stopping birth control and weight gain

Hi ,

Just wondering can anyone share their stories, I stopped Birth Control last September and I gained weight , 20Ibs to be exact now i would have always said calories in vs calories out but I track and have done for a long time so i know i haven't overate to an extent of gaining so rapidly
i decided today that i was going back on it because I still haven't regained my period after waiting 9 months , just wondering has any of ye experienced the same and did ye go back on it? I'm really hoping this weight drops off sooner rather than later as I am very uncomfortable at the moment
Im just hoping i don't gain any more whether it be water retention or not i can't deal with further weight gain


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I gained weight after stopping birth control...because I was pregnant lol.

    I stopped taking the pill to try for a 2nd baby, and I lost weight. I didn't bother to take the pill after my 2nd because I find that birth control slows down my weight loss.

    I don't know what birth control you were on. Is it possible whatever you were on suppressed your appetite a bit?
  • MACnificence
    MACnificence Posts: 419 Member
    i was on nuvaring, well i would say my cravings are worse but i still track , i have by all means had a few days where i massively overate so i do think that may contribute to some weight gain but my weight jumped scale wise by 10Ibs at once and never went back down just keep jumping upwards i know fat gain doesn't come on so suddenly
  • HealthyBP
    HealthyBP Posts: 2 Member
    It's the NR! I gained 20 going off!
  • Mdbabylan
    Mdbabylan Posts: 2 Member
    When I switch to a new birth control I ended up gaining 40 lbs in 6 months.. I have switched back to the old one and stop gaining weight but I haven't been able to lose the weight either. I think I'm just going to stop taking birth control for now.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    I lost weight after stopping my BCPs.

    Each time I went on, I gained a bit, and each time I stopped, I lost a bit. Haven't used them since 2009 when I discovered they'll kill me.