Anyone else happy being quite boring with diet

I guess I'm just not a 'foodie' (for example if we are going out my husband will say "oh I wonder what there will be to eat" and I'll say " I wonder who will be there"! ) I just wondered if anyone else was a repetitive quite boring eater ..I have the same breakfast, lunch and snacks each day and just vary the dinner. Lunch changes by the season - salad in summer, soup in winter. Food has just never been a big thing in my life … can anyone relate ?


  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Sort of. I do love food and love trying new things. That being said, I like consistency too lol. Same breakfast and lunch most every day. Same with snacks, though over half my snack calories are coffee lol. Even my dinners are usually the same-ish: pork/chicken, startch, veggie.

    Part of that is that my partner can't eat a lot of foods. Almost no spices either so it limits what I can cook. We play it safe most of the time and choose things we know are good and "safe" for him to eat.

    I also find it a little comforting not having to think too hard about what I'm having for a meal lol.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    I have to admit I do get food bored. "Here is chicken number 4,859,159". So I do look constantly for ways to spice things up and add a different taste to things. Usually that's only dinner though. Typically I'm good with breakfast and lunch being relatively the same.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I am not a creature of habit when it comes to food. I would be happiest eating something different for breakfast, lunch and dinner every meal, every day of the year. Alas, that's not really practical. So breakfast is pretty much the same (porridge generally, going through a granola with Greek yoghurt phase at the moment as a bit warm for hot breakfast!) but all bets are off for lunch and dinner. Can be frustrating actually because I can't ever decide what i want in the supermarket or when I get home and open the fridge. I'd rather be boring!
  • beanjo020297
    beanjo020297 Posts: 16 Member
    I get extremely bored with my food. I enjoy eating out so much because of it (and it's a great way to gain weight
  • jwcanfield
    jwcanfield Posts: 192 Member
    I AM a foodie - which is part of the weight issue. Love recipes calling for extra virgin olive oils, ribs slow smoked on the grill, making and comparing cheesecake recipes, prosciutto in the brussel sprouts, ... . Not good for calorie counting. I can do it but have to be sure that quality is exchanged for quantity. Tightrope.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Big time foodie/aspiring amateur chef here. If I could be happy with the same things over and over, probably wouldn't have been where I was when I started here. As it is, I'm amazed at all that I made it this far (85lbs down).
  • zahra59
    zahra59 Posts: 55 Member
    Food got me here fat and just blah so I wish I had your problem
  • _dixiana_
    _dixiana_ Posts: 3,262 Member
    edited September 2016
    I relate to a lot of what @capaul42 said.

    I eat the same breakfast and lunch for months on end. It's less stressful for me and makes grocery shopping super easy.

    With that said I love food and I love to travel so when I do go out Or travel I don't worry so much about "healthy" but I keep the portions reasonable.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    rosnz wrote: »
    I guess I'm just not a 'foodie' (for example if we are going out my husband will say "oh I wonder what there will be to eat" and I'll say " I wonder who will be there"! ) I just wondered if anyone else was a repetitive quite boring eater ..I have the same breakfast, lunch and snacks each day and just vary the dinner. Lunch changes by the season - salad in summer, soup in winter. Food has just never been a big thing in my life … can anyone relate ?

    If you are content then it is not boring to you.
    I love food. I love cooking. I love trying new things. I love making old favorite recipes. I like planning meals. I think about food a lot.
    I still have the same 5 things for breakfasts or snacks and lunch is salad, sandwich or dinner leftovers. I decide what I am going to eat all day every morning. It is just practical to have a limited selection for some meals. I'm still eating what I like. I can't spend all day in the kitchen cooking and cleaning up even if I love food. I cook something different for dinner almost every day.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I like fine foods. I don't like cooking fine foods, logging fine foods, or messing around in the kitchen for more than 20 minutes. I eat the same things every day. I'll pretty much do it for like...a year, then switch.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    I love food - I love what I choose to eat of a day so I don't feel the need to switch it around. Possibly I just can't be bothered to look into new recipes/products but it works for me! :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Lol, "sort of" and "not really", me too :D

    I love to eat, I look forward to eating, I love to cook and eat my own food, I think it tastes great and is satisfying, but I know it will seem boring to others. I have a semi-set meal plan, but I alternate and rotate components, from what's cheap, tempting and in season - I love to try new ingredients from time to time, even though I mostly stick to my old favorites - so I'll never have the same exact meal twice. I don't fuss when I cook, but I prepare carefully. I use shopping lists, but I am flexible and mostly shop by category. I use recipes only for inspiration and hints.

    I used to think food didn't interest me, but that was because I ate uninteresting foods, and way too much.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I'll be doing that this week. I made a crustless quiche to eat for breakfast this week. For lunch, chicken breast with cilantro avocado dressing, cilantro lime brown rice, and broccoli. For dinner/post-workout, a protein shake. All foods I enjoy plus it's cheap and convenient and will keep my calories consistent.
  • jolybac
    jolybac Posts: 130 Member
    I can relate. I don't get excited about food. Just a means to an end (keeping me alive!). I pretty much eat the same stuff all the time and have to work at changing things up when cooking for the family. Cooking & eating are kind of a hassle. Candy is a different story. Candy is why I'm fat.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Yes/no. I eat the same lunch everyday and a lot of the same foods in general. However I do love to cook and make different meals and when I go out to eat I want good & interesting foods.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    My husband is like you. Can eat whatever- and have the same things everyday. Then some people just care about me.

    At breakfast Im wondering what will be for dinner. I cant eat "whatever" just to be full. I have to like it.
    I like eating and eating a variety of things. I dont mind a few staples but when its time to eat I do a happy dance.
    And I dont care who is at the party (not literally) - I want to know whats to eat and what I can bring! LOL.

    I WISH I didnt care so much and could just eat whatever to be full.... So my challenge was to find things that excite me that fit into my calorie goal that I can eat often, that wont burn me out, and also allowed me to feed my family. :)
  • Derpy_Hooves
    Derpy_Hooves Posts: 234 Member
    Not really, no. There's a reason I was fat at one time, and it wasn't because I wasn't interested in food.

    Unfortunately same for me.
    Mind you, at the moment I do pretty much eat the same all the time, simply because it's easier.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I found while trying to lose weight, consistency made it easier. You knew what to buy at the store, you knew what to prep. It was easy when I single, but now I have to think of what my BF might want in the house. Consistancy is easier when you aren't forcing others to be consistant...LOL I'm sure if he wanted something else that badly he'd go to the store and buy it and make it, but it's my "job" to do the cooking and grocery shopping. I don't think he should have to comply to my diet, so I work around it...