Self concious about running in public



  • kspend
    kspend Posts: 1 Member
    The reason you should get out there in public is to inspire others. There are others who want to do this but dont yet have the courage. That courage and inner strength can be very contagious! You will feel even more confident knowing you're inspiring others to get out there. Go for it!!
  • mowfaux
    mowfaux Posts: 38
    Go in the morning, the air is a lot less heavy then too (at least where I am, it can get really muggy until it's dark).

    When I run I see all sizes of people, not just skinny people, and we're all there for the same reason. You should be proud that you're exercising, because there are TONS of people that aren't. If you jiggle now, remember it, because slowly but surely you will feel it less and less and that can add to your motivation!!!

    Great job with the exercise! Keep up the good work!!!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    i'm pretty self-conscious about it too ... but nobody's said anything to me about it. anytime i see a person exercising outside, i try to not and smile -- doesn't matter if they're fat or thin. you should be proud of making an effort. if someone does or says something mean, just use it as fuel to go further or faster.

    also ... look at other people running. even thin, athletic people jiggle a little bit ... everybody jiggles, skin is soft, after all.
  • Ellebeegirl
    Ellebeegirl Posts: 34 Member
    Oh man I totally understand...before I joined the gym, I emailed the owner and explained to him how uncoordinated and unathletic I was. I gave him the option of if he thought he could or wanted to help me. He was the best! Even then it took everything I had to walk into that gym the first day.

    After a few sessions I was doing my weight sets and this young guy came up to stand beside me to do his weight sets. I thought about running away but I just looked at him, smiled, and said "sometimes I just fall over for no reason".

    That was about 3 months ago and I don't know if these people are just really nice or if I won them over with my diligence....but now it is often the best part of my day. I still fall over sometimes doing lunges.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    For balance and coordination: Start slowly.

    For self-consciousness: No one else cares. Seriously. I know what it's like to be self-conscious but everyone else at the gym is there for their own benefit, and many of them are probably as self-conscious as you are.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I trail run early in the morning and never see a soul, but I run then because that's what I like to do. Most people really don't care, they view runners as people improving themselves, or they think us weird, but that is their preconceived notion and not about you personally. And no matter what you look like there will be some negative people out there. I watched a beautiful woman run past my office one day and all the overweight women in the office spent the next hour talking about how ridiculous it was for this girl to run because they burn more calories than her just chasing after their children. Right ;-) So do what is good for you! You will never please others until you are happy with yourself. And give early morning trail running a try if you can; it is heavenly. No cars, no gawkers, just beautiful surroundings. Oh, and horseflies :( Maybe people aren’t all that bad in comparison!
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I'm doing the C25K, and I do it in the morning, usually around 5:30. I would way rather go in the morning, its quiet, its cool, and I don't really like people staring at me. Which they do, as they drive by.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Is there a retirement community (aka "independent senior living community") where you can go? The streets/sidewalks are generally well-maintained and the people are generally friendly. It's one of the few places I run where I feel both safe and unselfconscious.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    A lot of the posts here made me smile, so thank you all for that :)

    Unfortunately, I dont' have a local seniors community. I think the closest one is about 20-30mins away. The street just out of my development doesn't have a sidewalk and I always get angry when there's runners all over the street and don't care to move over :/ We do have a park with a trail and I've only seen a few people actually on the trail and most are kids going to smoke a dooby ;) I don't think too highly of them enough to hold onto their comments so maybe I will go there :) I have to find out what time people are allowed there in the mornings. I know they close at 8pm and it's still sunny hot and muggy by then.

    Thank you all for your support and comments, I REALLY appreciate it
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    The people who matter don't mind, and the people who mind don't matter ;-)
    Yes... this absolutely.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I feel the same way. I just started to jog and for some reason, I feel like whomever drives by is judging me. They probably see someone who is overweight who is trying, but I can't seem to let go of the fact that everything is jiggling. And when I have to stop to walk, I feel incredibly self-conscious.

    I go at 6am. Truthfully, I run into 2-4 people, either exercising or walking their dog etc.... and then cars on their way to work. I know I just have to get over it. But you are not alone! Good luck and when or if you feel bad, think of me. I am jiggling my way around the block too!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I feel the same way. I just started to jog and for some reason, I feel like whomever drives by is judging me. They probably see someone who is overweight who is trying, but I can't seem to let go of the fact that everything is jiggling. And when I have to stop to walk, I feel incredibly self-conscious.

    I go at 6am. Truthfully, I run into 2-4 people, either exercising or walking their dog etc.... and then cars on their way to work. I know I just have to get over it. But you are not alone! Good luck and when or if you feel bad, think of me. I am jiggling my way around the block too!

    Exactly! Before I got pregnant and gained the weight back, at the time being a 'skinny' haha, if I saw someone overweight even WALKING I would smile at them and give them props. I did not judge them at all, but I just chalk that up to the fact that I had been heeeuuge at one point, too and I felt their determination. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe most people are just the same and give us jigglies kudos w/o even thinking "holy jello, batman!" like I think they are...

    I think, if I dont' go to the trail, I may start just by walking my dog (who's a fatty, too- it's like in 101 dalmations!) in the mornings and see how many people I see, get comfortable with the route and everything... maybe then I'll be ok. :)
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I think, if I dont' go to the trail, I may start just by walking my dog (who's a fatty, too- it's like in 101 dalmations!) in the mornings and see how many people I see, get comfortable with the route and everything... maybe then I'll be ok. :)

    I think this is a good plan!
  • mowfaux
    mowfaux Posts: 38
    i'm pretty self-conscious about it too ... but nobody's said anything to me about it. anytime i see a person exercising outside, i try to not and smile -- doesn't matter if they're fat or thin. you should be proud of making an effort. if someone does or says something mean, just use it as fuel to go further or faster.

    also ... look at other people running. even thin, athletic people jiggle a little bit ... everybody jiggles, skin is soft, after all.

    HAHAHA! Me too!! Everytime I pass someone that's jogging or walking (exercise walking) I have to fight the urge to high 5 them
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I envy people who are outside running (and especially envious of those walking/running with their dogs) because I have let my self-consciousness prevent me from reaching my full fitness potential. If my apartment allowed dogs, I would be outside just like the rest of you! Then I know people driving or walking past me will definitely be looking at the adorable doggy instead of my love handles! :p haha
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I'm on Wk 2 of C25K. I run at 9.30 after I take my son to school. I go to a local nature reserve which is near my son's school so I get to see the birds and squirrels and bunnies which is great :smile: I tried a gym a couple of years ago and didn't like it. It felt so pointless. I'd rather do some gardening or dog walking etc, something which has another point as well as getting fit. I think I'm more self conscious about the walking bit than running - if I have all my running gear on and I'm on the walking interval and pass someone I feel stupid, like I tried to run and failed:laugh: so I take my dog. That way, I just look like I'm walking him! I also feel safe there with my dog.

    I know how you feel about meeting people but the only people I see at that time are other dog walkers, grandparents with grandkids feeding the ducks and the occasional cyclist and they just smile and do their own thing. If you go in school hours or really early, you are not likely to see the idiots who may make comments. I would like to say ignore any comments but i know it would bother me if I got them.

    Go for it - being outside is so much nicer than being cooped up indoors. And anyone who doesn't have a dog to run with, borrow one! You'll be doing the dog and the owner a favour :)
  • rae125
    rae125 Posts: 25
    I used to be really self conscious about exercising outside or in a gym where there were other people (I once went to the gym at 4am just so I could exercise alone!) but then I thought about what I'm thinking when I see people exercise. I'm not thinking anything negative. I'm envious, in awe of them, and congratulate them in my head. There used to be a very over weight man who would go for a walk every day and during the heat of the summer the poor man was sweating like mad but he stuck with it and every time I saw him I thought, "Wow! Go him! Way to be determined and stick to a goal!!!" (along with, "should I offer him some water?" hehe).

    Once I started running I started looking at people in their cars when they were watching me and I realized that their faces looked like they wished they had my determination. Their looking at me went from being a deterent to being a motivator!! :D
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    Do it for U!!! Once you get use to it you will find it empowering, You CAN do it. (Jill)