mom of 3 and 8 month twins

amorten1 Posts: 5
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
I need to lose this weight that I have gained from the twins. I am 37, sooo not motivated and hate the way my weight makes me feel. I was always the tall skinny one who could eat whatever and it was ok. After having my first three I weighed 300 lbs and lost it all to slowly gain back a little. Now I weigh 225 and hate it.
We just moved to another state which makes it worse because I know no one and learning a whole new area of where we can go or what we can do. I stay at home with the twins (hope to go to work soon) and because they don't do much at this point I don't either. My daughter is very cranky all the time and to try to walk or take them on a bike ride is very difficult. I then get bored and eat, miss my family and eat. I am a very emotional eater.
That said....I am trying to get my eating under control first - I don't think I eat horribly as I love fruits and veggies - its the quantity of what I eat and eating late at night. I am hoping to slowly see results and get myself on some sort of exercise regime. I want to be the person who loves to run and doesn't look at it as though it's a chore. I used to be very active and being this overweight I feel depressed and when I get depressed I eat then get depressed again.....such a vicious circle.
I welcome any helpful tidbits if you have ever been in the same predicament as I, or just felt like I have. I am hoping this is a new journey and a healthy journey that I will be on in my life now.


  • tgal0218
    tgal0218 Posts: 3
    I feel your pain. I don't have twins, but I have 3 kids and one of them is 1 year old and I am 35 years old. They keep me very busy and I too need to lose a bunch. I eat when I am would think between my FT job, FT school, 3 kids and a husband I wouldn't get bored, but I do. I need to munch and then am not satisfied and then try to eat something else and that doesn't satisfy me. Tha tis my vicious cycle. Email me and we can chat

    I have a feeling we have a lot more in common.
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    I have twins too, and I remember 8 months old was real hard. When they started walking it really got easier for me. I don't have a lot of advice (it isn't until now when they are 2 1/2 that I've started to think about my own diet and health), but I did want to offer you support.

    I do remember we went for a lot of walks and to the mall a lot at that age and places like Target to at least walk.

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    OP, I'm sending you a PM! My boys are nearly 8 months (6 corrected) and I feel like I could have written much of your post myself. Maybe we can motivate each other!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello and welcome. i dont have twins but a 2.5yr old little diva and can sympathise with feeling unhappy about weight gain. ive found mfp very good, ive lost my baby weight and more!
  • amorten1
    amorten1 Posts: 5
    Thanks so much for the support at this stage of the game anything is helpful..... I just want to feel good about myself! Good luck in your journey too!
  • Feel your pain!

    I have twins too (they turned 2 in April) and a 3 years old girl.
  • amorten1
    amorten1 Posts: 5
    Good luck on your journey!
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