (where do you want to be next year.) I like to set in a contingency plan, because I know that I will go off course because I am human! It is always good to get these written down and track where you are each day!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Slow and steady wins this race. Don't focus on how much you lose but do focus on losing consistently. Exercise will be overwhelming at first but as you built up strength and routine you will start to crave it. Eat healthy foods and eliminate or cut back on the calorie dense foods. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change this time and it never ends. It takes time but it is so cool when your body starts to change. When I started going to the gym I drove there, now I run there or run right past it.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You can do this!
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    good for u!!!! this is the beginning of the rest of your life!!! just found this website myself - its amazing!! u go girl - u will be on all those rides next year!!!! :) x
  • 25lbsorbust
    25lbsorbust Posts: 225 Member
    You've got this!!
    The most important thing to remember is that motivation is short-term, but discipline is what is going to get you there. You're gonna have a huge boost of motivation for the next week, but then you eventually won't feel like going to the gym, you'll want all the high-calorie foods, and that is totally normal. It's forcing yourself to take the steps forward and having the discipline to get out of bed and hit the treadmill that will get you to your goal!

    Best of luck! :smile:
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    Good for you.

    Try not to be too scared about the gym. Most people at the gym care about what they are doing, & can't be bothered watching you unless you do something to purposefully annoy them.

    It's OK to start slow. Do what you can. When I first started I was thrilled if I could do 10 minutes on the elliptical at level 1. I'm up to 30 minutes at level 4 but that took almost 2 months.

    Use the gym personnel. They are a resource. Get a tour & an orientation. Have them show you how to use the equipment. Take your time. Be safe.

    As for the food, track what you eat using MFP. It's eye opening especially about portions.

    Remember, you didn't get this size overnight so it will also take time to shrink but you will.
  • akilia112010
    akilia112010 Posts: 46 Member
    You can do this! Remember we're all in this together! I'm finally starting my journey to and so far, I'm loving the MFP app.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I also experienced that several years ago. I am a simple fellow with few ambitions, only one, really. I wanted to ride the Texas Giant. I had been refused due to my obesity, as I say years ago. It was this year that I started losing weight. That ride was not my motivating factor, but within 6 months of starting my journey I had lost about 60 lb and was at Six Flags. I approached the ride, got in line, waited in line, and rode. My bucket list is complete.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    By the way "love me" is a better motivation than "hate them".
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    Tip. Use your diet as the key weight loss tool. Gym is for fitness and added help.
    I went to gym 7 days a week didn't loose weight because I wasn't tracking my intake.
    I've cut back gym last 4 months since I started recording food and I've lost more weight in last 4 months than I did in past 12 months just going gym. Don't be too savage with your daily calorie goal. If you say you have a lot to lose I suggest reduce your daily limit monthly. As you are prob used to large meals, so that this lasts try starting higher then lower by 100 or so cals each month.
    Everyone wants to lose fast I get that but u also want to have this last and still enjoy life.
    I see a lot of big people automatically drop to 1200 cals. Why.
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    Good goal. One of the things that really made me notice my weight loss was how much easier I fit into roller coasters the first couple times this year. It is pretty satisying. You'll get there, and you'll love it :)
  • timetogetfit86
    timetogetfit86 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm right there with you. There's 2 rides at Six Flags Over Georgia that i want to be able to ride with my kids. I am too fat for the Goliath but i won't be next year!
  • donnalafleur5
    donnalafleur5 Posts: 1 Member
    Pay attention to how your body feels after exercise and eating well. You'll begin to recognize when your body is feeling at its best. Watch portions. Find an exercise or two that you enjoy! Consistency over time is your friend. Make your goals a priority in your life. You're worth it!
  • sandels7
    sandels7 Posts: 49 Member
    Visualize yourself smaller in size. See an image in your mind throughout the day and before you go to bed and get excited about all the possibilities that your future size will bring to your life. Feel inside what life will be like, and then just get up and get moving.
    I find attending gym classes are great for me when I don't feel like going to the gym. I just get my butt in there and then I'm forced to complete the workout because it would be too embarrassing to leave early in front of other people, and anyway, when you workout with others, it's motivating.
    Find exercises that you like. If you enjoy the exercise, you're more likely to continue.
    Be persistent and be determined. Every single day, make some effort to advance towards your goal. It doesn't happen overnight. It happens little by little. You can do this!
  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    Ok. So this weekend I went with my boyfriend to six flags great America and unfortunately I could not ride all the rides due to my size. This is a wake up call, this will not happen next year. I refuse.
    So starting today I am fully committed to losing weight before next summer. I signed up for a gym membership in February and have never went. I haven't even gone to get my keycard, but today it starts. I will do this! I am determined! I could use as much support as possible so add me!!

    Ironically, I started my diet back in 2011 for the same reason! I went to six flags with family, tried to get on the Superman ride, but I couldn't fit. I had to take the embarrassing walk of shame. Since then I've lost 82 lbs but sadly, I've also gained 60 lbs of that weight back. I'm motivated to overcome this lifestyle change once and for all! :)
  • rachel780mpg
    rachel780mpg Posts: 83 Member
    I'm right there with you. There's 2 rides at Six Flags Over Georgia that i want to be able to ride with my kids. I am too fat for the Goliath but i won't be next year!

    We have a Goliath too, and it was a no go. :neutral:
  • NancyCaz61
    NancyCaz61 Posts: 136 Member
    You can do this!! Take one day at a time :)
    Good luck to you!!
  • timetogetfit86
    timetogetfit86 Posts: 24 Member
    My son wants me to ride the Superman with him but I cannot ride it either. He told me he won't ride unless I can. I'm not thrilled about it but I will do what I have to for him.

    I'm glad I'm not alone with this and we will beat this!