
Why do you workout? Is it to better yourself? Improve your health? Is it a challenge you are competing in? Are you trying to compete in a show? Are you proving something to someone? Is it your stress reliever? What gets you motivated to go to the gym? We all have those long days that seem to drag on. After work and daily activities what gives you that extra "oomph" to go to the gym?


  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I like cardio because it makes me stronger and healthier. The endorphin rush isn't bad, either. Working out for it's own sake isn't enough for me though. I have to enjoy it. So I run outdoors or bounce around in Zumba. I sign up for races and charity runs. I have a mountain or two in my sights I'd like to climb.

    The only competition that matters is the one I have with myself.
  • hectoribarra4
    hectoribarra4 Posts: 2 Member
    To complete an empty chapter
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,207 Member
    To get my body healthier and stronger, and to eat more.
  • Alienique
    Alienique Posts: 122 Member
    To look good and be different. Too many people are unhappy with their bodies and I refuse to be one of them.
  • KevinYoukillus
    KevinYoukillus Posts: 206 Member
    I go to the gym because I made a decision to go every day, regardless. Even if I just spend 30 minutes on an elliptical, at least I am there. I never know what workout I'm going to do, or how strong I feel, until I'm there at the machines, selecting weight. Some days I think I'm gonna do awesome, and I come out flat and uninspired, and some days I think are gonna suck and then I pull out great sets and advance my rep max. When I go to the gym, it's like a box of chocolates... I never know what I'm gonna get.

    The important thing is to go, to keep the momentum of going, if not always building my own body, at least building my relationships with the gym and the people in it. Friend request sent. You are smoking hot, by the way.
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    A number of reasons, I like to feel good, I like to look good, I like the feeling of challenging myself, at the moment I have a much different reason, I was involved in a serious road accident 18 months ago, long story but I stopped breathing 6 times, I've had to learn to walk again, bone grafts throughout my left leg and calf muscle replacement, this feeling is just awful, I've gone from being superfit to a wobbly mess, the last 18 months has been the biggest challenge of my life but in 6 weeks I've been given the go ahead to start running again, I'm doing this for life believe me I just want to feel alive again
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    1. For health. I struggle with high blood pressure and exercise helps me keep it down. There are also a number of other health benefits to exercising.

    2. To feel good. Exercising regularly keeps me from feeling stiff and sore or winded when I go to regular life things and I actually enjoy it!

    3. To be strong. I love weight lifting and I love how strong my body is getting. I like being able to pick things up and move them without struggle or needing help.

    4. To manage anxiety. I have long struggled with anxiety and one of the ways I manage it without medication is by using exercise. It helps mellow me out and keep me calm when I'm feeling anxious.

    5. I just like being active! I enjoy bike riding, weight lifting, jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, walking, swimming, hiking and a bunch of other "exercise" type activities.

    6. The challenge. I like trying new things and challenging myself to new levels in the activities I already do. If I'm biking I want to go further or ride a more challenging course. If I'm doing Jiu Jitsu (which I JUST started!) I want to learn, grow and be able to start holding my own when we're rolling. If I'm running I want to be able to go farther, faster. Weight lifting obviously I want to be able to lift heavier! I like having a 250-pound dead lift! Makes me feel like a bad @$$! :smile:
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Because I like being strong.
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I enjoy it. It definitely helps me look and feel better, but at this point I enjoy it for the sake of working out. I'm not saying there aren't days when I'd prefer to just do something else, but it has slowly become a habit.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    I used to exercise to be fit and I was actually quite fit. I have neither the stamina nor the energy anymore but I try to exercise as much as I can, focusing more on heavyish weight lifting to keep the strength I have. I try to keep up as much of a regimen as possible to not just be a lazy lump.
  • zoritt
    zoritt Posts: 68 Member
    I exercise for several reasons...for the health benefits, it reduces my stress levels especially after a rough day at work, I sleep better , to set a good example for my 5yo son and of course to look good :smile:
  • terenceadavenport4265
    Perform better as a Soldier. I also love to see what's possible with hard work. When you set goals and achieve those goals the feeling is amazing.