what do you think regarding the above 2? which one would you choose, WW or Fitness pal, i am between the two and dont know what to do?


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    what do you think regarding the above 2? which one would you choose, WW or Fitness pal, i am between the two and dont know what to do?

    I do both. WW doesn't give me as many calories as MFP gives me. I get 1200 per day here and on WW if I log the same food in to their point system tracker I end up eating over my points all the time. I get 30 points on WW.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited September 2016
    I don't like paying for what I can do for myself for free. Also the weekly meetings were torture. Some leader telling us all that carbs are bad, and meanwhile pushing their crappy tasting diet food. At least, that's how it was years ago.

    I've never been to a WW meeting and I've only done it online since 2005. They also don't push any foods. They do sell the smart ones frozen meals and WW breads and snacks but you don't have to eat those. You eat what everyone else eats and it's always been that way the last 11 years I've been on it. That's the whole point of the tracking system is because you eat what you want. :)
  • denise131970
    denise131970 Posts: 8 Member
    i have been doing both and find that WW can be quite expensive and you can definately over eat as long as you track but then you are defeating the object surely? I have now found out that i am intolorent to wheat and when i have tracked bread for example and a gluten free meal the point on WW are horrendous! I think although i like reading the ideas in the WW mag and looking online that maybe the fitness app is better and i cannot ever go to the meetings due to work commitments, so maybe its a no brainer after all!
  • denise131970
    denise131970 Posts: 8 Member
    have you all lost weight through the fitness app or another method?
  • Jensylkat5
    Jensylkat5 Posts: 16 Member
    I've lost 65lbs on Weight Watchers, but have left them at the beginning of the year. Don't like the new smart points as I don't like being told what to eat, too similar to Slimming World... I think MFP is better, and free.
  • denise131970
    denise131970 Posts: 8 Member
    wow, thats brilliant 65 lbs is amazing! I lost 9 lbs through WW and exercise but managed to put some back on on holiday unfortunately, but just wanted some other opinions as to which one other members consider the most helpful!
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I don't like paying for what I can do for myself for free. Also the weekly meetings were torture. Some leader telling us all that carbs are bad, and meanwhile pushing their crappy tasting diet food. At least, that's how it was years ago.

    I've never been to a WW meeting and I've only done it online since 2005. They also don't push any foods. They do sell the smart ones frozen meals and WW breads and snacks but you don't have to eat those. You eat what everyone else eats and it's always been that way the last 11 years I've been on it. That's the whole point of the tracking system is because you eat what you want. :)

    They have other items that are only sold at meeting places like powdered shake mix, snack bars, oatmeal, and other snack items. They also have non food items like tracking kits, exercise videos, food scales, etc. Some locations do tend to push those food items more than others.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've been a WW member for about 5 years, and was logging on MFP, then converting the data to WW points, and was doing rather well.

    UNTIL. WW went and changed the way they count points. Fiber now doesn't mean anything. They're solely focused on lean protein and saturated fat. It used to be the more fiber, the more points you seemed to get. Now, the leaner the protein, the more points you seem to get.
    I was able to fit everything within the points value within a week with no problem and within range of MFP. Now, the points seem to just blow up if I have something with the tiniest bit of saturated fat in it.

    SO - I've ended up just going to WW for the "accountability factor" of weighing in and having the 'in-person" support. I log everything in MFP and just don't mention that when I go to the meetings.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    cebreisch wrote: »
    I've been a WW member for about 5 years, and was logging on MFP, then converting the data to WW points, and was doing rather well.

    UNTIL. WW went and changed the way they count points. Fiber now doesn't mean anything. They're solely focused on lean protein and saturated fat. It used to be the more fiber, the more points you seemed to get. Now, the leaner the protein, the more points you seem to get.
    I was able to fit everything within the points value within a week with no problem and within range of MFP. Now, the points seem to just blow up if I have something with the tiniest bit of saturated fat in it.

    SO - I've ended up just going to WW for the "accountability factor" of weighing in and having the 'in-person" support. I log everything in MFP and just don't mention that when I go to the meetings.

    Don't forget sugar. Sugar inflates the points, too. Except for fruit, which is free!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I did WW several changes ago, so I have no idea what they do now but the answer depends on you. What is your goal beyond losing weight? For me WW would have not taught me how to manage eating, really understanding calories and where they really hide as well as managing my nutrition. So for me making the remaining life change MFP has so far been what works for me.
  • denise131970
    denise131970 Posts: 8 Member
    my ultimate goal is to lose weight and to feel generally better within myself. I want to learn about foods and basically see how my body reacts to them as i am intolorent to wheat, milk and rice. I am taking it all as a learning curve and will take the best from WW and MFP and work it out for me!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I hated WW and I much prefer MFP. When I joined WW They put me oin the equivalent of 1200 calories and told me I couldn't way back my exercise points from running 3 miles everyday because I ran before I started WW so my body was use to it and It didn't count.
    Obviously I lost weight but I was constantly starving. When I would tall to the coaches about it the coaches told me I should only eat, "clean foods," and weight watchers products and i would stop feeling hungry.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I have done both - hands down it is MFP. Its free. the app on my phone goes everywhere with me and its easy to use the barcode thingy to check calorie counts on things and then log them. I love the community boards here, and I hated the public weigh ins at WW.
  • ElleMay1978
    ElleMay1978 Posts: 8 Member
    I have tried WW - the last time I gained weight. I like the concept of weekly points and free fruit and veg but I tended to eat all my weeklies too fast - struggle for the rest of the week and didn't seem to lose and if I did it was about 1/2 a lb a week! Following MFP I eat about 1500 cals per day and doing this consistently I lose 1 lb per week! Slow but I am happy with this! I always come back to MFP and it's free!